Thoughts on Halo the Movie


May 3, 2006
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Just wanting to know peoples thoughts on the Halo movie. I'm not sure who is directing it but I know Peter Jackson is executive producer and Weta digital (responsible the Gollum and The Kong) is doing the special effects as my brother works for them.

Do you think that there is enough of a story to make it into a good movie?
Just wanna hear peoples thoughts.
Ive got high hopes for this actually. Hopefully PJ will exert some influence to keep things moving in the right direction, with weta on board it should look fantastic, plus AFAIK the writer is they guy who wrote 28 days later.
gick said:
Ive got high hopes for this actually. Hopefully PJ will exert some influence to keep things moving in the right direction, with weta on board it should look fantastic, plus AFAIK the writer is they guy who wrote 28 days later.

I personally liked "28 days later", so maybe there is hope that well get a quality movie and not just another stupid action movie:| . Though I wish they would make the movie more like the books instead of the game. When is this project supposed to be complete?
the_wolf27 said:
Just wanting to know peoples thoughts on the Halo movie. I'm not sure who is directing it but I know Peter Jackson is executive producer and Weta digital (responsible the Gollum and The Kong) is doing the special effects as my brother works for them.

Do you think that there is enough of a story to make it into a good movie?
Just wanna hear peoples thoughts.

I thought that there is enough storyline in the Halo games (I'm only guessing Halo 2 had story, I never played the 2nd one beause its not out on PC yet). The game only failed in the areas of Gameplay and Level Design, IMO.

So yeah, if Jackson stays faithful, and they include the Monk orchestra, I would be happy.
I imagine it will look great, but watch (as it played) like crap. Then again, I never understood people's fascination with these two games. It'll do amazing business though, given the rabid fanbase out there, esp. looking at first day sales for Halo 2. Its a guaranteed money-maker, but will people who aren't fans of the games be as into it or will it just be the ready-made audience of gamers that go see it for the most part? Time will tell. Can't do worse than DOOM!
I remember going to a site that claimed that it had a version of the script used for the Halo movie. If this is reliable then it is basically the first game turned into a movie.

I'm on the wall as far as the movie's potential quality. Its not the best story but its also not the worst.
With Garland's script and Jackson's company to help, we could have a good movie going. Just need to find a good director.
I'm ecstatic that there'll be a Halo movie. Because I just know it will suck :devil: :devil:
the_wolf27 said:
Do you think that there is enough of a story to make it into a good movie?

Ins't the plot simply: destroy the Halo before the Covanent use it as a weapon?
I would expect Milla Jovovich will be acting Cortana. Just watching the Fifth Element, I was reminded back to the small Halo3 documentary the other day. Imagine her character in the Fifth Element, only in total blue.
The movie should begin at Reach and then go from there. I'd expect it to be about...oh, 2 in-a-half hours.
I'm personally excited. There's a realism to the Halo universe that I really like. There's just this grittiness that feels real to me. I think it has great potential for a movie if done right. Especially if they start the story with starting the Spartan project.
Hmm, I personaly am looking forward to it, even though I have to wait another year or so. I just hope Peter Jackson brings enough cards to the table. With Weta's talents and Pete's influence I'm expecting nothing short of amazing. I'm hoping anyway.

Speaking of Milla Jovovich, I would love to see a 5th element 2. The first one was so good I just want more.
Also has anyone heard of Ultra Violet, her new scifi action. Its sounds f*ucking ausome. I'm not sure if its out in America yet but we're still waiting for it here in Australia. If it is out already is there anyone who has seen it and is it worth the watch?
the_wolf27 said:
Also has anyone heard of Ultra Violet, her new scifi action. Its sounds f*ucking ausome. I'm not sure if its out in America yet but we're still waiting for it here in Australia. If it is out already is there anyone who has seen it and is it worth the watch?

I wouldnt bother.
Speaking of Milla Jovovich, I would love to see a 5th element 2. The first one was so good I just want more.

Milla Jovovich would probably be the only surviving person from the original film. Bruce Willis would probably be dead. I'm taking reference from the 'evil returning every 5000 years' scenario.

Great film nonetheless