this sheeeit be funny

you seen it before?

Subliminal messages?
yea, that ws funny, in a way.

I guesss ... lol, runs and hides.....
Damnit i hate those things...i felt it comin and was like nah that guy is too cool to pull one of those on me so i relaxed..then when it happened my heart almost jumped out of my chest. I'll never fall for one of those again.
LOL, man, I've seen that three times now and it still makes me jump.
EEK! f*ckin' same thing here...

every time i think i'm safe... but noooooooooooooo *jumps outta' skin*
WTF!!@!@! I hated that! I think I wet my self! OMG, my heart is still racing!!! :eek:

I Should have seen it coming...

btw, you should add a warning:
Not for the faint of heart
High blood presser
Heart related problems...etc...

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I'm showing this to my little bro, already got my dad with one :D