This maybe the Combines true identity



Now I have beaten HL2 2 times but had to change my harddrive and I dont have a screenshot of this but go to highway 17. Once you get to the part with the comine soldier on the big billboard you know you are close. Once you kill everyon in the area there will be a car with a plug hooked up to disconnect the energy shield to get past this part. To the far left of that is a gated area with a big gasonlene looking tank inside. You have to go to the left of this area where the gate is slightly bentand put some objects there to jump over it. Once you do look around in there and there should be a picture behind the tank. The picture maybe who the combine truely are. I am not going to tell you what it is so you can see it for yourself. I am not sure if you have to beat the game first before this picture shows up but it makes perfect since if you look at it logically. Make sure you look around everyspot in that gated area before leaving that part.
I thought it was well-known that the Combine (well, the Overwatch at least) are stalkers with gasmasks and those uniforms on.
I thought it was well-known that the Combine (well, the Overwatch at least) are stalkers with gasmasks and those uniforms on.

Indeed it is.

The true identity of the combine lies within the Advisor. Or at least thats what we think.
Scotsman said:
I thought it was well-known that the Combine (well, the Overwatch at least) are stalkers with gasmasks and those uniforms on.
They're not stalkers. Stalkers are sub-human slaves - they're the opposite of the soldiers which are a new age of humanity, bio-modified and all that jazz.

You can see both on a security screen in Nova Prospekt:
the one on the right is the true form of the Combine soldier. My guess is that Metrocops are just plain humans before all that modification and that Elites are several steps beyond that (probably not able to exist without their "shell")
Yeah, I get the feeling the Elites don't even have human eyes anymore. If the Soldiers have been altered to the point where their entire midsection has been replaced and they have those ports in their necks and torsos, imagine what the Elites must look like.
The big red eye is situated so you couldn't see a thing if you still had two eyes. They definately are altered.
The big red eye is situated so you couldn't see a thing if you still had two eyes. They definately are altered.

I agree that they no longer have eyes, but just to play devil's advocate, perhaps the big red eye goes to cameras that go to screens in front of their real eyes?
You just wasted half an hour of my time. That graffiti is found EVERYWHERE in the game. And you know, it's really not all that interesting.
yes thats true, that tag can be found in the SDK if u were really smart.

Organs removed! ugghh! maybe they are just malnourished. I went out with girls who were that thin hahaha!

i think the combine are ****ed up. and if gordon was smart, he would have killed breen and replaced his position with a big fat nuke. that woulda sorted them damn combine out.
I still say that those 'autopsy combine' models look EXACTLY like the lead singer from Smashing Pumpkins.
and if gordon was smart, he would have killed breen and replaced his position with a big fat nuke.

And when did he get a chance to do that, in game? If I recal correctly, you spend the last sequence in the game trying to kill Breen and cause a huge explosion at the same time.
I think freeman could be one thoughs things.... i mean mabe hes the only one that cant be controled/programed by the aliens...... He cant talk, look at himself in the mirror etc. He just kills everything like hes a super soldier. I dont think they really want him dead.....its like in resident evil 2 testing nemsis on there own soldiers, if they really wanted him dead because hes such a threat they would of destroyed city 17 or completley destroyed where ever he was.... And i know it sounds extreme but they know what hes capable of from black mesa.
Grafetti! I have only found this picture in one location and I told you it and I also was playing CSS and found it in a custom map since I didnt feel like going back to the game and going through all of, and if you found it in another spot tell me so I can go back and look because I have beat the game 3 times and only found it once.

You dont understand......i have seen that on these forms too many times and ive been here 2 weeks -_- . It is not ground breaking news....
i've seen that grafitti spray SOOOOOO many times, it's on the walls in city17, its everwhere

dont ell me its in the game just one time
OMFG however started this thread im sorry ur getting flamed but you should check other threads before starting a new one BTW uve beaten it 2 time and havent realized (without the graffiti) that they are called COMBINE because they aare a COMBINATION of something and someone needs to close this thread NOW
The Combine is just the name given to them by the resistance because they are combination of human and combine machinery. Breen says their real name, the Universal Unity Force or something like that.
Wilsonator said:
The Combine is just the name given to them by the resistance because they are combination of human and combine machinery. Breen says their real name, the Universal Unity Force or something like that.

Dr. Breen
"Now that I have you in my custody I can control any negotiations I care to make with the Combine"
Or something like that.
The Universal Union is just what he calles it to sugar-coat it.
Doesn't he say something on the lines of "..which lesser minds refer to as being the Combine." Maybe Combine is just a name humanity gave them.
Blakeb155 said:
Doesn't he say something on the lines of "..which lesser minds refer to as being the Combine." Maybe Combine is just a name humanity gave them.
Most likely. Breen calls them the Combine as well, but he also refers to them as the "Benefactors" and, during the revolution, "The Universal Union".

"Combine" could either imply that they are combining races into theirself, or "combine" as in the big thing that harvests crops. That would imply that the Combine are harvesting resources from planets. By "Benefactors", I think Breen's just trying to make people feel less angry and afraid of the Combine. He's trying to tell humanity that they're here to help (which they are not!) And by "Universal Union", I think Breen's just trying to make them sound like Gods. It's interesting how he says: "... that small minds call the Combine" - yet he himself calls them the Combine.
Originally posted by sfc_hoot
It's interesting how he says: "... that small minds call the Combine" - yet he himself calls them the Combine.

That's because Breen is small minded.

But on a serious note, i think its meant to be a hitch on breen's part.
There name is the Combine. Breen even calls them that. The other names are used to make them sound like good-guys.
Breen probably calls them that so citizens can understand who he's talking about.
Blakeb155 said:
Breen probably calls them that so citizens can understand who he's talking about.
It wouldn't take Einstein to work it out. Even if he called them "super-cool intergalactic invaders" the Citizens would eventually work it out. Like ríomhaire says, by avoiding the term "Combine", Breen is trying to make them sound like good guys. "Combine" seems to be pretty technical, as Breen himself uses it (yet he thinks it's a term that small-minds use). :LOL:
SoldierofFortune said:
Grafetti! I have only found this picture in one location and I told you it and I also was playing CSS and found it in a custom map since I didnt feel like going back to the game and going through all of, and if you found it in another spot tell me so I can go back and look because I have beat the game 3 times and only found it once.


i was in that server :)
The chemical agent introduced to the water supply makes people suffer long-term memory loss, so if Breen makes them seem like good guys people will forget the past and assume that the combine have improved the conditions of living from something worse than what it is currently.
What they're called varies but the meaning's the same. The name varied for propaganda purpose, I reckon. As for "Dr. Breen's Private Reserves" that was a very devious ploy to make us subdue to combine's authority completely. I dont know whether Breen's tricked into believing that the combine is doing good or he is just a normal bad guy/crazy scientist.
Err, is there acually any proof that the water makes you forget, besides the fact that the one guy in the begining says so? I mean, he does look and sound pretty crazy. And none of the others seem to forget past memories.
I bet Gabe Newell is pretty happy with having forum-goers finish the HL story for him.
Gabe Newell has very little do to with it, you mean Marc Laidlaw