This Will Be Bad...

CrazyHarij said:
The IMG tags are already shutoff in this section.

And yes, this is probably something that'll be annoying once the book is released. The Champions-clan for instance even said, in their plan over how they'll harass HL2 communities, that they'll buy strategy guides and post spoilers from them. :|

Yes but just think......thats all their life consists of.
I don't think Valve is the company in charge of the book. It's Prima or something like that (though I'm sure Valve has to get money out of it). It's a great idea for a book and I'm planning on reading it. We finally get to know about what stage the game was in at the delay and all that drama. We also get to see what Valve was thinking and what ideas and philosophies were being created in the development of HL2 (something I love about DVD's is that we get to hear what the director thought of his/her own movie and think about it ourselves rather than just guessing).
Of course maybe it is all Valve's idea for a money grab; depends on your bias.