Thought I'd do a proper good-bye thread..

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You were a great guy, hope to see you around again :(

Now with Hl2 going gold, there is no much point of staying here :(
Ouch. See ya Harij.

These forums are now officially less Crazy.....and

Axyon: I did screw up things quite badly, didn't I? Heh.. Perfect example of how much of an asshat a guy can be because of things like greed and immaturity. I ruined something that could almost become a friendship with a fantastic and slightly likeminded guy. I've often seen so much of you reminding me of myself in thoughts, interests and towards things.
I said so f*cking stupid things, I won't try and say things like "bad day" to try and make an excuse for it, there is no excuse. I was an idiot and I deserved the outcome. You sure didn't deserve it, no one like you deserves such treatment. You are a great person, you have a very neat sense of humor and always know what to say and when to say it.
I remember when I first came on here about a year ago and saw the guy named Abom|Nation and that lil' burning avatar thing, it was among the first users I memorised and that sense of coolness that surrounded you back then when I barely knew anything about this forum has always followed you in my eyes.
I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me as a last action, because I myself never will forgive myself for what I did.
Don't be ridiculous - you shouldn't put the blame on yourself. I was responsible for the whole incident, not you. I can honestly say you're one of the the biggest reasons for keeping this forum and IRC alive. Talking with you is great, since (as you already say) we share so many interests and a connected sense of humour. If there's anything that can be done to persuade you to stay, name it - you're a vital part of what makes great. If not, please at least stay in the IRC channel so that you can brighten the place up, and that we can stay in contact.

Can't say I knew you very well but I'm sad to see another Swede disappear. I also don't know the reasons behind you leaving us but I hope you'll come back sometime, one way or another.

Deal? :thumbs:

Edit: It seems I've missed a lot by not being on IRC. I want some real friends (like you guys here) as well ;( :D
Cya hopefully ill see you on opposing force now and then so you can own me as usual ;(
Nooo! The crazy swede cannot leave!


We will all miss you! Thanks for your kind words!
Time to add another black stripe!

Oh wait.

Ah well, sad to see you go, crazy

If you ever read this, beep me on MSN :) I'd love to chat sometime.. really would :)

And don't quit op4 Igrek ;) you've got skills :D

And what you said about me was lovely, I couldn't have been paid a nicer compliment by a nicer person.

Good luck in all you do, you're something special :D
Good luck in the future, keep on irc :)
And i bet your be back when hl2's released ;)
You should still come on IRC mate

And why am I never included in these goodbye posts :( idea who you are, but I'll say good luck to you, you've apparently made quite the impression here.
SpuD said:
You should still come on IRC mate

And why am I never included in these goodbye posts :(
I feel for you SpuD. Same with me ;( But in this case, I understand why :D
Wow. Harij is leaving us. ;(

You don't know me and I don't really know you, but I know how much other members value you and how much you mean to these boards. I definitely looked up to you as a veteran member who kept things fun and excitable here at the forums and on IRC. has died a little more today.
This f**king sucks.

As other have already said, I do hope you come on IRC at least. Without you, it is doomed to be under my control, and suffer forever by my spelling and grammar errors!

Good bye (hopefully not forever), CrazyHarij.
Bah, all these people leaving is depressing!

I didn't really know you but good luck in life mate, you really brought these forums to life - I wish you all the best :( :( :( :( :(

I really should come on IRC, it seems like I miss out on alot. :( :( :(
ShadowFox said:
This is an odd thread.

Anyway, goodbye and goodluck.

yep....sure is

Hope these forums don't empty too much when you know what comes out...
I figure I might as well do a good cya for crazy

Even though we never really exchanged much other than words on IRC, it has been an experience to have known you CrazyHarij, also please come on IRC.
Meh. Goodbye threads are a waste of everyone's time. I won't contri-


-bute to this.

You'll be missed CrazyHarij. Except by trolls and idiots. And people you shouted at. Or bested in whatever situation. And stuff.

Usually I take the departure of a major community member as a hint to mourn the death of a forum- but hey, melodrama sucks, right?

Everyone needs to stop leaveing now. Anyways good bye and stuff.

Also I want to ask the same thing Farrowlesparrow is asking.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I have to ask...what is the point? Really, why bother 'leaving'?
He discovered there is a life not "online". ;(

Personally I don't even want to imagine what that could be like. :(
Its just that, you might as well say you aren't going to eat chocolate anymore because you decided you now like the colour green.
It just seems to make little sense really...

Edit: You're going to leave because you don't have to stay...I read your excuse, but it doesn't seem like a real reason.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Its just that, it you might as well say you aren't going to eat chocolate anymore because you decided you now like the colour green.
Ya I know. Thats why I say he will be back here at some point. He will just have to see how things are going and then he will probably get back into things again.

Unless he becomes way to busy with other things I don't know how he will be able to stay away.
Yeah, no much point really on this threads exept if you are really leaving and you lost interest.
later crazy. nice having you, hopefully youll check back in occassionally.
This is a sad day :'( Thanks for the help you gave me way back when mate, your willingness to help a random won't be forgotten!

GL HF with life :)
awww why you leave :(

but I undesrtand you
I also was having desires to leave things like games and stuff to get my real life better,but I am starting to do it whiout leave the things I like

but still...

you were one of the best menbers in the forums, too bad I didnt know you very well
and someone can explain that IRC stuff?I want to be more friend of you all

and I hope you come back crazy
you will be missed and the forums will not be the same whiout you

adios y buena suerte crazyhatij (spanish)
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