Thor/Summoner battlemech


Jun 6, 2003
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My second mech model :) I tried to get the lighting etc. set to show as much detail as I could, any suggestions/crits etc. are welcomed so I know what I can work on to improve it. I haven't done UV mapping and I just threw on some little blinn material I fiddled with to try and get the pic to look reasonable, I still have to learn that stuff properly hehe.

hmmm its nice and kinda has a weird style. I don't know if you was aiming for this style but... it just looks a bit weird. Some of the embosed parts on the legs and body seem a bit random. When making mechs you really need tot hink about how it will move and flow complex chapes together. Its very hard to do but when you get the flow to a mech correct it can look amazing. I would look at other peoples mechs and see what other styles they are. Try and imploment these into a new mech or try on your own. It depends. All in all it seems alright. The left arm is a bit to thin but that can be easily changed. Here are a couple of mechs you could learn from:

the last URL is not a mech, but look how the legs move and work, its quiet intresting.
I noticed that myself, especially where the legs join the hips, but I was following front and side reference pics

So I thought what the hell and just went with it, I can go change it later I suppose. The style is supposed to be the actual Battletech style, not anime type stuff. Hmm I just noticed where the top part of the leg connects with the lower part, I'll have to tweak that a bit :)
This site has work done by a guy who is probably the best in the mechwarrior community for the artwork, it shows more mechs and the style of them. I think there may be some of the mechwarrior intro videos which show the mech I made in action, I can try to dig them up (it can look quite badass hehe).

Actually you can download a music video someone put together from cutscenes from various mechwarrior games and put them to a Linkin Park track. The only place I really know to get it from is kazaa though. It shows the mechs in action and gives them that badass feel.

PS. If anyone hasn't played the games they are really more simulation than action which also explains the style difference from what you may be more familiar with.
Been busy. Couple more models.

The Executioner/Gladiator


And my latest one, the Scylla

How's this? Still sorting out the textures, and the cockpit glass isn't in this one.

I play in the NBT league for mercenaries. . It's good fun, and you kind of recreate the story from the book, though not exactly. I'm in the Kell Hounds.

PS. Thanks for the comments :)
very nice but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many polygons......half of those should jst be a bump map
well its definatly developed. I really like it now. At the start I thought you was a noobo0r :p Boy have I been proved wrong The only comment I could say is that its a tad bit overkill :p
Heheh np. Funny thing is the first 2 mechs were done from front and side TRO (technical readout) pictures and I just matched the model up to each. That last one was done from a perspective drawing alone :) . I'm learning more about textures now, then I'll look at animating. Bah so much to do, so little brain.

Now we just need to do a scene with a bunch of your infantrymen and this mech making things go boom :sniper:

PS. I AM a 'noobo0r' hehe.
I learned a lot about texturing today so I turned the mech into 1 polygon hehe.

LOL!...but it looks like you did it the wrong way ...the bumps are going in.
One of the other guys from the mechwarrior community did a scene with my mech :)

so sexy.... i wish micrsoft would sell the mechwarrior franchise to a company that could actaully make a decent game.
Thats really nice. You should try making your own scenes though.

I'm actually planning on trying to do an animation with it. But my current goal is getting damn normal mapping to work, that would make it a lot easier to work with than it's current form.
It is quite frustrating, I have got the plugins and stuff sorted, I downloaded a demo scene of a normal mapped model, so I have the low poly in the viewport, I render and the normal map is on. But I can't figure out how to setup the shaders myself :(
use zbrush for your normal mapping, its a peace of piss.
Oh? Never tried zbrush, or heard much about it. I'll have to give it a go, cheers :) Know any good sites that show how to normal map in it?