Time Anomaly time!

Nov 29, 2006
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So, Half Life took place in the year 2000, right?

And the Half Life universe is supposed to be a parrallel universe of ours, a clone, not an alternate universe...

And Half Life came out in 1998, right?

So does this mean that in 1998 people from the Half Life world were playing Half Life, and then 2 years later it actually happened? :rolling:
The game was released here in 1998, but there it was released in 2003, making it a documentary of the events that happened on that day. The actual events happened in 2000, and it took approx. -1095 days for Sierra to pick up the rights from Gman for the game to be released here.

I have a lot of time on my hands.
So, Half Life took place in the year 2000, right?

And the Half Life universe is supposed to be a parrallel universe of ours, a clone, not an alternate universe...

And Half Life came out in 1998, right?

So does this mean that in 1998 people from the Half Life world were playing Half Life, and then 2 years later it actually happened? :rolling:

First off you think to much and second I don't think the GAME Half Life exists in the Half Life Universe if you know what I mean. :p

Oh and speaking of something like HL actually happening, anyone have any recent info on that particle accelerator thing that was supposed to be able to create artificial black holes:rolling:

A alternate universe by definition is a universe that is by all means, alternate from our timeline, like a past with lasers, or a present that is destroyed.

A parallel universe by definition is a universe that is parallel to ours, only differences our a few choices.

The choices in HL universe's case being, Black Mesa and the incident...

So theoritically, they could've been playing Half Life and then it happened.

Of course, once we reach the state that the combine attacked (and we have), the HL universe became a alternate universe. But at the time of release it was a parallel universe.
Er... your definition of parallel and alternate universes... is rather arbitrary.

I wonder if there were any books written about Black Mesa? Would be interesting props to see in later HL episodes.
So, Half Life took place in the year 2000, right?

And the Half Life universe is supposed to be a parrallel universe of ours, a clone, not an alternate universe...

And Half Life came out in 1998, right?

So does this mean that in 1998 people from the Half Life world were playing Half Life, and then 2 years later it actually happened? :rolling:

My head... :(
First off you think to much and second I don't think the GAME Half Life exists in the Half Life Universe if you know what I mean. :p

Oh and speaking of something like HL actually happening, anyone have any recent info on that particle accelerator thing that was supposed to be able to create artificial black holes:rolling:

Yeah, it starts in November. Better get your loving on now.
I had believed that the Black Mesa Incident occurred in 200- ... meaning that it could have taken place anywhere from the year 2000 to the year 2009. Which means that it could still happen! Is there are source that confirms that HL1 happened precisely in the year 2000?

In my fan fiction I have the Black Mesa Incident occurring in the year 2008. Black Mesa technology seems a little futuristic for the year 2000 or 1998 (though ten years later is not much better).

Also, on the definition of parallel universes / alternate universes.

A parallel universe is
1. A universe is not our own.
2. A universe that has a timeline identical to our own, so that both of our timelines are parallel, and the parallel universe's timeline is identical to ours in all but position.

If you were able to enter a parallel universe, it would be identical to the one you left, up until your entrance. As you switch universes, your Home Universe would be deprived of a You, while the Other Universe would now have two of You. At that point in time, the parallel universe becomes an alternate universe.

An alternate universe is
1. A universe that is not our own
2. A universe whose timeline has diverged from ours at some point, or whose timeline never even began in the same ways our did. It could be a universe in which from the beginning of time it has been fundamentally different from our Home Universe, or it could be a universe where Albert Einstein assassinated Adolf Hitler.

In soft science fiction, I would say you could get away with a parallel universe being ahead or behind ours, time-wise. You might find a parallel universe that is currently experiencing the 1950s, for example (at least until you enter it).

The Half-Life Universe actually contains mini-universes within it, that interact with each other. The existence of a Combine universe and a Xen universe might be the first divergent quality from our own timeline. It is an Alternate Universe. In our own universe, there is no Gordon Freeman, Valve made an awesome game called Half-Life and released it in 1998, which spawned a large fanbase and sequels, and there is no Black Mesa nor any of its employees.
2. A universe that has a timeline identical to our own, so that both of our timelines are parallel, and the parallel universe's timeline is identical to ours in all but position.
The point of divergence in the Half-Life 'universe' is that Valve software went ahead and made their quake-inspired FPS named 'Quiver'. The events of Half-Life thereby were allowed to take place without coincidence.

Tis all true I tell thee.