This only applys to Brits

May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Where about in the UK do you live? Just curious really.

I live in a town called Stalybridge (AKA Staly-vegas) which is about 10 miles east of Manchester. Just at the base of the pennines.
Faversham (AKA Chavversham) [those nearby will know why that is the case) near Canterbury in Kent... :P
Stereotype war!

Posh cockney scum!

You and you're high prices. Think you're soooo good.

Just curious. Do you really think its grim up north? Because that seem to be the feeling i get whenever i go south. Anyway, its a well know fact that people in the north are generally better than southeners anyway.
Down by Brighton :)
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Where about in the UK do you live? Just curious really.

I live in a town called Stalybridge (AKA Staly-vegas) which is about 10 miles east of Manchester. Just at the base of the pennines.

I hate to be left out. I live in the former British colony of Virginia! :D
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow

Just curious. Do you really think its grim up north? .

Nope, all the times ive been north, I thought it was great :).... I like ur accents :P
that would be really strange..... every1 would be like "wtf are you???" we'd have to have signs or badges with our names on... :P

fun idea tho :E
Couldn't have guessed ;)

And if we did have a UK meet, I wouldn't need a badge. I'd just walk around locking doors and editing what people are saying.
does that mean I'd edit what people say into sarcastic remarks, change their name tag to "Banned by StarMonkey" then kill them?
Originally posted by Zerimski
Couldn't have guessed ;)

And if we did have a UK meet, I wouldn't need a badge. I'd just walk around locking doors and editing what people are saying.

Haha. That was prestty funny. It would be quite cool to meat everyone from here acctually. What is it aobut our accents that is good? Do you mean "local" accents like Royston Vasey (League of Genteman) Or manchester/liverpool type accents?
Originally posted by StarMonkey
does that mean I'd edit what people say into sarcastic remarks, change their name tag to "Banned by StarMonkey" then kill them?

Not UK here, but had to share something interesting. When i was on a work trip to London I decided to take the train up to Inverness and spend four days driving around the countryside.

From talking to people along the trip I found the Brits and Scots treated the northmost end (particularly towards Wick) of Scotland like US do deep southerners and the Appalachians. I was told their language is so accented that even Scottish can't understand them, they talked about them being backwater(rednecks), intermarrying. Funny how similar.

I've got a pretty horrible ear for accents. Can't hear through them for crap. I was in Huntly and stopped n a pub asked if they were serving dinner (it was a little early). A very nice woman gave me a fairly long answer. I said thanks and left. I hadn't understood a single word she spoke. To this day..while I assume it was english... she could have been speaking a foreign language. I was too embarassed to ask her to repeat herself.

Had a great time up there.
Lol thats really funny :D:D:D the south is posh hahaahah its completely the opposite Mob rule!!! I also live in Faversham after long years of stalking Mrbadger
ARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH he's followed me here :eek:


hmmmm, a uk meet would be funny... with me posting rather shall we say pointless polls and Zerimski fixing them :p
I live in Lincoln, it's oh so exciting

*Edit* A guy got shot in the head here nine days ago over a garden hedge
My towns just Suicide central :(...
One of my mates just lost 2 of his mates to it, in the same week ;(

It quite sad, your doing well If you don't find a body when walking through the local park....

* Stone sits a weeps slightly before regaining composture and going onto read a dif thread to cheer himself up
Originally posted by Murray_H
*Edit* A guy got shot in the head here nine days ago over a garden hedge

Is that because of a garden hedge, or did the bullet have to travel over the top of the hedge to enter the mans head?
Originally posted by Murray_H
I live in Lincoln, it's oh so exciting

*Edit* A guy got shot in the head here nine days ago over a garden hedge


/me backs slowly away from murray

Should go to a place called aston - under - lyne. Its been dubbed the "crime capitol" of Tameside. It has a worse crime rate than all the other parts of Tameside put together. Theres been quite a few shootings there lately.

I think Britain is cool in general really. Id have to say its better here than anywhere else Ive been. Of course i would say that being as its the country i was born in, but i really think that Britain has something that other countries don't. What that is I'm not sure.

So its "mob" rule in the south eh? I still think you are all posh pansies. :)
rofl, calm down kiddies, havent you had your juice or something ? hehe
Is that because of a garden hedge, or did the bullet have to travel over the top of the hedge to enter the mans head?

ROFL... Good point care to elaborate any more.?
damn... I missed this thread!

Sheffield here. Home of Sean bean, Deaf leopard and hendersons relish!