Ti42000. Time for an Upgrade?

Looks like we both had a good day jabber, my AGP mobo now works! I guess some screwholes in my Dell case was interfering with it, so we took them out and it works fine! My 512 ram is now dual channel as this mobo supports it, and I found a 60gb 7,200 rpm hitachi deskstar lying around the old computer that nobody was using, so I put that in. Tell us how you like the 9800 pro when you get it in.
Congrats on the card dude, I remember how I felt when my 9800 pro arrived :thumbs:
Tip for the arctic cooler - DO not put too much thermal compound on, just enough to take the 'shinyness' off of the gpu.
Also don't be afraid of tighhtening it on too tightly a sit has a very clever bendable bracket which stops you breaking the card and make sure there is no movement what so ever in the graphics card.
bosox188 said:
Tell us how you like the 9800 pro when you get it in.
Well, you asked! I just got my new 9800pro and cooler on Thursday. Installing it was very simple, although I haven't installed the big cooler yet.

So far it works brilliantly, and I can't wait to test it out on HL2. I'm too much of a cheapskate to buy Doom3 just to test the card (I wouldn't enjoy the game), so I have to wait for HL2 or CS:S retail to arrive.

My overall case temperature has risen by 1-2 degrees, and the case near the card is warm, so it's true what they say about 9800pros running hot. I haven't tried overclocking yet, and im not going to until I install the Arctic Cooler (I probably will next week, now im sure the card works). With a bit of luck I can get it to XT speeds and beyond!

Thanks for everyones help in my decision, I really am pleased. I would advise anyone to make the upgrade, but I hope I won't have to wait long for HL2!
With that Artic cooler you'll get it to XT speeds maybe beyond. And I forgot, which one did you get, the Sapphire? And it's ok with the power supply? Oh and I got the motherboard working, dunno if you read that. I'm getting a nice ATX case with a good 430w psu, and may even be getting a P4C 2.8ghz. See my updated sig to see my improved rig.
Slick deal!
Just remember if the heatsink or air around the card is hot then it's doing it's job, pulling the heat away from the card. ;)

There are a lot of shiny objects or surfaces just in CSS beta that show reflections with DX9 cards but not DX8. That is a good upgrade and enjoy it.