Thugs dressed in CS garb Murder fruit guy in Aust

Prepare for the barrage of the media saying video games are the cause of all evil in the world.....

oh wait this happened to the aussies :(
so... they broke into a house dressed as characters from counter strike, and killed a guy? Sounds like a B&E gone bad to me, and the costumes sound like what you wear when you break into someones house.
Yeah i dont think ther'll be much of an uproar about it. if there is ill update accordingly...
aeroripper said:
oh wait this happened to the aussies :(

that makes it even worse. you have no idea how uptight and rashly the govt. reacts here to stuff like that. some ill thought out banning might happen now.

lucky its CS in a way, enough people might whinge about a 6 year old pos getting banned to make a difference

and example is manhunt, fits perfectly into the guidelines for classification, but then someone got killed in the UK, and parents started whinging, the govt. canned sale of the game immediately
bliink said:
that makes it even worse. you have no idea how uptight and rashly the govt. reacts here to stuff like that. some ill thought out banning might happen now.

lucky its CS in a way, enough people might whinge about a 6 year old pos getting banned to make a difference

Yeah, get on msn * cough *
Never mind that outfits like that are what ALL real life counter-terrorists wear. Remember that CS is inspired by real life and what you can see on tv anyway, but still no excuse to do that.
He probably had a balaclava and some army gear on and they compared it to cs :rolleyes:
This is just another example of the media sensationalising something to hype up public hysteria.

What they fail to mention is if he was a counter-terrorist or a terrorist. And I'm being semi-serious here. How many army disposal stores stock ex-military garb... ALL OF THEM. Hell, there is even an ex-SAS store near me that sells official SAS uniforms and webbing. Anyone can buy this stuff. Why link it to a computer game? Because it's easy and it's topical.

God - is every stolen car or gang related bashing or murder caused by GTA? No.

Is every rev-head busted for street racing inspired by Need For Speed Underground? No.

I hope this doesn't affect the recent rating of the game down under. This is just the kind of thing that could make the OFLC take another look and go on a moral crusade.
but.. counterstrike characters just wear generic terrorist/counter-terrorist clothing. who says that the killers actually tried to match the in-game models as opposed to just dressing up as terrorists?
epmode said:
but.. counterstrike characters just wear generic terrorist/counter-terrorist clothing. who says that the killers actually tried to match the in-game models as opposed to just dressing up as terrorists?

Just what I was thinking....I'll see if i can dig up a photo or something
epmode said:
but.. counterstrike characters just wear generic terrorist/counter-terrorist clothing. who says that the killers actually tried to match the in-game models as opposed to just dressing up as terrorists?

Exactly my point. You could just as easily point you finger at any number of movies that feature that kind of theme. Why pick on us gamers all the time?

Some movies that may have also inspired this behaviour:

The Bourne Identity / Supremacy
3 Kings
Blackhawk Down

I mean did these morons actually stand in court and say:

"I dressed up like my favourite computer game and killed this guy"

or do you think the lame-ass defence lawyers thought it would be a good ploy to reduce the sentence:

"No your honour, my clients were clearly in a state of insanity after playing this game for 8 hours straight. They had to dress up and go and kill this man because thats what the game teaches them to do"

What a load of bullshit. If anything this sounds like another in the long history of gangland killings that have been taking place in Melbourne and Sydney for the past 30 years. I mean look at the names of the guys involved for christ sakes... these guys don't play computer games. It was a professional hit on the fruit guy.
"dressed in an outfit that was inspired by the violent computer game, Counter-Strike"

So he was wearing glasses and therefore acting as the leet krew guy. Or maybe he was wearing a balaclava....phoenix connection. Or maybe a headband......
Murray_H said:
"dressed in an outfit that was inspired by the violent computer game, Counter-Strike"

So he was wearing glasses and therefore acting as the leet krew guy. Or maybe he was wearing a balaclava....phoenix connection. Or maybe a headband......

no no no... he was wearing pants
no wonder hl2 was almost banned in australia. they are all raving loonies
DrunkPanda said:
no wonder hl2 was almost banned in australia. they are all raving loonies

Yes, yes we are.

And a nation of convicts to boot. But at least we aren't Americans ;)
Spugmaster said:
This is just another example of the media sensationalising something to hype up public hysteria.

What they fail to mention is if he was a counter-terrorist or a terrorist. And I'm being semi-serious here. How many army disposal stores stock ex-military garb... ALL OF THEM. Hell, there is even an ex-SAS store near me that sells official SAS uniforms and webbing. Anyone can buy this stuff. Why link it to a computer game? Because it's easy and it's topical.

God - is every stolen car or gang related bashing or murder caused by GTA? No.

Is every rev-head busted for street racing inspired by Need For Speed Underground? No.

I hope this doesn't affect the recent rating of the game down under. This is just the kind of thing that could make the OFLC take another look and go on a moral crusade.

I like this guy. He actually has something to contribute to the thread, who would have thought anyone at would have something intelligent to say. We need more people like you here.
InFeRnO said:
I like this guy. He actually has something to contribute to the thread, who would have thought anyone at would have something intelligent to say. We need more people like you here.

Double account eh? :p
Here come the bible waving fanatics that are going to try to shut down PC gaming :|
people are so stupid, stop trying to take down as many people as you can when something you can't change happens. I really hate those idiots that blame everything on someone else when its actually no ones fault except the people who commited the crime.
Oh yeah, he wore a green jacket and khakis. Oh no. Or maybe a ski mask. We all know that ski masks aren't common in crimes like this. jeeze.
does it say what he was wearing? oh no he was wearing shirt tie and pants CS HOSTAGE STRIKES BACK
InFeRnO said:
I like this guy. He actually has something to contribute to the thread, who would have thought anyone at would have something intelligent to say. We need more people like you here.

Thanks dude.

And to the guy who says we are the same person, keep trying. Maybe one day you will say something intelligent enough to get a pat on the back for...I won't hold my breath though.
Yanks are anal and gay and they just elected a moron as president.....AGAIN
Thats like saying war is the result of a computer game named Day Of Defeat. Whoever wrote this story should be shot by a marine from Natural Selection.
It seems kind of ironic that in a time when terrorism is the number one official evil, the same old conservative critics will have to roll out such bad press against a game where counter-terrorism is central. I wonder if the same thing happened but was based on Rainbow6 for example what would happen.
Shanno said:
Yanks are anal and gay and they just elected a moron as president.....AGAIN

Where in the hell did that come from? Sure some hardcore republicans,****ed us all by voting for a "C" average student(amongst other major faults)

But don't blame "Yanks" in general like that..That makes you sound like the type of person who would have voted for Bush,narrow-minded,reactionary,predjudiced....blah

I'm not saying you ARE any of those things,mind you...

I and many others I know DID NOT VOTE FOR THAT BASTARD!! Its the damned "Electoral Votes" that screwed us:(

and now we return you back to the topic at hand...
Spugmaster said:
I mean look at the names of the guys involved for christ sakes... these guys don't play computer games.

Damnit Spugmaster, why'd you have to end a perfectly logical and well-written argument against media sensationalism with this ignorant line?! You almost made it, man!! ;)
bliink said:
and example is manhunt, fits perfectly into the guidelines for classification, but then someone got killed in the UK, and parents started whinging, the govt. canned sale of the game immediately

Tell me why the world needs a game like that?

I love gaming, and enjoy violent ones, but that "game" just sounds a bit too... borderline (yes, every sense of the word intended) for my liking.
Cabb said:
Tell me why the world needs a game like that?

I love gaming, and enjoy violent ones, but that "game" just sounds a bit too... borderline (yes, every sense of the word intended) for my liking.

quite frankly, it doesn't need a game like that, I think its crap.. but, they banned it due to a bunch of complaining fools who have no understanding of what a computer game is. THAT, is what the problem is
Looks like they have just added more proof that gaming does pyschologicaly hurt people.