Those steam people are sad


Jun 10, 2004
Reaction score
They did like a full indepth analysis on the photoshoped box. They also drove down to the best buy and took pictures for proof. How sad lol. Please tell me none of you guys would do that?
Can someone tell me what happened with Username and this whole story?
id like to have a link or something also
Username claimed his brother called best buy and they said they had HL2. He then claimed that his brother called him from Best Buy saying he had it. He then claimed he was at his house playing it and hed get pics. Username was then banned by Waldo. . .thats all we know. Obviously is was a hoax, or they wouldnt of banned him. Although, valve has not said anything on this matter yet. So I dont know whats going on. He sent ina picture of him holding the HL2 box. Some say its photoshoped others say otherwise.
Well, he basically pulled a hoax on the entire Steampowered community by bragging that his brother whom works at best buy, said that they recieved a shipment of Half Life 2 regular edition CD's in.
so you dont have pics to the thread/pics or anything?
I hardly think that the game would go gold and be shipped to retailers inside the same week - think logically people!
Schikitar said:
I hardly think that the game would go gold and be shipped to retailers inside the same week - think logically people!

A Valve employee posted in the thread, saying it was possible.
Tab said:
They did like a full indepth analysis on the photoshoped box. They also drove down to the best buy and took pictures for proof. How sad lol. Please tell me none of you guys would do that?

Why do you care?

I'm being serious. It's an honest question.
I'd like to know why every response from a Valve guy seemed so vauge, it's almost as if they don't know if it could happen or not. Instead of saying something like, 'the game has not went in to production, or has not shipped ect" and then closed the thread, they let it go on, one of them 'waldo' wanted pics... Come on, are the really that clueless are they just being asses. What if someone steals a box of em from a shipping yard? As much hype that surrounds this game I'm not so sure we won't see an early theft ect.
yes, the steam people are sad. i am a member on that site but i will no longer be visiting those forums. they are full of little kids who have nothing better to do than whine and flame people
This thread is more interesting:

My take is its an australian reviewer that talking to much. If I were valve or vivendi I would see what reviewers were given copies in au and crack heads. Only because their flaming the issue. Look at the insane posts since username posted. They are mental and definite signs of stress. lol. Not like that isnt normal, but still.

I really prefer this thread. Ima report them too! Valve should do jail time:
Neutrino said:
Why do you care?

I'm being serious. It's an honest question.

Why do you care that I care? Im also being serious. . .its also a honest question.
Tab said:
Why do you care that I care? Im also being serious. . .its also a honest question.

Who said I did?

I only asked a quesiton.
Damn and i thought it was bad here, they fight over the littlest thing there.
hey could some one do me a favor...and...say what 10char means.

cuz me=nub.

um oh and i was pulled in by the username thing too, just out of a shred of hope that i'd get hl2 tonite.
10char, you type it if you post is under 10 characters :)
waldo is teh dod guy, currently helping run the steampowered forums. not exactly authority in these matters....

don't take this "valve employee" thing too far...
Waldo works with Valve. Trust me Valve would have him on a tight leash on what he can say. So id believe him just as much as Id believe Gabe. Now im getting all excited. But I would never drive down to a store to confirm it lol.
i think its true, valve dosnt know yet, and his story makes seense.

btw srry i havnt been here but i started mapping for CSS and well we cant talk about that here :P
i already bought the game. :roll:

and mapping is fun :) (and we are aloud to talk about it, just no spoilers, but i have only played the e3 maps so i dont know any :P)
sorry there should have been a smiley in there

was only messin with ya m8 :)
Toy said:
whats 10char?

ive seen people say it but wtf?


Lol, it's ok. You have to have at least 10 characters to submit a post. The administrators made it that way.
Wait... a different User Name than the one on these forums, right? :O
Tab said:
They did like a full indepth analysis on the photoshoped box. They also drove down to the best buy and took pictures for proof. How sad lol. Please tell me none of you guys would do that?

Oh i dont know.

Im sure there were plenty of sad people on these forums that sent hate mail to Somethingawfull because they thought the game had been spoiled by them, the humour going completly over their idiot heads.

OMGZZ@@ you spoiled the ending about the rooftop shootout with the gman and alyx dying io hate you arrgrm,mmdfdfd.

Oh yes. You know who you are. Hang your heads in shame.