Thugs dressed in CS garb Murder fruit guy in Aust

Garipedo said:
Looks like they have just added more proof that gaming does pyschologicaly hurt people.

the people only act like that if their mind is damaged to begin with
Dressed as a Counter-Strike character? Well and how is a CS character dressed...hmm like a terrorist(or CT)!! Its not like the CS team invented that cliché terrorist look.
Even if they did intentionally dress up as a CS character, that in no way means the CS caused them to commit murder. If they wanted to kill this guy, they may have dressed up in any costume; one of their own design, or they could have taken inspirtation from any number of games/movies/tv programs/etc. My point is, either way they were going to kill the guy, does it matter where they got their disguise/uniform idea from???
Did you know:They were going to ban Project Gotham Racing 2 because it promoted reckless driving in sydney??? HUH!? Seing that most of the game is based in the rocks, it would be impossible with the amount of potholes around there.

I have played CS for 9 hours straight and in no way was i compelled to go and kill someone, more compelled to have a panadol and some water. For people who cant take responsibility for thier actions: Theres computer games
For everything else, theres Master card [/badjoke]

Spugmaster said:
Thanks dude.

And to the guy who says we are the same person, keep trying. Maybe one day you will say something intelligent enough to get a pat on the back for...I won't hold my breath though.

Shame you were just elaborating on what some other guy said.
If I ever get the idea of killing someone, you have my word on that I will be using a twelve foot needle for it, and do it naked. They had better come up with a real good story to connect that with some game.
Maybe he ran in and said "U suxx0rz n00b's!!" first.
Sharrd said:
Shame you were just elaborating on what some other guy said.
If I ever get the idea of killing someone, you have my word on that I will be using a twelve foot needle for it, and do it naked. They had better come up with a real good story to connect that with some game.

noo.. dont make them ban my favourite game! 12 foot needle man!
It's a lasy tactic that's being used by presecution lawyers all over the world these days. They get paid enough, they really should come up with something original :rolleyes:
Homer said:
so... they broke into a house dressed as characters from counter strike, and killed a guy? Sounds like a B&E gone bad to me, and the costumes sound like what you wear when you break into someones house.

Not if he dressed up as one of the |337 guys on T side...
Here we´ll go again...

I feel really bad for the family. Some people are just ****ed up in their heads. People, if you´ve got a grip on things... don´t let go.
most people shared my thoghts on this
dressed u as a CS character? How exactly do you do that?
a black shirt and camo cargo pants?
a green shirt and beige cargo pants?
and i doubt they put on a SAS or GSG helmet and uniform.

and they arent even characters, its terrorist versus counter-terrorist and they game is so detached from everyday life that to kill someone because of it, well, you were f#cked up WAY before you played CS
it's kinda logical those guys were about the same clothes...I mean, I know a game, where they wear beige camouflage clothes (Desert Combat) and guess what, the US Army took it over to go to Iraq!!
on the subject of manhunt (for those talking about it b4)
i played it and its a suckass game, people who disagree with me - YOUR WRONG, IT WAS A SUCKASS GAME
and i think that it wasnt at all necessary to make it, it wasnt fun, all it was is overly violent, and i wouldnt care less if all copies of it got deleted.
If something like HL2 was that gory - but still fun, with great gameplay, thats one thing, but when they make a game because its gonna sell purely because of sheer unneccesary, gory violence, thats bad.

Who needs a game where you can choke people on plastic bags and watch a huge animation of them suffocating - where that is the main sell-point for the game? Noone
I didnt mind Manhunt at all actually, i thought it was quite a fun game. Particularly the zoo level and the level outside the house with the maze. It wasnt for the fact it was violent, because it wasnt any worse than MANY films that have been out for years, i just thought it was a really tense game. Whatever you're opinion is you cant say that anyone who likes the game is WRONG, you are just over sensitive. Would you like to see films like Texas Chainsaw Massacre banned?
NB. said:
I didnt mind Manhunt at all actually, i thought it was quite a fun game. Particularly the zoo level and the level outside the house with the maze. It wasnt for the fact it was violent, because it wasnt any worse than MANY films that have been out for years, i just thought it was a really tense game. Whatever you're opinion is you cant say that anyone who likes the game is WRONG, you are just over sensitive. Would you like to see films like Texas Chainsaw Massacre banned?

hehe when i said whoever disagrees - YOUR WRONG, i was just being a dumbass.... i read maddox too much

have you ever read maddox? its here .....
PS this is totally not a spam message, if you disagree... your wrong
If there's any banning because of this sort of thing, or bad press on TV, I would seriously consider going on Today Tonight, or something, and defending games. It's absolutely rediculous that violence be attributed to games.. if anything, mediums of art, such as film and games, reflect society - there is violence in games because there is violence in the world, not the other way around. If games did cause violence, the vast majority of today's youth would be out killing and assaulting people.

There is an enormous difference between clicking 'mouse 1' and unloading a clip into a living, breathing human being. The type of mental state required to do such a thing can simply never be created by computer games, or movies... you'd have to have a hell of a reason to kill someone, or a hell of a lot of mental problems.
Last week a shopkeeper was robbed at gunpoint by men wearing Donald Duck masks.


That's following precisely the same chain of logic. I await the UN's takeover by a hardcore cabal of fanatical gamers, the HJoROF, who will proceed to declare war on any country stupid enough to even consider allowing this kind of defence in the courtro-

*Britain is nuked by the Homicidal Juggernauts of Righteous Online Fury*
I wonder, if they had the uniforms that Australian troops have on Iraq, would they ban the war ? … Yeah right …
Obviously, the kids are psychotic regardless of CS. Ticking time bombs looking for their cliche in the murder game.
They found it.
Did the accused say that what he wos wearing wos inspired by cs or was that some els , i couldnt figure that out , if i had another look at it i probly could , but did he ?
"dressed in an outfit that was inspired by the violent computer game, Counter-Strike,"

They make it sound so retarded. Its not games that do this is that retards head.
Raziel-Jcd said:
"dressed in an outfit that was inspired by the violent computer game, Counter-Strike,"

They make it sound so retarded. Its not games that do this is that retards head.

They obviously lacked the ability to differentiate fiction from reality.
Just like a 5-year old girl jumps to her death as she thinks she is a flying Pokemon...
There should be more news on it today, ill update accordingly but there hasnt been any media backlash at the moment, just that initial article in the paper. the australian media is to busy flaming drug addicted truck drivers and drunk judges hehe what a world...
If I were breaking into somewhere more than likely I'd be wearing a ski mask as well. Not that I break into places but if I WERE going to, I guess with a stretch of the imagination I'd look a bit like a Counter-Strike terrorist... or any other terrorist from any other movie/game ever created.

Media has rolled so far downhill it's almost ringing Hell's doorbell.
When are we going to see headlines like "Kid killed when trying to fire toy gun at car when it failed to halt. Said to be inspired by US Army" "Parents call for US Army to be banned over incident"?

If some one dressed up as Big Bird and broke into some ones house and killed the occupants would Sesame Street be held accountable? Its a joke

You can contrive a videogame connection to any tragedy nowadays and the media will do it because it sells papers/gets viewers because it scares parents.
LIke someone said before, its perfect stuff to wear for armed robery.....Im looking to see if i can get a photo to see whether it was a dedicated attempt to dress up as a CS terrorist or just a gasmask and camo....
Just as i predicted It ran the front page of the papers this morning. It is confirmed that the offenders were big fans of the CS game and that they dressed in an exact imitation of the characters they were playing online.
Wow... idiot alert. Blame it all on the surrounding and not the perps themselves. Fools.
Some_God said:
Wow... idiot alert. Blame it all on the surrounding and not the perps themselves. Fools.

Like I said earlier - it was an easy target, popular game that is topical at the moment.
fantasiser said:
on the subject of manhunt (for those talking about it b4)
i played it and its a suckass game, people who disagree with me - YOUR WRONG, IT WAS A SUCKASS GAME
and i think that it wasnt at all necessary to make it, it wasnt fun, all it was is overly violent, and i wouldnt care less if all copies of it got deleted.
If something like HL2 was that gory - but still fun, with great gameplay, thats one thing, but when they make a game because its gonna sell purely because of sheer unneccesary, gory violence, thats bad.

Who needs a game where you can choke people on plastic bags and watch a huge animation of them suffocating - where that is the main sell-point for the game? Noone

Ive got to agree here, Manhunt, for me, crossed the line. It might have been different if they made it alittle bit humourous but offing people with plastic bags (which by the way the game had no goood plot i could see) and what have you , obviously shouldnt be made available to children under 15,16,17, whatever. Would you let your kid sit down and watch the exorcist? Texas chainsaw massacre? Games like movies are another form of entertainment, therefore, need classification laws which adhere to the age of the people that are going to play them...fine for us guys that know its a computer game, but parents, flame the OLFC or other classification offices before you flame the developers of a game
i love how the front page of the telegraph shows a shot from CS:S : de_chateau, one CT sneaking up on bombsite A, from an angle that makes it look like a guy creeping up on a suburban mansion (Cecil Hill is an upmarket suburb i think?)

there is no mention of the fact that based on the description of the clothes they bought, they were dressed as SAS, whose function in the game is to defuse bombs and rescue hostages.
yeh, dressing as CT's, and the fact that according to the telegraph, ONLY ONE OF THE GUYS WAS DRESSED LIKE A CS GUY : "because of two men, one of which the Crown says was the accused, dressed in an outfit that was inspired by a computer game, Counter-Strike, in which the accused had some interest"

the article draws almost no parallels between the two topics its basically:
was the inspiration for freddy dressing like a clown and killing his cat
this reminds me of way back when they blamed Columbine on DOOM and Wolfenstien, which both weren't exactly "realistic" graphically. The media ignored the fact that those two guys had been picked on and treated horribly, plus had mental issues and families that weren't there emotionally. The media would rather blame stupid games than accept the fact that suburban towns have deep issues that seem to always go unspoken. Kids have to deal with so much shit, it's doesn't surprise me that some do eventually snap. But it's not games that cause things. It is issues going unhelped, and building up until the pressure just explodes somehow. :( there's my two cents
I'm getting the telegraph now, I'm going to write into them about the article I think.
Wow, that's one reason I love the US, pissants that try and ban video games because of this just end up getting pissed on.