This seemingly simple flash game is amusing

Seems you can't, I was under the impression the game had some sort of "Friends" system :(
It does.

Also, trying to learn how to wall jump well. A couple of the levels are super simple if you learn how.

To play with us get in game and type /room 7

(Second english server only)
**** this game is addictive as hell, how am I supposed to be able to play other games!?

I'll play more tomorrow. Technically we can make our own room if enough of us get on at once.
My duel with Higlac was goddamn funny.

Sixteenth... been playing for the past hour. This is addicting as all hell.

Edit: In room 7 on 2nd server btw.

Edit2: Goddamn I suck at Shaman.
Apparently people don't like Garg's sociopolitical commentaries <3
Indeed, can't believe they votebanned me for calling capitalism and socialism equally bad if let run unrestricted.:(

Numbers, they're obviously enemies of democracy, and socialists, you must do your duty and kill them!
Lol indeed.

This game's fun, especially when you get to SHAMAN DUEL
I am getting too good at this game.

I did the level where you have to spirit jump mice over the pit nearly flawlessly as shaman.
Found this picture on reddit.

Haha that's an awesome picture!

The Anvil God looks angry.
I like to anoy everyone else as shaman
and them the bumbasses ban me
I don't kill everyone as shaman, just the idiots that won't go in the hole.
Wish I could try it out. F**king dial-up. :(

A couple of my favorite flash games are Dad-n-me and Mystery Of Time And Space. I wish the creators would release sequels to some of these internet classics.
Dad-n-Me is a classic, Dad is that character who is purple and wears a skimask right?

If so I think they've made two or three other games with him.
I had never played Dad-n-Me or MOTAS until today. MOTAS is taking up so much of my time at Work, it's great! :p
I've never heard of MOTAS until now, I generally suck at point-and-click games though.
The story of MOTAS sort of reminds me of Portal. Your a test subject in some kind of research facility and your goal is to escape the complex. It is a point-and-click game, but I loved the premise and execution.

Dad-n-Me is a beat-em' up style game where your dad drops you off at the park to "play" ha ha. The final boss, Sunchips was actually kind of tough too.

Also look up Divine Intervention. Your a priest stuck in a post apocalyptic rapture tasked with the duty of cleansing the world of the possessed. The South Park style animation and gore is pretty funny.

Xiao Xiao No.9 is an old school style arcade shooter with stick men. Pretty cool that one. lol
Oh man! I played Divine Intervention like must have been 6 or 7 years ago, I think I was around 13 or 14 years old.

Aaah.. Nostalgia.