Tired of people complaining!



STOP complaining on AWP and autosnipers. They are
a part of CSS. If you get killed blame yourself.
Seen alot of "All noob use autosnipers they ruin the game for me"
They are as much a part of the game as any other weapon.
If you get killed you need to use new tactics. Counter-strike is allways evolving I know I have played since the 0,3 beta and belive me CSS and 0,3 big diffrens. The same goes for camping, if you want to camp why not. The goal is to win the round if camping helps it´s a good tactic. If you can´t stand this don´t play the game. Our play it but shut up.
Spot the camping auto-sniper nub!! ;)

(just playing - I agree)
i second that notion... people whine and bitch and moan, and what it comes down to is... if you don't like the game, don't ****ing play it.
Agreed. If you don't like campers and autosnipers, then don't play online fps' in general. There will always be camping. So stop bitching and just play the ****ing game.
Krilla said:
STOP complaining on AWP and autosnipers. They are
a part of CSS. If you get killed blame yourself.
Seen alot of "All noob use autosnipers they ruin the game for me"
They are as much a part of the game as any other weapon.
If you get killed you need to use new tactics. Counter-strike is allways evolving I know I have played since the 0,3 beta and belive me CSS and 0,3 big diffrens. The same goes for camping, if you want to camp why not. The goal is to win the round if camping helps it´s a good tactic. If you can´t stand this don´t play the game. Our play it but shut up.

I agree, but dont bother, you could write the most eloquent and passionate speech that makes grandmothers weep and mr.t cry and you wouldnt get people to budge an inch on this issue.
Camping is only really an issue in games with tons of players, like more than 16 or so. If camping is bothering you, just join games with fewer players.
I DISSAGREE! Now I won't flame or anyhthing bu I think spawn camping and auto sniping ruin the game SOMETIMES. When like 3 people on 1 team are auto sniping all I see is someone peek around the corner then there spammed to death without the auto sniper useing any REAL skill. I do think the AWP is fine and general camping but I will never have any respect for the auto sniper or spawn camper who does nothing to help his team of complete the objectives. It may be a pub but I still think its no excuse.
I hate camping personally, and AWP-ers and autosnipers. But I live with it. I don't complain (More than once), and if it really gets bad, I add them to my knife-list. So I'll knife them later in the level. That'll teach them for camping or sniping without checking who's sneaking up behind them.

Also, there's always a way to kill snipers/campers. There are always two routes you possibly can't guard alone.
If you dont think the awp ruins the game then you need to play on a higher skill server.
I agree with the topic maker. I like to snipe with the awm myself (though I play with m4a1, ak47 etc. also). If your on the defending team camping with a sniper rifle is a good thing to do (if you want to win). But when someone on the attack is camping all the time waiting for impatient players to run in their FOV then definitely - kick.
If you shoot the camper of auton00b first, they cant shoot you back. Its that simple.
My moto: "They are there to be used."

I don't really use snipers though, i can't use them well. Gimmie an AK or M4 anyday :)
All of this is part of the game and are all very viable tactics. lets put this is real life, hmm my entire team just got owned by the enemy...i know what ill do, ill charge around the corner in a blind fury and get myself killed. No, you sit on your ass in one position and kill each and every one of them as they walk by. Hmm i want a full auto close range weapon so i can see the dirt on there face before i am in range to kill them, or i can use a sniper rifle and pick you off without any possible harm to myself..i wonder which im gonna take.

my point is that complaining about this is stupid cause any person in there right mind wouldnt do three quarters of the stuff you do in cs. no one is gonna jump in the air to attempt to dodge bullets. so if we want to make this "fair" then we should disable jumping, make it so that one bullet will kill you unless you have body armor and even then 3 or 4 and your dead. you dont like snipers then you should press that button in the upper left hand corner of your keyboard...i believe its called the "esc" or escape button.
long range combat is part of the game, AND part of real life warfare.. The maps are so small in CS though, that some of the difficulties a sniper would really have(like getting cut off and trapped) are less likely.. also the attackers can't call in air support and don't have the time to 'probe the defenses' in a time consuming manner..
but i've never seen a tactic that couldn't be countered, in CS it's teamwork that wins the day!
if campers were in real life then nothing would happen because if a guy was just sitting there at his spawn they there would be enough people to kill him then people know where they are so you see if you played the game like it was a real life situation then it wouldnt matter at all.
i just think what kommie said was stupid. people are going to listen. And i completley agree wit the dude that started this thread. If u dont like it turn off your comp. and quit the ****ing bitching people its annoying.


Mike :p
The gun has been unbalanced for ages. The only reason its still in the game is every time they talked about fixing it legions of lamers rose up and cried out, "OMFGBBQ LEARN A NEW TACTICKT FAQS ITS PART FO THE GMEA!!!". Its there, but I never use it because its wildly unfun to be on a server with a lot of awpers. I wish more people would follow my lead, but for most people the free kills are to hard to pass up.
I agree, if it's a part of the game you shouldn't complain, it's there just like any other weapon.

I'm not bothered by being camped, but spawn camping is a different story. I never actually complain about it though.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the awp, but the auto-sniper is real strong. With awp ur screwed if u miss the first shot (against u know, semi-decent players) but with autosniper they have flexibility (semi close/long range) and have no penalty for having bad accuracy. It's ultra accurate and does a LOAD of dmg - u can't duke it out long range with m4 or ak even. I suppose u could cut in close but then they could blind fire without scope and cut u down real fast with increased rof due to no scope =.= IMO the best change for the gun is to simply eliminate stopping power resulting from damage received from only the autosniper.
If you don't like poeple complaining about camping, awp, autosniper, then you leave the server, compaining is also to relieve yourself of stress, sometimes you make jokes with the other team sometimes they are a-holeas and you bitch and nag, live with it it's part of the game, this is not real life where you would be dead for real and could not complain.
This is cs,css.
Grey Fox said:
If you don't like poeple complaining about camping, awp, autosniper, then you leave the server, compaining is also to relieve yourself of stress, sometimes you make jokes with the other team sometimes they are a-holeas and you bitch and nag, live with it it's part of the game, this is not real life where you would be dead for real and could not complain.
This is cs,css.

yeah, one time we were all chatting and waiting for the game to end.. there were two dudes left and the we were watching this guy camping big time.. i said "all he needs is a lawn chair and a beer.." and everyone cracked up... oh i guess you had to be there, one of my funnier moments.. :dork: