Thread for Gmail invites

Reminder: pm someone that said they have some to get an invite!
good for you. I currently offer no more gmail invites until further notice. (I have more, but for real ppl i know.) sorry seinfieldrules. Anyways didn't u already have gmail?
meh whatever, I'll just send ONE more invite....too seinfieldrules. check in about 3 mins.

Thanks man :D . I clicked your trout link as the best payback I could offer ;)

Someone else sent me one too and I appreciate that as well, but dont need it anymore :o
i'd still very much appreciate a g-mail invite

[email protected]

i get so much spam, could you please title it OTHELLO:G-MAIL INVITE!!! or something to the like... :)
hi i h4v3 6 g-m4i1 invi735, iph n 3 1 w4n75 1 ju57 45k ;) (i 907 min3 h3r3 50 i ph331 i 5h0u1d 9iv3 4 ph3w b4x:))

I have G-mail invites. Just freaking PM me with your e-mail ...
1 more invite. I want to make this fun fun fun.

The 5th person that PMs me with the correct answer to this question will get the invite. Don't put ur emails, if u are the one i will PM you back asking....
(this is question is like a test, I already know the answer and they are not my real specs.)

What videocard will suite me best if i have a 2.0ghz p4 with a 300watt psu and 128mb ram?

a) radeon 9600
b) radeon 9800
c) geforcefx 5200
d) radeon x800
e) 6800ultra?
oh and u have to say why it woulod suite me best, so a good explanation.
I have 2 accounts with 6 invites each, so just pm me your email. None of this contest business *ahem*
you cant give them away now, let alone make everyone jump through hoops just to smell one.
i got a few invites if anyone wants one, jsut pm me

p.s. wen u pm me say a good joke, it will help
I have 12 invites. And I'm getting tired of it.

PM me with your e-mail if you want one.
Hey everyone, give me one good reason why anyone needs 1GB of storage.
I you need that much, make your own email server and have unlimited email. That is what I do. unlimited file size. (Well, limited to HD size)
However, it is kindof hard to find a good free server. I have one but I don't know where I got it from. I haven't been on that machine in a year. It just runs all my servers.
look. 1gb is cool, but that's not all to gmail ok? you can search ur contacts (read my sig), search ur mail, and all this cool stuff. 1gb is cool. "Why does anyone need 1gb of storage?" people keep bitching about that. well here: "Why not? It's free?" 1gb pawns 2mb and 100mb. I'm currently using 50mb, that would be 50% of yahoo, it's 5% of gmail. 500mb is 50% of gmail. And just becasue google is so cool, gmail is the best becasue it is made by google. Any hardcore PC fan would want gmail.
hmmm...i should have thought of that....up for grabs in....very soon. I be back soon with invites.
It would be nice if someone hooked me up with a Gmail account :cheers:

pmeh If you feel liek u wanna give back!
sorry man...non left. But as u can see there are a lot of other ppl that have some fo' ya'!