this year's e3 is so boring for pc gamers

Newbie's Journey said:
prove me wrong please!

This years E3 was boring just in general but yeah more so in the area of the pc. :sleep:
A lot of the stuff were things that we had already seen tons of screenshots for like BF2, CoD2, Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

There was Civ IV.
We had an E3 this year?! :eek: :P
Why do people persist to spell fanboy with an 'i' instead of a 'y'?

TES 4: Oblivion will rock your socks and boxers off
Murray_H said:
Why do people persist to spell fanboy with an 'i' instead of a 'y'?

TES 4: Oblivion will rock your socks and boxers off
Because that is what all the cool emo kids do.
Foxtrot said:
Because that is what all the cool emo kids do.


Coolness personified

I base myself on him, he spells it fanboy
Murray_H said:

Coolness personified

I base myself on him, he spells it fanboy
it's good to have role models, but its better if they're old enough to throw back a few
True, all the consoles stole the show, pc is looking gream.
Disgusting humans, feast your eyes on this!


*crosses arms*
End communication.
Spore looks cool and all, but i dont really care for it at this stage.

A.O.E 3 and OFP2 are the games to look out for this year
stigmata said:
Disgusting humans, feast your eyes on this!


*crosses arms*
End communication.

Exactly. Spore represents why Will Wrights games are so huge. They're always innovative and unique. Im really looking forward to seeing more of that.

Here are some games that impressed me:

Fable (PC)
Gears of War (PC)
Black and White 2
The Movies
Age of Empires 3
Quake 4

I thought the PC had a very good showing.
I heard SPORE was a game where you start as a microbe and move up to a multi-celled organism with the eveloutionary benefits of your choice.

I also heard the computer has no set animations and it makes its own ones up. :rolling:
Danimal said:
I heard SPORE was a game where you start as a microbe and move up to a multi-celled organism with the eveloutionary benefits of your choice.

I also heard the computer has no set animations and it makes its own ones up. :rolling:
u start at as a microbe you moev to multicelled organism then to a the to a mroe complex multicelled organism then u start a civilization with your multicelled organisms then you have wars with other multi celled organisms. but thats not all cause then u get a space ship and you fly around the galaxy to study pther planets with multicelled organisms.
Kitfox said:
u start at as a microbe you moev to multicelled organism then to a the to a mroe complex multicelled organism then u start a civilization with your multicelled organisms then you have wars with other multi celled organisms. but thats not all cause then u get a space ship and you fly around the galaxy to study pther planets with multicelled organisms.
Samon said:
s.t.a.l.k.e.r wasn't at E3

THQ was there showing the stalker dx9 trailer + doing interviews. dissapointing that they didn`t show off more of the game though.
Icarusintel said:
He wanted things that WEREN'T boring, and this game sure is
now BF2 on the other hand.....

Referring to OFP2 he was.

Retarded he be.
Civilization IV blew everything out the water, in my eyes. Goodbye life, hello 5th Empire of King Kangy!
Kangy said:
Civilization IV blew everything out the water, in my eyes. Goodbye life, hello 5th Empire of King Kangy!
Another Civ game? I'd rather have Spore.

EDIT: That's not an insult to either game. Spore's potential for greatness is just completely eclipsing my attention for any other "god" games. It sounds absolutely amazing if they pull off all of what they promise.
Yeah, I'm holding off on my anticipation for Spore. I fear that if I get hyped up about all that it promises, I could get severely let down when, or if it gets released.
Yeah, I hope it doesn't follow in Fable's footsteps. Fable was a really good game... but it just couldn't live up to what they promised. That seems to happen with a lot of Peter Molyneux's game ideas. Thankfully, Spore is being made by Will Wright.
OCybrManO said:
That seems to happen with a lot of Peter Molyneux's game ideas. Thankfully, Spore is being made by Will Wright.

On the subject of Molyneux, I suppose Black & White 2 looked alright. Graphics are very good, and the gameplay should be better than the first, but I was never really a fan of the original. It got boring quite quickly for me, like the Sims did, only faster.
Spore looks cool...but I'd be more excited if it had some kind of release date...
i don't know what you want. are gamers really that spoiled nowadays?

if you're not satisfied with games like quake wars, prey, alan wake, oblivion, call of duty 2, serious sam2, bf2, gears of war (dunno, if it will come for the pc as well) and more, then maybe you just lost interest in games, or something.. or don't like fps in general.

there were definitely some cool videos and trailers under this mass of games.

anyone got a link to some demonstration video of alan wake? did something get released onto the net at all about this one? besides shots.
All the cool games they presented aren't coming out till 3 years, or we've already seen too much of them pre-E3. I agree with you.
where the f is team fortress 2 valve? information of it was supposed to come out just after the release of hl2 :(
They said they would talk about it after HL2 is released.
Does that no mean they could talk about in 2050? 2050 is after 2004. So really they can talk about it anytime.
I found Bet on Soldier interesting. Though I hope they add more vehicles. I've only seen a couple in the screenshots i've found.