This was totally awesome game (SPOILEZ)


Jan 9, 2007
Reaction score
I played through it today, and it seriously is one of the most atmosspheric gameplays I've ever had. The ending, it was just cool how you escaped and didn't know what was going to happen. The clues from other people about "the cake is a lie" were very nice. I didn't expect it to be like that.

And finding out how Aperture is rival to Black Mesa with all the processors showing some things on their competition. It is just something amazing.

The last levels running away were nice, it was like the movies Cube, but that you are getting more into the stuff. I was always thinking of what happens next. Signs of other people on walls and hints, very good stuff.
It was pretty cool. Quite disorientating when you got out of the test chambers and behind the scenes in many ways, and a lot of lateral thinking required to figure things out. Some imaginative puzzles going on for sure.
awsome game indeed.. really liked the feeling when ya 'over-smarted' the "system" and managed to escape. really felt like you were escaping.. felt a bit like when they escape from the clone-place in the movie The Island :p

awsome feeling sneaking around in all those underground corridor-places :)

to bad it was so short :p
Portal ending credits > *

i actually loled when i heard the song
it was wonderful.

Some of the most imaginitive gameplay mechanics, the weirdest experiences and the best writing I've seen in a game for a long time makes this instantly one of my favourite games ever.

And because this was a new character, a new game, and Valve (who are BASTARDS with their endings), I had no idea whether I'd ever escape or not.

Chilling implications for the HL2 universe as well. It was really worrying when the computer started talking about 'things going wrong outside' - and though she's a pathological liar I can't help thinking there might be something to her claim that she is the only one keeping THEM away. Did GLADOS have some part in keeping the Combine off earth? Did our actions as player allow them to invade more easily? And is the Aperture Science Laboratory the objective of Mossman's secret mission from EP1? (note - not played EP2 yet)
When did she talk about keeping someone away ? In the final battle , when she dies or before it ?
I think it's the portal storms. We know that the world got pretty crazy between the Black Mesa incident in Half-Life 1 and the beginning of Half-Life 2; the sky began tearing and letting through aliens, and then there was the combine invasion...we know from information recovered from that the game takes place 'some years' after 1999...

My guess is that the Black Mesa incident has already happened at the time of Portal, or is happening as you play; the computer could be referring to the Nihilanth's forces as they try to invade earth, or she could be referring to the untethered aliens that began to infest the world during the portal storms as time and space went all weird across the planet. She could even be referring to the Combine...
Not a bad little game - I'd give it a 6.5/10

WAY too short though, but then I supose theres only so many portal maps you can go through before it starts to get boring.
This game is absolute genius. I had a grin on my face start to finish. It only took me about 2 hours, but that time was more richly spent (for a videogame) than many other games I've played this year in their entirety.

I'll have to play again and listen a bit harder to what GLaDOS tells us, I was too busy dicking around with the portals, hurling myself across rooms and falling endlessly. :D

The song at the end was win.

"now we're out of beta
and released on time" :LOL:

Also, the new title screen for beating the game was great.

Onto the bonus stages and advanced areas later. If only Ep 2 would hurry up. (85% :/)
It was amazing. It was chilling and freaky like Cube, only tounge-in-cheek. The companion cube was especially weird to me cause... it kinda got to me :p That computer lady actually laid down some deep psychology on me every once in a while. And the whole thing left me feeling very, very paranoid.
Amazing mind blowing game. I cant imagine where they are going to take this with Episode 3.
I found out that if you login to the website and type login: CJOHNSON and password:TIER3 : I found these if you login in normally and type notes as a command you will see Cave Johnson and TIER3 It also lets you log in as ADMIN !
That is like really oooooold.
Also, why would you post it here? There are loads of other threads that would be more appropriate.