this preload is dumb

I do not view this as an argument, simply a healthy debate.

It's about time something more interesting than "omg HL2 PerLOaz!!" or "where are you going to buy HL2!!!11" was posted here don't you think? I'm in no way getting heated up over this. I'm just having an interesting discussion with another forum member. That's what this place is for right?
-=[Diablo]=-, nothing personal or anything, but you're a moron, let Gabe do what he thinks is right, I'm sure he knows a hell of a lot more then you do.
Please close this thread mods, tooo much flaming for no reason
I see one flame and the rest is discussion. It may be "intense" for lack of a better word, but it isn't flaming. If you don't wish to read our discussion then just don't come back to this thread.
Listen my theory is that the costs of potential piracy far outweigh the potential loss of limiting potential sales market to customers with internet access as the market for the game has a very high percentage of active internet users.

Piracy prevention as a benefit is especially important if you are trying to get others onboard to user your subscribtion method (steam) and engine (source)

It is a good dollars and cents business decision if you can effectively handle the negative spin that will be created by people opposed to the idea either because they want to bootleg the game or they truly want the product, but won't be able to access it because of your distribution method. But I believe the downside COULD BE effectively managed and will eventually be a none issue if the current trends continue.
I have to agree with kaellinn18. There's no way VAVLe can alienate people who do not have connections to the internet. They are going to sell a lot of copies of this game because of the single-player aspect, and its true, not a lot of people have internet. Also, I can guarantee you that, even IF it was required to activate your copy, crackers would find a way around it. I think the best anti-pirating policy that VALVe can follow is one similar to the BF1942 system: duplicate CD-key, if found, is banned from the master server. There is no way to effectively control people without internet connections that can't be easily circumvented.
Stryyder said:
Listen my theory is that the costs of potential piracy far outweigh the potential loss of limiting potential sales market to customers with internet access as the market for the game has a very high percentage of active internet users.

Piracy prevention as a benefit is especially important if you are trying to get others onboard to user your subscribtion method (steam) and engine (source)

It is a good dollars and cents business decision if you can effectively handle the negative spin that will be created by people opposed to the idea either because they want to bootleg the game or they truly want the product, but won't be able to access it because of your distribution method. But I believe the downside COULD BE effectively managed and will eventually be a none issue if the current trends continue.

If current trends continue, then, yes, I absolutely agree with you. The problem is that I don't believe we've yet reached the saturation point where implementing something like that wouldn't have noticable negative financial consequences for Valve.
Mr-Fusion said:
Only a very small percentage of people who play hl2 would have been exposed to spoilers beforehand. Very small percentage and usually they were actively looking for spoilers.

Though knowing a script is hardly going to ruin the experience. I'd read the LOTR trilogy twice before seeing the films, i knew the story inside out, yet the films were the most enjoyable i've ever seen in my life. There's much more to a computer game experience than a few script points.

Well said, fusion.

Big deal if you know the story - I know a couple of spoilers myself - but just knowing will not have the same kind of emotion on me when actually hearing those dailogues in-game with atmosphere and expressions.LOTR or Harry potter books came way before the films - but even though so many people know about the "script" they still watch the movie.
I think the main problem with the pre-load is that as soon as they make a CD-key gen you can get that and your nice new free copy of HL2.

I don't know how they think they will stop this? It's a skill a lot of people have honed. They just need the Real CD's some time and **BAMB** they got a million CD keys.

Seems dumb. Anyone know how they will stop this ?
wonkers said:
I think the main problem with the pre-load is that as soon as they make a CD-key gen you can get that and your nice new free copy of HL2.

I don't know how they think they will stop this? It's a skill a lot of people have honed. They just need the Real CD's some time and **BAMB** they got a million CD keys.

Seems dumb. Anyone know how they will stop this ?

I'm missing the part where this is any different from the current warez?
Stryyder said:
1) learn to read

2)The world factbook number you quoted is just the U.S. and user with access my number is active users in June world wide. Is 300 million potetnial customers to small of a customer base?

3) Champ is a condescending term. I am 34 years old the only one that can call me champ without being condescending is my 66 year old father.

Stop the goddamn flaming people, I'm also human! :E :E