TIME magazine delcares PS3 a bust

"lucky for you not alot of people read your TIME magazine"
This isn't about the Wii anymore...its a war between sony and microsoft... *incredibly cliched dramatic music now*
Seriously, the only thing that miledly interests me about the PS3 is Resisitance: Fall of Man, and really, compared to Gears of War, it is shit.
It'll end up like this;

Wii > X360 > PS3

A lot of people I know have gone for a 360 because of the price.

The PS3 isn't getting my interest.

1) It's too expensive, Sony lose a hell of a lot on each of the consoles I believe and so far, it's not selling that well.
2) The games are the same as last-gen games bringing nothing new apart from a gimmicky tilt-sensor and the best rendering capability out of the 3 consoles.
3) It's hard to code for according to many developers. (I hope to get into the games industry and I know I won't be doing any programming but, yesh, I do feel sorry for anybody who does have to)

The only thing I'm all for is the free online play but I think that MS are allowing free online play next year...
360 should be winning but it's not really looking that promising. Gears of War was huge but the console sales in November were not. It's sad that the the most technically deficient console is probably going to win (wii).
Umm, if I remember correctly from the NPD and other data November was a huge month for gaming in general and the 360 sold the most (Beating the PS2/PS3/Wii).. I may be wrong on some small details but I'm positive November was a damn good month for 360 sales. :O
although it'll be only a matter of time before the Xbox360 'appropriates' a similar controller :p

There's a advert in my recent issue of NGamer for the next XOBM issue and they've just tried the new 360 motion controller. Just finding a piccie. It looks like a dildo.

Meh can't find one.
Sounds about right for Microsoft...

I bet the next handheld console for Microsoft is the XXXhand. Designed specifically to interface with mind... and body.

I think they're planning on more beach volleyball games.
The PS2 cost more than the PS3 60 gig version when it first came out. If those people in TIME magazine bought a PS2 at launch when it first came out, I say bullshit to them.

Not to say that sony did not screw up...they did screw up..big time. But where were the complaints when the PS2 came out?? Looks like Microsoft's "early bird gets the worm" policy did actually work and now sony has a hell of a lot of catching up to do.

I think Sony's biggest mistake of all, was to include the PS3 with a Blu-ray player.....am I actually gonna use it?? Depends on what movies come out for the Blu-ray format. I'm betting that most of the movie producers will choose HD-DVD over Blu-ray. So I can't see myself buying any Blu-ray movies anytime soon.

Another big mistake was the launch titles....none. Well maybe Resistance, but other than that, I gotta a 360 for those. The PS3 multiplayer is still in the works, so it sucks right now.

But wait...lets look ahead....1 year from now. Right now the 360 is reaching it's peak in graphics and capability. Developers are finally getting the hang of developing games for the 360. The PS3 is a much more complex system to make a game with. But in 1 year I can bet that the PS3 graphics will excel the graphics of the XBOX 360 by a lot. I can also bet the PS3 will have much more capability than the XBOX 360...in 1 year. But who knows. It's all up to sony.
But in 1 year I can bet that the PS3 graphics will excel the graphics of the XBOX 360 by a lot.
Is that based on ANYTHING other than the tired saying that 'lol more years games 02039 better rofldevelopers know how 0se the syst3m' ?

If you've read any decent analysis of the hardware of both they're either on par or the 360 is ahead in areas that matter.
Anyone calling it right now is stupid. The PS3 just came out. The Wii just came out. It will take a good two years or so before any side can be declared a clear winner. I'm reserving judgement til all of the platforms have reached maturity.
Or bankrupcy ^_^

Also - "The PS3 shares the not-so spotlight next to... <stuff> ...and Snakes on a Plane as the year's biggest letdowns according to the magazine."

Snakes on a Plane was a letdown how? It was snakes... on a plane. It delivered on every concievable level.
I think Sony's biggest mistake of all, was to include the PS3 with a Blu-ray player.....am I actually gonna use it?? Depends on what movies come out for the Blu-ray format. I'm betting that most of the movie producers will choose HD-DVD over Blu-ray. So I can't see myself buying any Blu-ray movies anytime soon.

Another big mistake was the launch titles....none. Well maybe Resistance, but other than that, I gotta a 360 for those. The PS3 multiplayer is still in the works, so it sucks right now.

But wait...lets look ahead....1 year from now. Right now the 360 is reaching it's peak in graphics and capability. Developers are finally getting the hang of developing games for the 360. The PS3 is a much more complex system to make a game with. But in 1 year I can bet that the PS3 graphics will excel the graphics of the XBOX 360 by a lot. I can also bet the PS3 will have much more capability than the XBOX 360...in 1 year. But who knows. It's all up to sony.

If I'm not mistaken, the major movie labels are pretty split on HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, but it's been a while since I took at the list. Personally I think it's too early to knock on Blu-Ray or PS3, who knows maybe Sony will put the Blu-Ray into good use in the future (i.e. region-free games).

If you put into perspective of past console releases, I don't think Sony's lineup is as terrible as everyone makes it out to be. Yes there's a whole lot of cross-platform games, but that's expected since 360 has been out for a year. Most console releases don't even have a decent game like Resistance: Fall of Man in the lineup, which from playing experience seemed pretty good.

I'll look forward to seeing Time's issue when the Sony's franchise-games start getting released. MGS4, FFXIII, God of War 3, GT5, Motorstorm, Shadow of the Collosus / Ico team (especially this one, I can't wait to see what they can do with next-gen hardware), Naughty Dog games (can't remember that one Jungle adventuure game, shit I keep forgetting), Jak 4, etc etc. Of course there's also the big name cross-platform games (GTA comes to mind...) but I'll leave them out.
September 1939:


December 1941:



To be fair they WERE winning and most people aren't fairly optimistic in a war. :p
If I'm not mistaken, the major movie labels are pretty split on HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, but it's been a while since I took at the list. Personally I think it's too early to knock on Blu-Ray or PS3, who knows maybe Sony will put the Blu-Ray into good use in the future (i.e. region-free games).
actually, the PS3 doing badly could be a death knell for blu-ray
If a brand name format that includes it as a major selling point fails, then blu ray will be dropped like a hot poker
actually, the PS3 doing badly could be a death knell for blu-ray
If a brand name format that includes it as a major selling point fails, then blu ray will be dropped like a hot poker

That's the thing, I don't think the PS3 will end up doing badly at all. I mean, the things flew off the shelves and the major knock on Sony seems to be that they under-produced. I do think the PS3 will wound up losing a lot of their fanbase to 360 in this generation but I still think they'll come out on top in terms of console sales. Even with a reduced fanbase, there's no doubt they'll likely end up selling a shitload of consoles worldwide (especially when the major titles like MGS4 comes out...) and in turn cause Blu-Ray to achieve higher market penetration compared to HD-DVD.
I agree with AiM,

The fact that PS3 has been a marketing clusterf**k will have an adverse effect on Sales, as will the rediculusy high price.

However tbh the PS2 was a marketing nightmare as well, in addition it wasn't the best of the consoles in that generation, yet it did well somewhat on the back of it's younger brother, (and some cracking games)

PS3 will do well cause it's little bro is still a top line console in terms of sales. It has a brace of good game titles are coming out. It doesn't matter if it was the worst console in the group it's a Playstation, it's Sony, and the brand name sells.
The PS2 when it came out was without any challenger at all bar itself (ps1) - Sony had a near monopoly at that stage of the game over consoles
The PS3 will not do well long term because aside from imo the gimmicky inclusion of blu ray it is an inferior platform on so many many counts
Even if Sony had not shot themselves in the foot repeatedly since the PS3 announcement many if not most consumers would still have been wise to the fact that the PS3 is shovelware at its worst
The PS3 is a bust. They put too many features in it, which lead to the astronomical pricing. Let's face it, the average gamer isn't going to pay that much money for the PS3. I know I'm certainly not paying $600 for a video game system, with games that cost $60 a pop. It's just so much money, not to mention you can't even buy one if you wanted to at this point, unless you're willing to spend $3000 for one on ebay.
The PS2 when it came out was without any challenger at all bar itself (ps1) - Sony had a near monopoly at that stage of the game over consoles
The PS3 will not do well long term because aside from imo the gimmicky inclusion of blu ray it is an inferior platform on so many many counts
Even if Sony had not shot themselves in the foot repeatedly since the PS3 announcement many if not most consumers would still have been wise to the fact that the PS3 is shovelware at its worst

Gimmicky Blu-Ray? They put a lot of dough (along with the other two companies...) in the development and it seems to produce high-def quality sounds / images. Whether it's a better option than HD-DVD is another matter, but this is besides the point, Sony will use Blu-Ray discs for the games and it's too early to tell how much of a benefit it will be long term. All I know now is that it allows region-free games and developers can afford utilize that extra space as they see fit. The $60 price tag isn't all that insane considering 360 games are using DVD's but charge that same price (although I personally dislike the high cost, but it's more understandable).

I think you severly underestimate the power behind the brand name PlayStation, they will sell a lot of consoles once the big franchises come about, hell they sell out now with only Resistance: Fall of Man as the noteworthy game. The biggest issue is their lack of supplies, not the quantity demand.


As for the astronomical price tag, the similar models between 360 and PS3 are $100 apart but PS3 offers more, namely a blu-ray player. I'd like to have a cheaper console too but it's not like Sony is hiking the prices for profit, hell they lose money with each console sold.
woot.com is selling PS3's...so they can buy their staff Wii's. haha
How is $60 expensive for games?

PS games were $30.
PS2 games were $50.
PS3 games should be $80, going with the percentage increase.
Final Fantasy III for the SNES was $70 at one point.

(Fortunately for us, it was worth every penny.)

As for the TIME article, it's rubbish. 2007 is the true test for the future consoles.
How is $60 expensive for games?

PS games were $30.
PS2 games were $50.
PS3 games should be $80, going with the percentage increase.
Where's the logic behind that?

Console gaming has deteriorated immensely over the past 2 years or so, everything is now based around as I like to call 'hype buying', I know 3 friends of mine who bought the 360 as soon as it came out, one with a HDTV, just to say that they have the latest and greatest console on the market :rolleyes:

It's just one big war between fan boys nowadays, with everyone praising this and slating that, if the general public weren't such tools and actually invested in a console that suited their own personal needs and the games they wanted to play instead of rolling with whatever 13 year old killamastr147 tells them on Gamespot, then we'd all be a lot happier.

Ah well, real men enjoy PC gaming :D
Where's the logic behind that?

Console gaming has deteriorated immensely over the past 2 years or so, everything is now based around as I like to call 'hype buying', I know 3 friends of mine who bought the 360 as soon as it came out, one with a HDTV, just to say that they have the latest and greatest console on the market :rolleyes:

It's just one big war between fan boys nowadays, with everyone praising this and slating that, if the general public weren't such tools and actually invested in a console that suited their own personal needs and the games they wanted to play instead of rolling with whatever 13 year old killamastr147 tells them on Gamespot, then we'd all be a lot happier.

Ah well, real men enjoy PC gaming :D

What rubbish.

*Looks at huge box full of great console games released in the last 3 years, and then at the teeny tiny box with pc games worth playing*
QFT Pulse :)
The only reason I'm buying a Wii is because it won't feel like I'm fiddling around with controller buttons, trying to have my guy survive (never liked console games for this reason). I'll actually be controlling my guy's movements with great accuracy without having to fiddle with controllers for a few weeks to get the hang of it.
What rubbish.

*Looks at huge box full of great console games released in the last 3 years, and then at the teeny tiny box with pc games worth playing*
Quality not quantity right? :) With the numerous mods, addons, TCs and dedicated communities spawned via PC games these days, they all bring new life and replay value to the teeny tiny box of games you posses. Hell, it's the reason I only have HL2 and OFP installed on my computer; with the mods available for each I have no reason to stop playing! Did I mention it costs me ?0.00? :D
Quality not quantity right? :)

The problem is having little of both. Mods are a way stretch out the few decent games that do make it. It's the communities and online leagues and ladders that make pc gaming good - it's just a shame that the good games are few and far between.
Actually 0.6 x 50 is 30.
1.6 x 50 = 80

I'd be ever so slightly worried if Sony were to price their games on an equation such as that however- everyone would be looking forward to downturns in the economy! Cheaper games for all!
Anyway, I think all I will prolly play on PS3 will be the Final Fantasy games that will inevitably come out for it. 360>Wii>PS3
I'd be ever so slightly worried if Sony were to price their games on an equation such as that however- everyone would be looking forward to downturns in the economy! Cheaper games for all!
I think Sony has a faulty equation.
I think it's 1.6 * 0 + 600.
so PS3 is a huge flop or what? I haven't followed the console war