this thing is reading my mind!!!

I saw one of these before, but it was like some hell-themed one instead. Eventually me and a mate worked out how it was done, but I can't remember anymore :(
Ahhh seen that before, but it was a whole site about it, some magic ball. Still a good trick. Dont know how it works.
WOW! I am amazed. (Not really, anything is possible on the internet.)
Ok, looking at that i can instantly see the explanation.......its simple mathematics and the use of "spam"

the calculation makes it so that there are only like 10 possible awnsers, if you look in a diagonal line starting from say "45" thats the example you will see they are all the same awnsers.....the rest of the numbers are just spam and are given random symbols to hide that fact that all the awnsers are the same.

With the maths side of things x= yx10+z then x-y-z therefore z is useless and the only thing that counts is the first number......leaving the 10 options.

I can read your mind.

Take a screenshot before clicking the square and post it. I can tell you the letter.

BTW the letters change round each time to make it seem as if it gives different results. Just check what 0 is and that is what you'll get.
I keep doing to same number and it keeps getting it...that bitch, heh kind of funny if you look at the box all the symbols are the same in a diagonal line(multiples of 9).
Sam2k said:
I can read your mind.

Take a screenshot before clicking the square and post it. I can tell you the letter.

BTW the letters change round each time to make it seem as if it gives different results. Just check what 0 is and that is what you'll get.
No, you can read the table just like me.
And anyone else who knows how it works.
short recoil said:
No, you can read the table just like me.

I CAN read your mind! Anyone who says otherwise shalt be smited by my magicks!
The symbols change everytime you click the button... don't give me any of this x= yx10+z nonsense!
Try just clicking randomly without a thought in your head. It's horseshit.
StardogChampion said:
The symbols change everytime you click the button... don't give me any of this x= yx10+z nonsense!
Yes the symbols change, the symbols of the 10 possible awnsers change as well, but they always have the same symbol between them........and the program simply puts up that symbol.
Ok sam, what's the next symbol?

As has already been said, it's a pretty simple trick (if you can call it a trick!).
ok, did the table 3 more time and it got 1 outa 3....

And I am doing it right btw
You can't be doing it right, you can only ever get one of the numbers on the diagonal line from 9 to 90, which all have the same symbol, which is the one it guesses.
Yeah, its a mathematical impossibility for it to get it wrong. :D
Either you broker mathematics, or mathematics broke you.
SLH said:
You can't be doing it right, you can only ever get one of the numbers on the diagonal line from 9 to 90, which all have the same symbol, which is the one it guesses.

Dal, even I suck at maths but it's getting them all right, beacuse whatever the answer is, it's a multiple of 9 - and the chart (even though it changes every time), has the same symbol for each multiple of 9. (9/18/27/36/45/54/63/72/81/90/99)
Direwolf said:
Either you broker mathematics, or mathematics broke you.
It would be the first case, since he's not in Russia :p
Eassssy. Even I figured how that worked. There are some better ones out there, though.
That's quite amazing! How ever does it do that? :O
joule said:
But still, how is it able to know exactly what number and symbol you are thinking of? It doesn't make any sense, or at least I can't comprehend how this works?
There are only a certain set of numbers that can come out of the calculation it tells you to do, of the awnsers they all have the same symbol, so therefore it puts that symbol up because there is no other choice. (unless you do the maths wrong)
I thought I summed it up pretty well? Oh well, nm.
SimonomiS said:
Ahhh seen that before, but it was a whole site about it, some magic ball. Still a good trick. Dont know how it works.

yeah i seen that..

its weird how it ReAdS you mind /creeps out
Farrowlesparrow said:
Multiples of nine people...I said it before.
It has been said about 4 times, but it doesn't must obviously be magic.
I thought it would be obvious to everyone. If you want to know the answer just right click on the page and select "view source" it will show you the HTML code and you can see how it gets the right answer (in this one look right after the javascript). Maybe I am going to far to find an answer but I would not have it any other way :LOL: