This site frightens me... what about you?

Sep 27, 2003
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Well, it does. I found it while searching for a song (MrBadger's song from the song lyrics thread).

It's called

I sure hope those dudes are taking the piss...

Your thoughts?
Holy crap that guy has messed up opinions. My guess is that he was rejected early in his childhood and was chained to wall in the sewer..
How he got his crap on the internet is a mystery to me, but hey nowadays even the sewers got hotspots..
There's tons of stuff like that in the www.

Everyone has a site these days.

There are 3 theories about this guy. Either he thinks he's funny(maddox), has mental problems or both.
It is kind of frightening that people with these kind of thoughts exist, I mean:

"the kith and kin of unfortunate individuals whose lives are completely worthless because they are crippled, retarded, or both..."

is just the tip of the iceberg of what this person is saying.

Yes I'm all for free speech but in some cases we should get medieval again
get medievil on his ass! *comes a runnin' with the mace*
i feel sad for his happy kind inside :( it is small and pathetic
There are only a few sites that frighten me; usually they have .cx domains.
I didn't really think it was that disturbing. It obviously had a lot of shock value to it, which was the point. However, there was nothing new in there. Although, some of it was humorous, like the editorial on war protesting.

--Mr. Bildo
now that I've read the replies, im glad I didnt click on the link..
hey guys....check the says right on it "satire for a bitter generation"
Sprafa said:
There's tons of stuff like that in the www.

Everyone has a site these days.

There are 3 theories about this guy. Either he thinks he's funny(maddox), has mental problems or both.

hey, i like maddox :P
crushenator 500 said:
hey, i like maddox :P

Me too. I'm didn't meant that he wasn't funny, because he is. I meant this guy decided to do something similar and did this shit thinking it's funny like Maddox.