tips to use grav gun?



yesterday i played hldm for the first time and quite enjoyed it. alot of players were using the grav gun and i was surprised at how well- (i was killed by it often!). i tried using it, but didn't do too well.

soooo, what i'm wondering is, how is everyone so accurate with it? i can't see shit when i'm holding box with it. any pointers appreciated.
Some smaller objects, like saw blades or small filing cabinets, allow you to see better than others. These are good ones to pick if you are going to run around the map holding an object. This is sometimes a good strategy right after you spawn on maps where there is a lot of armor. You figure your enemies have a lot of armor and you don't, so the instant kill power of the grav gun is a good equalizer.

You can also hold the object down a bit and look over the top, raising it when you go to fire. Or you can hold it a little to one side and swing it straight as you go to fire. Once you get the hang of it, you can often take a quick look at where the enemy is, and how they are moving as you go to pick up the object. Then you just grab the object and fire w/o even looking for them. For example, you might see a guy at 10:00 headed to your left, so you figure, ok now he's at about 9:00 and you just spin and fire. This is especially good when there is a large object available that will be hard to dodge.

Remember to keep moving, and that your enemy is going to try to dodge the object. So try to anticipate that. If they are moving to the side, you have to lead them a bit. Get the feel for how objects fly over distance. There is nothing better than popping someone in the back of the head from long distance.

A lot of times people will try to catch the object. If you see them with their grav gun out, try aiming for their feet or ricocheting the object off the floor right in front of their feet. You can also shoot the object faster if you double-tap the swap grav gun button very fast as you fire, but that takes more skill, and I wouldn't worry about it at this point.

You can also use the grav gun to throw exploding barrels, throw grenades, pick up grenades someone has thrown at you and throw them back, grab health packs/armor/weapons (useful when getting them manually would expose you- like the xbow in crossfire, or when it is more time consuming to get manually, like the stuff under the stairs in Lockdown), jump up very high in the air (a whole different topic), catch combine orbs, speed up combine orbs, block stairways/halls/doorways, hold something as a shield, build steps to climb up on something, and probably a bunch of other stuff that I'm not thinking of right now.
Grav lift- most usfull thing ever

Stand on a heavy object

and shoot down

u can get to unreachable areas on all maps

this works on-

airboats - the best
radiators - some types
all big abjects really

wont work on-

cutting blades
objects that are 2 light or heavy can sometimes kill u
exploding barrels
exploding melons
most light objects

also on using it as a weapon no one can beat me when i have my radiator theree the best objects not the long ones the small fat ones defelct bullets 2 and crossbow bolts
Player more and you get used to it. And I assume you mean HL2DM as there is no gravity gun in HLDM and I haven't heard of any mods yet where they have put it in there ;)
netrex said:
Player more and you get used to it. And I assume you mean HL2DM as there is no gravity gun in HLDM and I haven't heard of any mods yet where they have put it in there ;)

No shit?
cool, thanks that definitely helps. i didn't know you could use it to pick up thrown grenades- i will have to practice that one. and i'll try the grav jump next time i play.
I use a logitech mouse that quickly switches from current to grav gun, its excellent when you see some guy totting a file cabinet and aiming at you, it gives em a suprise. I reccomend you get a +3 button mouse, youll get 10% more kills, for sure
I found switching flashlight from F to G and Ggun to F from G works best, saves you some timing. :)
well personly, (i know it has been said) i use it throw nades. I was one of the first people to do it. When i got the game, no one was doing it. They all thought the was hacking, it was funny.

My anyways, i have the logitech mx700 and that thing is badass for HL2DM. I have the middle mouse button to switch to my grav gun and button 5 to go to my nades. So i can switch between them really fast. Almoast better than the RPG.
Get used to manipulating objects for better aim points and hit areas.

Like say you pick up a barrel. Depending on the situation, you might want it situated 180 parallel from your body, or maybe facing away from you like a missile (good placement for explosive barrels).

And when you pick up items like shelves, play around with them a little so that you have it situated so you can see through it.

And suiciding is never a BAD idea. Just toss a grenade, pick it up, and start hugging you attacker. More often than not, you being right up next to him will throw off his aim, and the explosion will kill you both, so you don't get points off for a suicide :)
Drizzt said:
well personly, (i know it has been said) i use it throw nades. I was one of the first people to do it. When i got the game, no one was doing it. They all thought the was hacking, it was funny.

My anyways, i have the logitech mx700 and that thing is badass for HL2DM. I have the middle mouse button to switch to my grav gun and button 5 to go to my nades. So i can switch between them really fast. Almoast better than the RPG.
I remember that. You raped me
lots of nasty tricks up my sleeve.

Heres one:
Bind mwheelup "lastinv; wait; wait; lastinv" then spin the mouse wheel while clicking.

It swaps from the grav gun to a gun and back quickly so you get a faster rate of fire.
W4E said:
lots of nasty tricks up my sleeve.

Heres one:
Bind mwheelup "lastinv; wait; wait; lastinv" then spin the mouse wheel while clicking.

It swaps from the grav gun to a gun and back quickly so you get a faster rate of fire.

Faster rate of fire for what?
why does switching between grav gun and smg for example give you a faster rate of fire for the smg?

I think adding binds for this sort of thing is borderline cheating - i only bind weapons to my logitech , i cant be arsed with a bind for nade throwing, grav jumping, its much better to do it manually because then you know you can do it.
It gives the gravgun a faster rate of fire.. also just pressing the button for lastinv has the same effect if you do it right..

I agree, its exploititive - they should just do it manually... but wait, that would take skill, and time..
I have only been playing DM since April 28th, got owned at first but five months on i think im pretty good now, i never even used the grav gun for the first three months until i saw the joy of slamming someone with a toilet or cooking a nade.
Ban the Binders
Yup, everyone should just stand still.
eh what?
he's talking about people who bind weapon scripts etc to a keyboard key
it's borderline cheating because it requires no skill
something interesting about the g-gun

lets say you spin around very fast while holding an object with the grav gun. The object will often lag a little bit behind the movement of the g-gun. This is usually only true in those ocassions where you turn ridiculously fast to face a new attacker.

anyhow, most people's first instinct is to wait for the object to catch up with the g-gun before firing. However that matter's not. The object will fly in the direction that the g_gun is pointing regardless of whether or not it is still lagging behind the gun. It will usually look like the table is flying over your shoulder at your enemy if you do it fast enough.

another thing to be mindful of. If someone else looks like they are ready to catch something you are about to throw with their g-gun, instead of aiming high, aim low. Usually people will not catch it and get taken out at the knees.
Rarely works and is a really bad idea but you can try using the primary fire on an object just as the person fires it at you. If it works it'll suddenly fly back and kill them, if not you're dead :/ More often than not for me it's the latter.
Flyingdebris said:
something interesting about the g-gun

lets say you spin around very fast while holding an object with the grav gun. The object will often lag a little bit behind the movement of the g-gun. This is usually only true in those ocassions where you turn ridiculously fast to face a new attacker.

anyhow, most people's first instinct is to wait for the object to catch up with the g-gun before firing. However that matter's not. The object will fly in the direction that the g_gun is pointing regardless of whether or not it is still lagging behind the gun. It will usually look like the table is flying over your shoulder at your enemy if you do it fast enough.

another thing to be mindful of. If someone else looks like they are ready to catch something you are about to throw with their g-gun, instead of aiming high, aim low. Usually people will not catch it and get taken out at the knees.
Are you talking about killing yourself with the gg because of turning around too fast? I used to happen to me all the time, until I learned how to deal with it.
- Gordon
WySiWyG said:
Yup, everyone should just stand still.

i'm just saying that people shouldn't bother playing if they cant' play without binds.
i ONLY bind weapons to my extra mouse keys and nothing else.
I dont use any of those hack-binds. Much more reliable doing things like that yourself. And i cant believe people actually need a script to catch there own nade..

Someone post there config, i want to see how youve binded your keys.

I use: mwheelup slot3
mwheeldown slot4
mouse5 use weapon_rpg
mouse4 use weapon_357
1-5 default.
F and G phys_swap. - because i tend to move my finger too far.
RC-73 said:
i'm just saying that people shouldn't bother playing if they cant' play without binds.
i ONLY bind weapons to my extra mouse keys and nothing else.

No one can play without binds, you're on about scripts.

Sarcasm fails on the internet once again.
yes yes, i mean scripts...was just testing!
on my logitech 310:

left & right buttons: as normal

mouse wheel 'click' : grav gun
mouse wheel up/down : scroll through all weapons
top button: Magnum/Pistol
middle button: nade/slam/rpg
side top button: SMG & Combine
side lower button : XBow & Shotgun

since using the 5 button mouse, my gameplay has improved tenfold and what else helped was changing the crosshair to a single dot.
the radiators are my favourite object to throw; good size, easy to see with and very common.
RC-73 said:
i'm just saying that people shouldn't bother playing if they cant' play without binds.
i ONLY bind weapons to my extra mouse keys and nothing else.

I use a grav jump bind with my mouse wheel. I have it so that if I hold mouse4 (mx1000) the mouse wheel goes into grav jump mode, and if I release mouse4, it goes back to normal mode.

I don't think it's cheating if you're just using it for gravjumping. I'll usually pop into a server, jump around for a bit, then some people start to say i'm a hacking mother****er.

The people who know what i'm doing laugh at the noobs claiming i'm hacking, and will sometimes tell me that they don't like what i'm doing.

If they ask me to stop maturely and politely, i'll stop and play normal.

However, if they come right out at me and go "You mother****ing grav jumper! You're a ****ing cheater man! STOP IT you're ruining the ****ing game for everybody!", I won't stop. Sometimes i'll even start targeting that person.

I'll move cars and stuff into the stairwell on Overwatch, ONLY if I start seeing rocket spamming becomming an issue. Like, maybe nobody gets a chance to spawn because of this one guy in the rocket spawn, i'll block him off with a car, then grav jump up ontop of one of the rockets, then blast him. Somebody will usually move the cars out of the way later, but the rocket spammer will usually not go back up :)

I think there's nothing wrong with it unless you're using it exploitively, and if the people at the other end ask you to stop politely. I'm not going to stop for some raging nub who can't ask me to stop without using a four letter word, a racial slur, or making a remark about my mother.

My two bits.

EDIT: Oh and it's LOADS of fun playing in an entire server full of gravjumpers. If you yourself are a gravjumper and know whole conduct thing, you'll know what I mean ;)
dont bother picking up a grenade just secondary fire it into the air press g very fast then grab it an through