Time Travel

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I know some people are relating some theories to Gordan's long term absence or whatever (I personally think he just after all that alien killing went for a cold one, I know I would :P)
Anyway to the offtopic bit, I haven't read much or discussed much about time travel, but I have some rules I seem quite set on.
As I see it it may be possible to go back or forth in time, however everything that has happend and will happen can not be affected by time travel. As your past will have already updated it self and you simply can't change anything.
E.g If you were to have HL, and take it back before Valve started even thinking about it and released it. The Source would then have never existed, Then you wouldn't in the future have even known it existed.
This all interests me as with the hl2 pic titled 'time machine'.
Anyway, thoughts?
Although i have very little knowledge of the subject i think i can contribute:

Perhaps there are 'laws' that stop you creating a paradox (e.g. killing your own mother as a child), in the same way there are 'laws' that stop us walking up walls (gravity) and such. Rather simplistic i know, but i think you'll get the idea.
This Pic:

In the Edge interview they revealed it's titled Time Machine. It is concept but may prove very interestering.
lol I seem to be a bit rusty, ah well same means. Maybe time travel :P
We'll im sure we'll have a bunch of crazy theories put into hl2, we already heard that cl_base and gl_orbifolds and stuff.
Oh, dear. I knew someone would bring this up after our shenanegans in the Future of Videogames thread.Well, prepare yourself for a long one, guys. And yes, it would be impossile to change the past because if you succeeded the changes would have already manifested themselves. No understande? Watch Minority Report, it's the same thing but in reverse.
Originally posted by Sulkdodds
Oh, dear. I knew someone would bring this up after our shenanegans in the Future of Videogames thread.Well, prepare yourself for a long one, guys. And yes, it would be impossile to change the past because if you succeeded the changes would have already manifested themselves. No understande? Watch Minority Report, it's the same thing but in reverse.
Have you tried? I would say, in theory, if you could travel back in time, it would be another dimension. Wherever you came from doesnt matter. Whoever you are doesnt matter. You are simply there, torn away from your own timeline. Killing your mother will do nothing, as you are part of the timeline you are in, not the timeline in 30 years forward or something. This theory means you CAN change everything. As your old time line has ceased to exist. Travel back in time and it is no "future". Change it however you wish, you can never go back, the future isnt there anymore.
This means of course, one have to elaborate the theory with the fact you can not travel forward in time. Which one in theory could (ie something that simply freeze time around you, making it seem like you travel forward), but it would still be part of your timeline. You are still in the same dimension. And you never actually move through time. Only when you go back through time.

There. An easily explained theory :P
Both of those theories seem to be pretty much the two choices.
Either that or the universe explodes.
But really, they always say it can't be done, but everyone's always been so incredibly wrong about similar things in the past that I'm willing to bet it may happen one day.
hmm, well, yes. But how could it even be POSSIBLE to go back in time? How could it be done? Maybe, just maybe in the far furture, but I doubt it. I mean...how? Think about it. Anyway, I think we should all move on to...what you would do if you could go back in time and not competely mess up the space-time contimuum.
I would take a helicopter (Commanche I think), a few vehicles, some airplanes, a ship and a starship similar to the Star Wars transport seen in the orginial series. Then I would display them to the ancient Egyptians so they can make hieroglyphs of them and fullfill one part of the ancient mysteries :)
Heh heh heh. Much more interesting. yeah, I'd probably do something like that, take loads of technology back to victorian times and be smug.
And I just remembered something else I need to do. But it requires a bit future stuff, like medical devices that automaticly heal (like in star trek) and a something that can alter water molecules into wine... Then its just a pair of sandals, a white robe and I'm set :)
Gotto remember to pack the nail proof gloves and spear proof vest though.