


I have been watching these threads since the beginning, and i cant wait for HL2 to be released...finally. But, with all of the hype that has gone over the beauty and realism of HL2, i believe that i have the right to be just a little picky. While watching the latest E3 vid for the 2nd time, i noticed that during one of the Strider fights, one man with a rocket launcher accidentally hits a tree. To my suprise, when the smoke cleared, the tree was undamaged. Now, i am soooooo impressed with the interaction with objects in this game, like the scene with the helicopter and the glider, but isn't it kinda weird that valve wouldn't take into acount that maybe trees would break when they are hit with a rocket?
PS: sorry to be another complainer, but this bugs me and i was just wonderin wat others thought of it
Not everything is destructible. The tree should probably show damage, but you shouldn't expect it to blow up just because other things do.
actually i didnt notice this in vid.. off to watch :>

edit: you're right :eek: i understand buildings.. but trees should have those properties :( poo

ah well ..
i know this, but i mean in the same scene the strider hits the cement columns and they crumble, but a tree is hit and it just stands still. This is something that i have always noticed in games and i was hoping would be fixed in HL2
Repeat after me: not everything is destructible. It isn't a bug to be "fixed." It's a reality of what can reasonably be done with current performance. Make everything destructible, and you increase the number of polys in a scene exponentially.
Meh, its a little thing that I don't care about, and surely won't effect gameplay for me.
Wasn't this exact point agued about before? I know you probably didn't know that Hendrix, but it seems that everything we talk about now is old. I really wish something exciting would happen around here...
I thought you already knew? There are no trees which exist naturally on earth anymore in the half-life universe. Those are Solid holigrams with emiters to turn carbon dioxide into oxygen :-P Made out of grade A invincible metal alloys stronger than titanium :-P
I don't expect it to break.. but it would be neat if it caught fire.
anyway... getting back on topic... the tree is most likley a static model made in XSI. It would be a huge decrease in performance to have all models gimp like that. Although I'm sure you could arrange it for a mod... :)
and catching fire would be cool :)
you could make a crate shaped like a tree!
Crowbar! smashsmash!
Striker said:
yeah who cares if trees don't brake??

What happened to the "wood will act like wood" thing? It wouldn't be that hard to have trees break like they have crates and boards braking. And I dont see how it would be too much more taxing than breaking a crate, either.
the crate is made of boards with specific gimp point. a tree is an organic object.... a bit more resialnt than a crate too.

and if they made the trees gimp, ya'll would complain that it only breaks ina few diffrent ways.
i was trying to be funny.
perhaps make trees TOUGH boxes that gib like bodies did in hl1, but using
an assortment of random branches rather than body parts, no matter what tree size or type!
oh wait, people would still compl. . hell
Aphal said:
What happened to the "wood will act like wood" thing? It wouldn't be that hard to have trees break like they have crates and boards braking. And I dont see how it would be too much more taxing than breaking a crate, either.

Well that would mean that the entire tree and every single branch would break and splinter, not to mention the physics as well, so there would be something like 4 times the original number of poly's used to create that single tree flying about the place. It sure would look cool but i can certainly see how it would be taxing on the computer
We can't expect everything to have physics applied to it. They are already going above and beyond the call of duty with their physics, and are making a large step towards most objects having physics applied to them in games. I'm glad for that.
Wow, already we're complaining about unbreakable trees ......
It wouldn't be too CPU intensive to have a tree set on fire maybe. It doesn't have to break. The fire can just go out after a while.

But really, it's not big deal. Trees are always indestructable in games. :)
But really, it's not big deal. Trees are always indestructable in games. :)
Unless you are playing a game from the Delta Force series, your bullets are so powerful that they make trees dissenegrate into woodchips :E
I think it goes to show how good this game is going to be, that we are reduced to complaining about trees surviving a rocket blast ;)
What happened to the "wood will act like wood" thing?

If something breaks, it will break like wood. Not that all things are breakable. The tree will still react like wood because of the materials system: in all the ways it CAN react. It will throw out wood gibs and show wood damage decals when hit. It will make wood noises. But breakability is something that is defined per object: it isn't a direct outcome of the materials system. In fact, just the opposite.
Actually Apos, though I agree with what you said.

I think the quote was more like "if it looks like wood, it will sound like wood, something like wood, and break realistically like wood."

And trees look like wood :)
It was a long time ago, when this videos was made, maybe they've fixed it, don't think so, but one can always hope.
right, it will break like wood.... IF it breaks at all. If it doesn't break, then we won't be able to see if it breaks like wood, will we?

If Gabe really meant that, it would imply that everything could break, since everything breaks like something.
A Tree doesnt look like Wood does it? It looks like a tree therefore the

"if it looks like wood, it will sound like wood, something like wood, and break realistically like wood."

Cannot apply to this... Tree=Tree Wood=Wood

Unbreakable Tree :)
Umm.. tree being the only available source of wood...

I am thinking ummm yeah...*pats you on the head*

never mind :)

To Apos:

Yeah, but things that look like thick conrete or metal wouldn't have to break like those materials because a bullet or hand held rocket launcher isn't going to damage them enough.

And if he didn't mean it, he shouldn't have said it.

HE most certainly did not say: If it looks like wood, it will break like wood, with the qualification that it can break at all.. That wouldn't be such good marketing now,would it ;)

As I said, I agree with your post, but he did not say what you are saying.
As I said, I agree with your post, but he did not say what you are saying.

Ah, but he did. All he technically said was that it would break like wood (would), not that it would necessarily break. Tricksy. And it fooled many many people. Perhaps as it was intended to do... who knows. But the reality is that he couldn't have been trying too hard to fool people, because in the very same demos there was plenty of wood that was obviously not breakable.
Apos, although even this point doesn't really mean he gave the qualification of "if it breaks at all," I will give you the benefit of the doubt if only because I can see you do not give in when beaten ;)

However tell me the difference between the two following sentences when spoken aloud.

If it looks like wood it will break (like wood).

If it looks like wood, it will break like wood.

And lastly, does this mean that things that look like wood only sound like wood with the qualification that they have any sound at all? It doesn't seem very impressive at all if you give all these things the same qualification, so unless he was trying to disillusion us with the quality of the game (ie. tell us the game wasn't very good ;)), I think he MEANT for it to be taken the way he said it. Even though I am aware this is not the case.
The second sentance doesn't necessarily imply that it will break at all, only that if it does, it will do it like wood. The first sentance is unambiguous on that point, the second is not.
Didn't he say something like "That means if something looks like wood, then it sounds like wood, floats like wood, and if you shoot it, it will fragment like wood".

TheRook said:
A Tree doesnt look like Wood does it? It looks like a tree therefore the

"if it looks like wood, it will sound like wood, something like wood, and break realistically like wood."

Cannot apply to this... Tree=Tree Wood=Wood

Unbreakable Tree :)

"That means if something looks like a tree, then it sounds like a tree, floats like a tree, and if you shoot it, it will fragment like a tree" :).
Crusader said:
However tell me the difference between the two following sentences when spoken aloud.

Apos said:
The second sentance doesn't necessarily imply that it will break at all, only that if it does, it will do it like wood. The first sentance is unambiguous on that point, the second is not.

I would like to direct your attention to the word "aloud" ;)

Also the full quote as above "That means if something looks like wood, then it sounds like wood, floats like wood, and if you shoot it, it will fragment like wood"

Seems a little less ambiguous, does it not? The only qualifying statement being that you shoot it. I'm sure you could still argue that he meant "if it broke at all" but that seems to be MUCH less implied than he appears to be implying that everything that looks like wood breaks like wood.

Oops, I did it there, I guess I should say "It breaks like wood if it can break at all," just so no-one gets confused ;)
I wish you could pull in branches with your manipulator and hide around a corner - then when an innocent Combine soldier came past - wack!

That would be wicked.
I think you can *use* stuff with your hands and pull them around anyway, so you could do that to the combine at the start of the game when you have no weapons. Vive la resistance! :LOL:
I guess you guys dont play BF42.......

where a little tree can stop a 70ton tank cold.......
Tbh I hate the way tanks stop in all games... Even when a tank crashes into a building it wouldn't just stop dead. And I hate when tanks BOUNCE off trees, too :(