Those of you with 6800...please help!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter geekpimpfx
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I'm having trouble running HL2 at a decent frame rate, I mean this is a high end card and and I'd like to think decent frame rates would be possible. I just keep getting tons of slow down, this is the only thing running. What drivers and settings are you guys running? Here are my specs:

BFG 6800 OC
1.5 Gigs DDR400 RAM
AMD Athlon 3200+
Chaintech VNF3-250 Motherboard
160 Gig 7200 RPM HD

I've used drivers 66.93, and betas 67.02 and 70.41, all of them gave me really choppy frame rates at certain sections, i've tried all types of resolutions and AA and AF settings...PLEASE HELP!!!!!
Yeh i gt a 6800 ultra and get the same i gt a a great framerate in ravenholm but whenever its outdoors it goes choppy!
If your processor isn't great, it's your processor.
Yours is fine.
Try going into
C:\Program Files\valve\steam\steamapps\<username>\half-life 2\hl2\cfg
in there is a file called:
like, on the second page of general half-life 2, or half-life 2 release forums, is a post talking about the max fps, that's probably your problem.
I am having the same problem, and I tried the max FPS thing. I turned EVERYTHING down to low, and it still happens, and I get the same fps (15-20) when everything is high. Indoors is fine though.

The same thing happened to me on CS:S in the beta, but valve released a patch and it stopped.
Same here......I am running it on:

X800 XT PE
A64 4000+
1024 mb ram
I running with these:

A64 3500+
Leadtek GF6800 (Vanilla)
1024 MB RAM

I am using ForceWare 66.77 Media Center WHQL (Dated 10/29/04) and HL2 runs even more smoothly as i hoped it would, and i am a sucker for high fps!
This is on 1024x768, settings on high, 0xaa 2xaf
So i don't know whats the problem with your setup, i didn't try the drivers out that you mentioned so i can't really help.
damn glad i traded my gt for a xt.

1280x960 4xAA 8xAF i get 100fps thats with v-sync on. if i turn it off i get 84-227fps.
running it all settings maxed with x800 xt. Dunno why some are having a slow down :(
bizzy420 said:
damn glad i traded my gt for a xt.

1280x960 4xAA 8xAF i get 100fps thats with v-sync on. if i turn it off i get 84-227fps.

Thats funny, I have a 6800GT and it runs everything perfectly.
ive got 6800ultra and ive got settings on all high af and aa and still get over 150 about
Still running a bit slow in spots, turned graphics down to 1024*768 and AA and AF down to 2x and Trilinear, aircraft level in particular saw some slow down...I tried turning the FPS up in the autoexec.cfg, it helped a little...any other tips?
parrot glad its workin for ya man, but many post about GT's not doing too well. all i know is that my

VST gt@ultra speeds was 103fps
VST stock xt was 137fps.
Well, I hope this doesnt piss you guys off but I'm running a Geforce FX 5900 at 1280X960 and it runs perfectly fine although I do get these weird hiccups for the first second after the new section loads. But it only lasts for literally two seconds at most. But I'm also running my textures at medium as well.
I have a BFG 6800 GT and have no problems at all. I run @ 1280x1024 resolution, all high settings, 6x AA and 8x AF. I don't watch my FPS, but it's smooth as shit.

If I were you, remove any drivers that came with your card and only install the ones on I'm using the 61.77 drivers, which I think are the most current.
Hi guys i also have a 6800 gt mine seems to be running really well with everything mxed out and AA & AF on in using the 61.77 drivers as the newers ones dont seem to run hl2 very well u guys should try these drivers just to see if i makes any difference
wtf? so you guys are saying that the 61.77 drivers are better than the new 66.93 drivers?
well I uninstalled Steam completely, now I'm at work, but I'm reinstalling HL2 all over again, I heard I may have received corrupt files from the preloads in another post, I figure it won't hurt to try anyways. Anyone else hear of these problems? Also my card is none GT, just the 128 card from BFG, so setting my AGP up in the BIOS probably didn't help, but I did it anyways, we'll find out more tonight I'll try installing the 61.77 drivers as well, and if anyone else has suggestions send them my way please!