Tips to improve FPS


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
When I performed the VST on my Athlon XP 2400+, FX5600 I got around 55 FPS. I wanted to improve that a bit (by sacrificing quality).

The big FPS booster was lowering the DirectX level to 7.0. This can be done with the command: mat_dxlevel "70". Note: Perform this command before loading de_dust or the VST.

The available levels are 50,60,70,80,81, and 90. 50 and 60 made the map really bright and the lighting didn't work on some objects (they became black).

Some other commands to increase performance are:
r_shadows "0" // Disables all shadows
mat_specular "0"
r_3dsky "0" // Disables the big dome,tree leaves, etc on de_dust
r_modellodscale "0.5" // Model quality. 1.0 default. Lower = less polygons (0.1 looks horrible tho)

Ther are many other r_ and mat_ commands to fiddle with in the console.

After making the above adjustments I achieved 100+ FPS on the Video stress test (didn't look near as pretty tho) and I average around 30 FPS in firefights on 64 player CS:S servers (not bad considering all the action going on).
But if it looks fugly, it's not worth playing... :(

Might as well play regular Counter-Strike then.
um, first, i only get 1 more fps with 80 or 81, or 90 dx level, and 70 dont work for me