Timesplitters 3 Screens

Yeahhh.. saw these earlier today, looks great. Can't wait :thumbs:
Looks darned cool. Always liked the time-bending story...but this looks to be the first time they'll really take advantage of it.
Yay! Time Splitters are teh fun. :D
I remember this one scene in Time Splitters 2 when Tipper is tied up like in Gold Finger, gotta love that scene!
Looks great. Cant wait to play this.

Timesplitters 2 is teh hawt btw. :)
I would like the Timesplitters series a lot more if they stopped using those damn cartoony-style graphics. Really ruins what could be something good, in my opinion.
lol, in tune with the timesplitters style, it looks like the game will be copying a lot of other games. the manipulator arm, for instance... although in order for that to work the phisics have to be good... so maybe this is going to use an improved phisics engine? The levels definitely look more detailed.

what would be really great is if they released a PC map editor, that allowed PC users to create a map on his/ her PC and then transfer it onto a memory card using a usb cable or something. the PS2 map editor (i never played the GC version, although i probally should have got that one instead) was simplistic, and a PC map editor could allow for map competitions on the internet and stuff!
Suicide, the PS2, XBox and GC map editors were all identical, they were huge let downs
Shuzer said:
Suicide, the PS2, XBox and GC map editors were all identical, they were huge let downs
when i said i never played the GC version, i didnt mean i thought the map editors were different. i should have made it more clear- i meant i should have got the GC version because the graphics were better (and also my PS2 broke- and tbh i think it was TS2 that broke it- pushing it to the limits. it made horrible grinding noises when i played it, and my memory card saves wiped).

*edit* hey what do u mean "let downs"? the map editors were great!!! sure you couldnt do much, but they were the ONLY map editor on a console game (to my knowledge) and it REALLY pushed TS2 to the 9.5 / 10 out of 10 mark.
Well, I used to hang out in the TS2 forums on IGN.. the way they hyped the map editor (importable textures were promised at one time, I believe) and then seeing it when I finally got it.. it was sad =(

Anyway, I have the GC version, reminds me of the days I played Goldeneye.. good times :D Although Hard in TS2 is pretty much impossible.. I'm at the alien homeworld level, haven't played in months
This game looks too goofy. I heard some good things about TS2...but I never got into it because it just looks dumb, and like crap. But that's just me.
It wasn't great for its single player, which was at best silly and often boring. It's multiplayer however was a super version of Goldeneye on steroids (it was made by many of the same people). It remains just an awesome party game.
Yeah, it looks kewl, but I bet the controls will spoil it, unless they have been clever and come up with something
simmo said:
Yeah, it looks kewl, but I bet the controls will spoil it, unless they have been clever and come up with something

They adapted a very Goldeneye-esque control scheme for TS2. It worked very well, especially after you played it for about a half hour.
If you ever played Goldeneye, you'd know how perfect a control scheme it was for a FPS on a controller :)
Jesus Christ, I hate the Goldeneye controls so much! Why can't I just use one analogue stick to move and one to aim, instead of 'move and turn' stick and 'strafe and look up/down' stick/ it doesn't make sense, and it pisses me off.

Anyway: Timesplitters 2 was a great game. Good singleplayer, long-lasting Arcade League and Challenge mode, and then the blistering multiplayer.

And TS3 looks utterly brilliant. Especially since it looks like they're making more of the time travel this time, and that it's also a proper sequel - set after the last one, youa re stil the same character. Well, I assume so cos a boss is 'paradox xortez'. Oh noes! You have to fight yourself!

Waitasec...is it just me or is it making out like TS3 is GC exclusive?
You can customize your control scheme in both Goldeneye and Time Splitters (this one has more options, though)...
Yes, but no matter which of the dozen-odd control schemes you chose in Goldeneye you couldn't just have one stick to move and one to look. They had to be stupidly mixed up....
I agree with what a few others have said already. It's time to move past the cartoon graphics and into something a bit more gritty and realistic. Everything looks fake and it doesn't work in this games favor. A more lifelike approach to the art, in regards to the environments and characters, would work wonders here I think.
Sulkdodds said:
Yes, but no matter which of the dozen-odd control schemes you chose in Goldeneye you couldn't just have one stick to move and one to look. They had to be stupidly mixed up....
Nintendo 64 controllers had two sticks?!

And if they make Timesplitters serious... YAR, THEY WOULDN'T DARE! :flame: Seriously, I like the fun approach it has (flaming monkies! AHHH!)!
Nintendo 64 controllers had two sticks?!

Okay, one stick and a D-pad. Same thign really. Why couldn't I look witht he D-pad and move with the stick, or vice-versa?

Anyway, the day TS ditches it's cartoon look will be the day HL2: Ghettofabulous comes out. I like the style personally.
qckbeam said:
I agree with what a few others have said already. It's time to move past the cartoon graphics and into something a bit more gritty and realistic. Everything looks fake and it doesn't work in this games favor. A more lifelike approach to the art, in regards to the environments and characters, would work wonders here I think.

thats like saying "the simpsons should be made live action". i cant belive anyone would say that TS should be realistic. Have u even seen the origonal? arcade missions and bizzare, cartoony deathmatches with mates is what gave TS its charm.

in TS2, they added an amazing single player mission campaign, which was really really good, and was only a tiny part of TS2. The MP was drastically improved and even more wacky and unusualy with monkeys, clowns and dinasaurs. with over 100 characters (i think) the game completely kicked ass, and deserved 95% plus. thats not to mention the map editor, which was an added bonus and gave people like me their first taste of map making (if it wasnt for TS2, i probally wouldnt be making WC3 maps and now VH maps).

TS2 is cartoony. the game is intentionnaly cartoony. so dont you dare say it deserved to be more realistic! the whole point is that its a welcome relief from realism!!!

and about it being GC only, i dont know whether it is or not but TS2 pushed the PS2 to its very limits, and broke my PS2 just by being so damn good (seriosly)! so therefore maybe GC and X-box exclusives may be needed, as undoubtably iit will be so much bigger and theirfore probally break every PS2 it came in contact with.

and btw, sulkdodds is a TS2 1337 pr0. he has spent more hours on TS2 than i have on final fantasy.
(actually he hasnt spent 400 - 500 hours on it... thats a lie)
Sulkdodds said:
Okay, one stick and a D-pad. Same thign really. Why couldn't I look witht he D-pad and move with the stick, or vice-versa?

You would really try to look with the d-pad? Good luck trying to get precise aiming using a d-pad for something that requires analog :)
Suicide42 said:
and about it being GC only, i dont know whether it is or not but TS2 pushed the PS2 to its very limits, and broke my PS2 just by being so damn good (seriosly)! so therefore maybe GC and X-box exclusives may be needed, as undoubtably iit will be so much bigger and theirfore probally break every PS2 it came in contact with.

Timesplitters 2 did not break your PS2 by pushing it to the limits, if you honestly believe that then you have absolutely no technical common sense. Your PS2 was most likely old, broken, had something in the CD tray, or a scratched disc. Me and many other people play TS2 on PS2 and have never had any problems, so obviously the game doesn't destroy PS2's with its above average graphics. Also, it will not be an exclusive to any console, and if it was going to be one it would probably be PS2. The series started exclusively on PS2, and it sells the best on PS2.
One thing though...TS2 does have a nasty habit of corrupting your saves if you play it for too long - it happened to me twice, each time on a different mem card.

And yeah, Suicide. Your PS2 was probably quite old...and didn't it just start working again a few months later?

You would really try to look with the d-pad? Good luck trying to get precise aiming using a d-pad for something that requires analog

Well you had to use it to aim up and down...

Fine! I'd still be happier if I could use the left dpad for moving and the central stick for aiming. Mixing and matching directions like it does just doesn't make sense...and if I'm going to be honest, much as I like Nintendo the N64 pad is much too uncomfortable.