This Siberia game..


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I can't remember the name of this game, I was thinking of buying it a while ago and forgot, but I just remembered the game, but not the name, can anyone help me out?

The reason I was thinking of the game and not the name is because I seen a review of it on X-Play, it was like Myst, except you were like a caveman type guy in nomad times, you had to survive or something.. It was mostly puzzle, but there was a few battles. It's a relatively recent game, like maybe 2005-2007. I'm pretty sure it took place in Siberia, or had the word Siberia in the title somewhere..

Anyone know what game I'm thinking of?
Syberia is probably one of my favorite games of all time. Certainly my favorite adventure game since the days of Myst. Amazing environments / puzzles / story / immersion / art. I wish it saw more attention, it was truly a worthy game.

Of course, in Syberia you play as a woman and solve puzzles, so it may not be the game you're thinking of at all.



That was the only thing I could think of as well. Both 1 & 2 are a couple of the better adventure titles to come out in recent years. Great puzzles, great graphics, great story, great acting, few to no bugs (unlike Paradise).
I've played through the first, it was great. Got stuck at a few points and had to use a guide. It's up there with Sam & Max: Hit The Road.
Well, I recently discovered that there are a lot of adventure games out there. The genre is not dead. Paradise, The Moment Of Silence, Overclocked, The Lost Crown, Tunguska, Dracula Origins and many others. The Penumbra series is really good, and the whole setting seems to be a Half-Life rip off, with puzzles and no shooting. I am rejoicing.
lol, it's funny you should mention Penumbra, I finished 'Overture' (the free to download one), then 'got' the next retail one, Penumbra: Black Plague, and am currently playing through that. Really good game, imo. Spooky, too.

I'll have to check out that Dracula one.. I'm a sucker for scary games. I don't even like being scared, but it seems the innovative/fun ones are ALWAYS scary ones.. Actually kind of pisses me off. I'd like to enjoy these things without having to shit bricks.
lol, it's funny you should mention Penumbra, I finished 'Overture' (the free to download one), then 'got' the next retail one, Penumbra: Black Plague, and am currently playing through that. Really good game, imo. Spooky, too.

Yes, Black Plague is a great, creepy game. August 27th is the release date for Requiem, the third chapter of the series.
By the way, it's very refreshing visiting Frictional Games site and reading comments of the developer talking about algorithms, tests, new technical ideas and so on. He even listens to gamers advices. Little indie companies can bring great ideas to life.
I'm currently just out of the sewers and out of the little office you get to, and in the halls.

Creepy as **** I don't even want to play, but I do anyways, because it's so good.
Which game is this you're talking about, Dog? I'm gonna have to check it out.