Timmy Links: orcon

The mantids were indeed delicious but their incubation period was long, and no recipes were included. Those of you not interested in absolute freshness may want to go with canned.

I prefer freeze dried praying mantids myself.
I'm sorry, my religion forbids me from eating chocolate covered mantids.
YEs, but ants are good for your religion, right? Nothing beats chocolate covered ants anyways. Crunch crunch.
72 of 79 people found the following review helpful:

5 out of 5 stars Wow, these are awesome, June 11, 2004
Reviewer: Kenny from Summerville, SC
I was quite skeptical of the effectiveness of these "parasites". Having seen the effects of my sister-in-law on my in-laws, some parasites can been absolutely murderous.

After the release of the 10,000 eggs, and their subsequent hatching, the entire fly population in the neighborhood seemed to disappear. But to my chagrin, suddenly the population of small mammals started thinning out. Four weeks post-release, three young children were reported missing. Then "Old Lady Wilson" vanished during one of her many trips to the local Woolworths.

These parasites have an incredible ability to adapt to depletion of their natural food supply, by seeking other forms of nutrition. They can actually increase their body mass to meet the demands of much larger prey.

Excuse me...something's at the door......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!


damn, 10 letter limit