This is why I like Kotaku


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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Mike Fahey from Kotaku has written an article about gaming addiction. His own addiction more specifically. Long read but worth it imo. Also check the comments. It is a massive coming out.
Wow, that was an amazing read. I've done some things like that....not to that degree, but like that in general. Recently, for reasons I don't want to quite get into, I've had some changes in what I like to do. Games aren't really something I like to do so much, even drinking as suffered my fate of "That is boring..". I hope I keep on this track, and can do some other things more constructive with my time......but we will see what my motivation does......
Wow, quite a powerful article. I'm fortunate enough to have never gone to those depths, but it serves as a good reminder of what can happen when we let ourselves go...
I quite like the regulars at Kotaku, I read it addictively. I particularly like Owen Good and Mike Fahey. Great and moving read.
Great read.

I'm still on the controller 16 hours a day tho :(
Wow, that's a very powerful article... Just goes to show how bad some things can get.
Reading this, I feel like I should keep track of how many hours I spend gaming in a week to make sure I don't devote too much of my time to video games.
That was a good article, thanks for posting.
So I guess I'm going to be the guy that says that it was a fairly average article that it wasn't particularly interesting, entertaining, or informative?
So I guess I'm going to be the guy that says that it was a fairly average article that it wasn't particularly interesting, entertaining, or informative?

Eh, you're kinda right, I was expecting something a bit more, it was quite predictable and average, though you can't ask much from a true story.
Got his woman playing Peggle too, surefire winner.

Reminds me, my girlfriend's coming over later - need to show her Peggle. Best game for non-gamers ever.
I just quickly read through the article, sorta skimmed through it, but I got the jist of it, and sadly identify myself a lot in it. Although I'm not into MMOs, I often find myself being unable to control my gaming needs, and this leading to my relationships to my friends etc suffering greatly because I find myself unable to ever take the time to hang out with'em.

Sadly we have no proper game addiction treatment centers here in Sweden yet afaik, only ones we have are aimed at internet-poker addicts and so forth.
Wow that was quite hard hitting. I've never gotten that bad but jeese I feel quite bad for him now. Its because of **** like that why I would never play an MMO
Sadly, the times when I got close to doing it was with EVE....Like I said before, it's not near that extreme, but close enough for me.
Yes, because that is all there is to do in EVE....