Those 'O So Annoying Ropes


Nov 18, 2005
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Alright im tryin to hang lights down from the ceiling on my CS:S map.

I've made the lights and they work great! They hang in the air, move around like they're supposed to... The problem is in the ropes that they're supposed to hang from!

Every time I make the light fixture the parent of my rope key, the rope gets pulled to this point at the center of my map. I think its the origin of them map, but i have no friggin clue y it goes there. If the rope key has no parent, then it stays where it supposed to be, but it doesnt move.

Anyone know whats happening?
Every time you don't use the forum search, Jesus bleeds.

Use a logic_measure_movement entity to emulate parenting hierarchies between entities that are reset every round, like props, and entities that are not, like ropes.
here ill make a quick tutorial on the logic_measure_movement entity

so u wanna make object A move like object B....
Entity To Measure: Object B
Measure Reference: Object B
Entity to move: Object A
Movement reference: Object B

this worked for me!
off on a slight tangent here, but i've noticed that outputting a 'kill' to light_spot and point_spotlight ents doesn't actually turn them off, but instead moves them to shine out from the map origin. hence using 'turnoff' is better option
UltraProAnti said:
off on a slight tangent here, but i've noticed that outputting a 'kill' to light_spot and point_spotlight ents doesn't actually turn them off, but instead moves them to shine out from the map origin. hence using 'turnoff' is better option

That's because kill is a command that kills the light and turnoff turns it off... that should be fairly obvious.

Also if you have used kill and you wanna turn the light back on, then you are in trouble.