This is why i hate organaized religion...

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May 17, 2003
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Hi guys havent posted a thread here in ages, but i stumbled accross this video today and its the most ridicilous yet disturbing thing i can possibly think of. Its pure child abuse! But I think this has great debate value. Check it out!

and while on the subject i like to promote this series of videos called The Foundational Falsehood of Creationism. Really great stuff, really impressive how well he puts his point! I started watching the first one and was hooked! Check it out (even you religious freaks out there, might teach you something :P)!

(btw sorry for bad language, i havent posted in a english speaking forum in like forever :D)
Couldn't even get half-way through that.

Does anyone else see the self-defeating logic that the only way creationists can dispel things like evolution and science and, well, reason is to try and bring them down to their level? "It can't be proven 100%, therefore it's a leap of faith just like creationism!" Yeah... but if we're using that analogy, evolution is more like a crack in the sidewalk whereas creationism is the grand canyon.

Yes the same grand canyon that God managed to flood in FIVE SECONDS.
You love unorganized religion?

You crazy bastard. WHAT HAVEYOU DONE
but jesus says love thy neighbour other words you're forced to love me whether you want to or not ..also if I slap you you MUST turn the other cheek

so give me all your lunch money and tell me you love me, or so god help me I'll slap you again forcing you to turn the other cheek ...

I'm kidding ..but seriously dont take everything so ..seriously. The video brings up a lot of valid points ..and it's also nowhere near as offensive as it could be
i dont get you can you watch that and not be convinced?

projectile vomiting in 3...
It's seriously not like Creationism hurts anyone. It's not like scientology. So JUST LEAVE BRIT- I MEAN CREATIONISM ALONE!
I don't make threads all the time questioning atheism or posting religous stuff, so why can't you just shut up? Or at least just make a seperate thread where you guys can talk about this, so every day I don't go onto the Lounge and see 'This is why religion sucks, lawl.'.
also, dinosaurs are God's dinosaurs! RAWR
I don't hate the religious, I hate the fundamentalists who base their ideals purely on creationism.

The extremism bothers me, not the moderate.

"is that likely? no, everybody say it with me noooo, hehe" *punches guy in the face*
I think we can't take the Bible literally. The universe definately wasn't created in 7 days, that's for sure. Most of the old testament is shrouded in mystery.. the new testement is much more straight forward.
It's seriously not like Creationism hurts anyone. It's not like scientology. So JUST LEAVE BRIT- I MEAN CREATIONISM ALONE!

what the hell do you mean it doesnt hurt anyone? those kids will functionally retarded in society ..I mean the veryt second they enter the real world they'll be engulfed by all the lies they've been force fed over the years ..this really is tantamount to abuse ...not too mention things like doing away with abortion, same sex marriage, religion in public schools etc etc

I don't make threads all the time questioning atheism

what's to question? it's up to you to prove god exists, not us ..get back to us when you have solid evidence, till then you'll have to put up with people ripping religious ideology a new hole

or posting religous stuff, so why can't you just shut up?

Or at least just make a seperate thread where you guys can talk about this, so every day I don't go onto the Lounge and see 'This is why religion sucks, lawl.'.
also, dinosaurs are God's dinosaurs! RAWR

no there is no dinosaurs according to christianity, that was just tacked on later so as to not appear stupid ..witness the groups trying to rationalise it by putting dinosaurs on the ****ing ark ..and then you ask why we ridicule creationists ..BECAUSE THEY MAKE IT SO EASY

you wouldnt have said a word had I ridiculed people who still believe in santa claus, I dont see why people who believe in religious fairy tales should be exempt from the same treatment
i don't know, it really depends what sort of creationism acepilot is talking about, there are the kind that believe in evolution guided by a deity, and then there are the fundamentalists who remove evolution all together, IE: the people in the video.
Whoever said dinosaurs were on the ark are definately stupid. That's just completely wrong. And you say they'll function retardedly in society? That is true for all people, everyone was brought up differently. I was brought up as a Christian, and function fine. ZT was brought up as a Catholic, and functions a bit.. strangely, but still, fine. I don't know what changed me, but, surprisingly, this forum's attempts to change everyone to non-theists just made me want to hold on more. The only way to force people to change to atheism is to go on a crusade of some sort, and when you do that, you'll have come down to the Catholic's level of reasoning. That's when you're doomed. Live and let live.
I wasn't really able to watch the video since I have no sound, but removing evolution all together is pretty false. I'd say the point that The first day would be the Big Bang, the second day is the evolution of the sun and Earth, and the previous suns, and so on. It is those stupid people who try and falsify proven theories, and that's where you get the easiness of making fun of them. I understand, but it's still unclear. We only have a small picture. We'll never have the big picture in our life time, and when we have the chance too, it'll be too late anyways.
I think you'll find that Sun Tzu bought two of every animal with his fight money and then herded them onto a boat to beat the crap out of each one.

That's how it really happened. I know because I was there.
Well Sun Tzu rocks, don't being him in here!
I read a part of The Art of War.
I don't think I've ever heard dinosaurs mentioned in church, so I have no idea on my church's stance on it.

My stance, however, is DINOSAURS **** YEAH

maybe they weren't on the ark 'cuz THEY'D EAT THAT SHIT YEAH
Duplicate thread tbh.

Plus, we really need another religious debate thread with a borderline inflammatory title.
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