
Yes, but combat is hard. Also, the ship tracks damage. If you go on a big shooting spree, chances are that you'll find yourself with more environmental problems.

You just made me shit my pants.

This sounds awesome. Singleplayer FTW!
Seeing as you've all been so nice, you can have some...

I like when teams do mysterious promotions like this - with a good enough concept, it definately keeps people looking for more.
Seeing as you've all been so nice, you can have some...


That looks really, really, really cool.

and... I have been dreaming about creating a shooter in space, where stray bullets can cause damage to the space station, for a LOOONG time, actually.

I have about 100+ ideas for it, too.

If you need any help with anything, ask, and I will gladly help out, free of charge.
Cooperative mode would make this game the best thing ever :D

-Angry Lawyer
If there's a co-op mode, you won't play through the storyline missions - there'd be specific co-operative missions (based on the SP missions)
If there's a co-op mode, you won't play through the storyline missions - there'd be specific co-operative missions (based on the SP missions)



That would make this my favorite game EVER. Me and my brother play the shit out of every co-op game made... and perhaps this will be the greatest game with co-op ever??
We're not excluding the possibility, but it won't be a priority, and likely to be something that comes afterwards.

If your gonna go for a big project why not code it yourself. You cna guarentee that if they did use push brushes as desribed in the comments, that those airlocks will be shakey :p They will only owrk the way shown, there will be physics inconsistencies, you will be disappointed - That is how Source works
We didn't use push brushes...