Time Travel Teleportation, Poor Gordon



Anyone ever wonder how long Gordon is going to be forced to live in relation to the rest of time, considering this is the 3rd time hes been put into 'slow teleportation'? It kind of bothered me how he is suspended in time as the rest of the world continues without him, how he lives now only as a puppet to fight as the rest of his friends and former co workers die around him (Eli said 'You haven't changed one iota!' litterally). He never speaks so we can never know how he feels that basicly in the last 15-20 years he has lived the equivelent to maybe 3 days watching everyone decay as he is oblivious to whats happening around him. (Half-Life, HL: Redemption, and Half-Life 2) Even in Redemption he lived he lived the longest, only maybe 2 days compared to HL2 which was like 15 hours, maybe. :eek:

So you wonder how long can Gordon live like this as nothing more then a killing machine? Most likely to the year 3021 by his next birthday if he does 200 more missions like this if he gets really unlucky. :| So how does slow teleportation work? I'm betting it's based on Einstein's theorie's (I forgut da name of itz :naughty: ), the closer to the speed of light you go, the faster time goes without you. (which explains the lights flying by as he sits in his little traincar prison)

According to the theory, you can jump forward in time, just not backwards, thats unless you break the barrier of the speed of light which shouldn't be possible. The idea of the Teleporter going slow must mean he and Alyx traveled at the speed of light for about 1 second maybe while the revolution started. (It varies on how close to lightspeed you are, slower the shorter amount of time in the future you leap)

Your go slower the faster you go, thus Slow Teleportation is just a faster teleporter, its confusing I know. :rolling:

So will Gordon go on fighting forever? He needs to snap, no rest for even a minute (litterally) and that I imagine is how we will find out who the G-Man is (Tell him whats happening and how pivotal he does this crap, blah blah blah whatever). The mythic hero who will probably go on forever even when people stop recognizing him completely years into the future which maybe minutes for him. (which people are confused about somehow, everyone who knows him saw a photo or heard stories. Even those who didn't were probably told on the radio 'look out for the guy with coke bottle frames and a big orange suit' I would imagine he sticks out like a sore thumb :thumbs: )

P.S. There is one more thing about the Teleporter, the max speed is go 20 years at Light speed you jump 20000 years, and if you exceed it you travel backwards theoretically. (the whole Gordon-freeMAN = G-Man theory, going backwards is ALOT harder then going forwards AKA longer into the future before he can use it)

Now go make up more theories, as the G-Man would say it.
Goodnight Mr. Freeman :E
HL:Redemption? Are you talking about that mod released by PCZone magazine? If so that's not an official part of the Half-Life storyline, definately not approved by Valve.
Gordon has only seen action in HL1 and HL2 as far as the real storyline is concerned.

HL2 was spread over 3 days, at Ravenholm is night time. Then the next day is Highway 17.

And your slow teleport to a week later, that is another day too, and you destroy the citadel at sunset.
This phenomena of time slowing down is known as time dilation.
T=T_0(1-(v/c)^2)^-0.5 is the formula to explain it.
I think while G-man is talking to you in both the HL and HL2 endings you are rapidly being transported off to a safe place, and Gordon only spends a brief time here, before he is sent back again.

The thing that bothers me is the question was Gordon asleep, or wide awake throughout? And in fact, does Gordon ever sleep?
maybe if youre in a hev suit you don't need sleep?
kirovman said:
HL:Redemption? Are you talking about that mod released by PCZone magazine? If so that's not an official part of the Half-Life storyline, definately not approved by Valve.
Gordon has only seen action in HL1 and HL2 as far as the real storyline is concerned.

HL2 was spread over 3 days, at Ravenholm is night time. Then the next day is Highway 17.

And your slow teleport to a week later, that is another day too, and you destroy the citadel at sunset.
This phenomena of time slowing down is known as time dilation.
T=T_0(1-(v/c)^2)^-0.5 is the formula to explain it.
I think while G-man is talking to you in both the HL and HL2 endings you are rapidly being transported off to a safe place, and Gordon only spends a brief time here, before he is sent back again.

The thing that bothers me is the question was Gordon asleep, or wide awake throughout? And in fact, does Gordon ever sleep?

Yeah, I tried to explain it in lamens terms but it's time dialation alright. When I played I was in a blurry haze most of the time, (It was freaking awesome game :rolling: ) I wasn't sure about redemption honestly, it was something I played once years ago and made no sense to be perfectly honest :frown: . I just assumed it was one of the side contracts instead of how HL2 was his first real mission. The thing is about him sleeping, I don't think he does. Would you be able to sleep for the 3 days your stuck in City 17? Didn't even look like the rebels had slept in days from their appearance. Even the time in the black petri dish G-Man keeps stuffing him is pretty much is only minutes to hours at best.

I assume he'll never get a good night's rest ever again at this rate, he'd need to be amazingly paranoid and wide awake to do what he does, not to mention his suit is padded and pretty much makes him super human thanks to Kleiner. (Its just missing a sun roof.) :bonce:

'...No one is more deserving of rest in the world...' :x
Hmm... maybe Gordon feels that he only stayed at stasis for only a minute.. but he doesn't know that he has reached year 2050 already. so... I think he never sleeps. except wen knocked over or killed.
Jangle said:
maybe if youre in a hev suit you don't need sleep?

Your right. If you look at the blueprints it injects cafine directly into your blood. :LOL:

lol. Of course he sleeps. The slow teleport probably refreshes you. And resting for 5 to 10 years would keep you going for a while
ríomhaire said:
Your right. If you look at the blueprints it injects cafine directly into your blood. :LOL:

lol. Of course he sleeps. The slow teleport probably refreshes you. And resting for 5 to 10 years would keep you going for a while

Lol I seriously thought the adrenelene boost in his suit could do that. When I got my ass hit with a black headcrab it did adrenelene then the antidote. Hes probably just clicking the adrenelene button every 15 minutes. I would love to be able to use it in game inappropriately. He won't need a white grav gun to pick up combine and chuck them 500 feet. He wouldn't have to go through buildings, he could just pick them up and shake out all of the combine out :D

Naw the interval was most likely.
-Walk out of the train car.
-Half Life ends
-Wait 5 minutes.
-Watch silly opening to Half Life 2
-Pop up in City 17.
-Gordon says 'god **** it'
-and thus begins the story :x
Emiraly said:
Lol I seriously thought the adrenelene boost in his suit could do that. When I got my ass hit with a black headcrab it did adrenelene then the antidote. Hes probably just clicking the adrenelene button every 15 minutes.
Adrenalin? He’s popping amphetamines. Like the Nazis did to execute the blitzkrieg.
Warning (Achtung?) user endurance waning. Methamphetamines Administered.
Of course it has been proven that you’re better judgment goes down the tubes and you’re aggression level goes sky high on that stuff. Must be why Gordon is actually willing to take on the entire combine.
in the slow time warp that he is kept in between "assignments", time moves slowly - so, for him, maybe a day or two pass, while a variable amount of time passes outside of the warp.