Those ****ing wrist bands...

The people that buy those charity wrist bands are giving a smaller percentage to charity in order to benefit their vanity... and that's a good thing? There are so many different wrist bands in different colors you can't expect people to know which ones yours stand for unless they get right up next to you or just ask. People think they imply "I'm a good person" when they really mean "I care more about what you think of me than I do about helping people." If you want to really help you do volunteer work or donate money directly to charities.
OCybrManO said:
They are giving a smaller percentage to charity in order to benefit their vanity... and that's a good thing?

Of course it is, it's also hilariously amusing to laugh at disfigured sex offenders. :rolleyes:
I might have to make one out of leather that says "I killed a cow, tanned the leather and made this band, i didn't help another in any way at all, i am pure evil"
craig said:
Do you have any actual figure of how much goes to charity though? I bet it isn't much.

Average band costs £3 and I bet out of that less than 20p goes to the actual charity in the end.

That's 20p a starving child can spend on a glass of water.

Edit - And I disagree with most of you here that say wristbands aren't contributing. It's a great way to raise money. Once a particular group of kids in my school had them, about a thousand other kids started buying them too. Honestly, who here would go donate $100 to a charity when you can spend $1 and exponentially grow that figure through others.
short recoil said:
I might have to make one out of leather that says "I killed a cow, tanned the leather and made this band, i didn't help another in any way at all, i am pure evil"

you'd need one hell of a big, muscley and manly wrist to fit all that on! :eek:
That's 20p a starving child can spend on a glass of water.

If they're starving they won't want water, and I hope that 20p would buy a bit more than "a glass".

I think some of you are missing the point a bit here, no-one's saying that the purchases of wristbands are NOT contributing to charity, BUT people vainly think that by buying them and wearing them, they are strongly supporting said charity.
NOT SO. Drop in the ocean I'm afraid, if you want to claim you are supporting a charity, DO IT PROPERLY and start making efforts to raise serious funds, rather than hanging around bus stops and street corners trying to be cool.
oldagerocker said:
you'd need one hell of a big, muscley and manly wrist to fit all that on! :eek:

Yeah, plus, you'd have to fight the bull for the leather, hand to hand (hoove, horn) of course.
iyfyoufhl said:
they are rubber

lol. they're sillicone actually!

but yeah.. the companies making these god damn wrist bands are making an absolute killing on them regardless of how much actually ends up in the charities pockets.

look at comic relief for an idea how it should be done... the noses costs you a quid which ALL goes to charity... the noses are manufactured for free and make 100% for charity too. You don't buy the nose to wear and look cool either