Throwing w/o manipulator in new bink!

dis said:
Well, they certainly do things that I don't think are the best way of doing them - in particular how they lead everyone on about preloads, release dates, etc. You'd think they'd learn.

Yeah, you'd think. :dozey:

But hey, as someone said it sometime on this forum, I love Valve but I've seen better organizational skills from a hamster
dis said:
Well, they certainly do things that I don't think are the best way of doing them - in particular how they lead everyone on about preloads, release dates, etc. You'd think they'd learn.

Yes! See friends, it feels good to come out of the closet. We shouldn't have to fear the fanboy oppresion that has been so ramant as of late. This is a HL2 forum.

Forum is defined as "a medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas."

And getting flamed for saying VALVe might have screwed the pooch in a certain area is WRONG.

Throw something in your sig if you want to support the cause my brethren.
N0N1337H41 said:
Yes! See friends, it feels good to come out of the closet. We shouldn't have to fear the fanboy oppresion that has been so ramant as of late. This is a HL2 forum.

Forum is defined as "a medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas."

And getting flamed for saying VALVe might have screwed the pooch in a certain area is WRONG.

Throw something in your sig if you want to support the cause my brethren.

I would but I have to support TJI... even if they are long dead. (RIP Tredoslop, tr0n)

Wow this has gotten really off topic.

THough I don't really agree with you, I do agree that alot of people flame just for differing opinions and that really shouldnt happen.

But it's an internet forum. About a game. With a huge fanbase... of gaming nerds (admit it! I am one too!)
Well N0N1337H41, dunno how the others will take the coalition, but it seems fitting to use this abbreviation:

Valvee isn't Always right Coalition. V.A.C.

Then again, I could just be extremely bored. :p
Beast206 said:
Well N0N1337H41, dunno how the others will take the coalition, but it seems fitting to use this abbreviation:

Valvee isn't Always right Coalition. V.A.C.

Then again, I could just be extremely bored. :p

LOL, outstanding! I added it to my sig.