This just in:

This just in: I AGREE!!! WOOO!!! now.. off to bed to get 4 hours of sleep to go to school.
Not working for you guys?

Its working for most..
All this talk of Half-Life 2... I think I might go and play some Wolfenstein 3D...
Lol, I bought the full version of Wolfenstein 3D just the other day, I'd only ever played the shareware version.
f|uke said:
Its working for most..

It's only been 1 hour since unlocking began, how can you possibly know this?
And the fact that this software error exists at all after 6 years of development is ****ing incredible.
Quartz Botanica said:
Lol, I bought the full version of Wolfenstein 3D just the other day, I'd only ever played the shareware version.

Who needs Half-Life 2 and it's fancy hoo-has and doo-dads? While these young whippersnappers are blowing away the combine... I'll be gunning down some nazis, oldschool style. Pixellated you say? NONSENSE!
CR0M said:
It's only been 1 hour since unlocking began, how can you possibly know this?
And the fact that this software error exists at all after 6 years of development is ****ing incredible.
Because not many people are complaining. On IRC, hundreds of people left at midnight and never came back.
hey f|uke is yours working? I haven't tried mine yet..waiting for HL:S to finish DL'ing :D
Mine worked straight away, no problems at all - although for some reason it refers to Half Life 2 as Half Life '. This is beyond my comprehension, but the game works - looks like a corrupt font install :(
f|uke said:
Because not many people are complaining. On IRC, hundreds of people left at midnight and never came back.

They were probably struggling to get the thing to work. The top two thirds of the forum is swamped with bug threads.
T.H.C.138 said:
hey f|uke is yours working? I haven't tried mine yet..waiting for HL:S to finish DL'ing :D
Yah I've been playing for two hours now,. real slow though so maybe only an hour of gameplya

time for me to turn in. i have school tomorrow!

man. midnight. what a time to turn it on. I'm freakin tired!
Of course there are lots of bug threads. Most of the people on here are those few who it doesn't work for. Everyone else is off playing it. So of course you're going to hear a lot from the unfortunate minority. With a game like this, they're going to be really vocal.
The game owns. No problems. everything is badass. Only the people with problems are left in the forum... everyone is playing, because it OWNS.

Now time to start that essay.
** edit, looks like Brian and Tyro summed it up well.

HL2 does pwn all.

Best Game Ever.
No doubt it's great when it works, but saying everyone it works for is playing it so much to be able to post doesn't quite add up as you're all here saying how great it is and not.. actually.. playing it.
CR0M said:
No doubt it's great when it works, but saying everyone it works for is playing it so much to be able to post doesn't quite add up as you're all here saying how great it is and not.. actually.. playing it.
I'm just on my way to bed. And I'm an exception to the rule. Believe me, tomorrow the forums are going to be raging with praise.
I haven't got it. And I'm only seeing sporadic posts from those who do.

F|uke, I think, may be too tired to enjoy it properly, so he's just posting about it until he goes to sleep. Is that correct, F|uke?

[EDIT]: Yup. It was.
Brian Damage said:
F|uke, I think, may be too tired to enjoy it properly, so he's just posting about it until he goes to sleep. Is that correct, F|uke?
Yes,. and I have school tomorrow (argh),. and i want to be well rested to play tomorrow.


It was worth the wait.
No problems here. I just got done playing for 3 hours straight... best game ever. That wsa the best 3 hours of gaming I have ever seen. The guys are SMART. The game is is well thought out. Lots of neat puzzles. Graphics, SOUND, gameplay balance, story... just wow!!

I am taking a break because I am TIRED and got to a point with a ton of action at a transition, so good time to stop.