Tired of Alyx, hopefully she dies



I see no point in killing Alyx, I mean they can have her out f a couple chapters but no killing her, Dr.Eli died like right at the end of Ep 2 so why kill off another character right after, and think about it the Gman is making sure she stays alive...remember she is one of his "investments" like gordon is. and yeah thats it, Ep 3 is coming out within this year or the year after and yes it is going to be Episode 3 not half life 3

And about her emotional stalker attachment..........
I kinda had the same thing but not with the stalkers, Headcrab zombies........
If you play their screams in reverse theu say "Oh dear god help me" "hep me"
so its like the same thing. the feeling of them once being people with feelings and that ones like the zombine that still have some control take out a grenade to end their own pitifull exsistance, it is sad
Marien, Alyx is superpowered because that's the way Half Life works. Just look at Gordon! He murders literally hundreds of well-trained, elite American soldiers. Hundreds. I live in the UK and if even one soldier dies in Afghanistan it's in the paper the next day. He's like Batman: yeah ok he's got an ultra-strong suit but he's not wearing a helmet! All it would take is one headshot. Franchise finished. You have to have mega invincibility to make it through any fps. If Alyx was more vulnerable, can you imagine how annoying the game would be having to spend the whole time protecting her and reloading every time she took a bullet?

As for Gordon, I'm fine with him as an empty vessel. I like a game where the player has to kind of pour themselves into the character. It really helps immersion. Also, remember from Gordon's perspective this has all taken place non-stop since the train ride into work that one unremarkable Monday morning. He's lived through like a week of pure slaughter. Now everywhere he goes, all the people around him get killed. Anyone who helps him dies, even his best friend. No wonder he always has his gun out.

In HL1 he and Eli were colleagues, although Eli was probably older. All of a sudden, he's like Gordon's father and his baby girl is this beautiful woman who is obviously attracted to Gordon. She's probably grown up with stories of how GF saved Black Mesa and disappeared. Now all of a sudden here he is, this hero who she's heard of her entire life. And he hasn't aged! Isn't he like 25 or 29 in HL1? It says so in the intro. So suddenly they're the same age. I love that story element but they don't play it up too much which is good.

LOL 57210788 she does keep dropping innuendos, like in HLE2 when she says Gordon and his suit are "inseparable". Like she's been wanting to get Gordon out of his suit so bad!

What I'd like to see is a more adult, brooding Alyx. She's had a cruel coming of age now that she's an orphan. I'd like to see the devs use the emotional attachment the player has developed with Alyx to charge the atmosphere of HLE3. I want the player to feel like Alyx is more distant now, and at the end I want Alyx to say she doesn't want to be with someone who leads such a violent life because she's sick of killing. Remember, violence follows Gordon around. He's jinxed. Then G goes back into stasis. Then, in HL3 he wakes up again, still 25, and some time in the game meets Alyx who is now an old woman.

I think that would be epic. Valve is really treading new ground with Alyx and I want to see them take it further. No way can she die, she's the source of all the emotional weight in the games.

Anyway that's my two cents. Oh, and the nod/shake head thing could work if done right, although it would break with the style of gameplay up to this point.

PS: Alternatively, they could build up the romantic interest, and then just when everything's looking peachy, have an ending similar to HLE2 (which was a massive OMFG moment for me) and make the player choose between saving Alyx and, I don't know, destroying a portal or something else hugely important.
EWWW dude romance between Alyx and Gordon, issues Gordon isn't a pedophile and Alyx literely at the end of Ep.2 sees here father die it's like asking out someone at a funeral. The idea is just a "fan boy disgusting i want to have fan fictional sex with Alyx" kind of a thing........ It is wrong
Whatever, look at Eli, he's all like "now that the suppression field's gone I want some grandkids" and "thanks for all you've done for Alyx, it's like you were my own son. When you get back we have a lot to talk about, *wink wink*." I think it's obvious that the devs are working this in, although I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't pursued any further. It might well remain unsaid for players to fill in the blanks themselves.
I don't know if you're replying directly to my post, but something I definitely don't want is any kind of sex thing between the player and Alyx (SEE uncanny valley), that would just be too weird. Whatever happens should be very understated like it is now. All I'm saying is what Valve is doing with emotional attachment between the player and an NPC is completely new (at least for a fps) and should be pursued further.
Yeah I believe it's 27 in HL1. A funny thing to think about is that although Gordon has only aged 27 years due to stasis, his age in terms of birth to present is closer to Judith (they were up for the same job in Black Mesa). In fact, Gordon got the job beause he had more experience, so he's probably slightly older.
Exactly, when I ever (rarely) think about if Gordon was to be in any kind of romance with any of the characters it would be Judith since they are around the same age.
And the reason Eli says all the stuff on grandkids is hbecause he is joking, If he wasn't that would be weird.

I geuss i was taking you're post directly Docorvid, but they kinda already added the new emotional relationship between the characters, even Kleiner.
Emotional relationships are like family relationships, they do not include romance
Technically, though, since the stasis, Judith is probably about 20 years older than Gordon, so they are not the same age in HL2, but they are in HL1. Bit of a mind****, but due to that Alyx would be around the same age as Gordon, because he's still 27.
Forgot that, it is a mindF*** but i still don't think Alyx is the same age as Gordon. I think Alyx is around 21-24 and Gordon is 27-28 though IDK Gordon looks like he should be in his 30's, but the idea of romance is still fan based not going to happen stuff, and besides this isn't the topic really it is whether Alyx should die or not, which she shouldn't since she is too big of a character.
Eli died because of the plot twist, and they can't really do that again.
Gordon and Alyx are similar in age due to his time in stasis. However I still don't think any lovin' between the two will happen. Valve will probably show a lot more emotion with Alyx with Eli being dead and all, but nothing past that. I feel maybe a relationship with Alyx would be cool at the end of the Half-Life story would be kinda cool.
Nah, she will hook up with Adrian Shepard, and or Dr.Kliener..... Or go into a testing program for Apperture science and rename herself Chell...I have found the connection