Tiscali hosting screens from leak, WTF?


Jul 17, 2003
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Links to the illegal alpha screens are not permitted.
Maybe they are so blue eyed they don't know its illegal to host them ? or maybe they want more visitors.
Hmmm, indeed...

Nice find, UKchaos!
Are these all of them? There are indeed leak screens, the one on the bottom right even shows a vehicle (don't look if you don't want to know, though it's not a really large spoiler)
Weird, can anyone inform Valve about this, kind of stupid if 50 people start emailing Valve, let's stick to one or two :)
Badger already said he was on it.
OMG , they got screenies from Republic Commando, w00tz0rs!!111
looks like they host illegal screens from alot of games. doom3 has a ton of illegal screens on it. and ive gotta say taht the alpha for doom3 looks horrible, and compared to now theres a night and day diffrence between the alpha and most recent build. im likeing the way both of these games are shaping up
Is there actually a law prohibiting the hosting of such screenshots?
I believe the advertising of stolen material is breaking the law, yes.
Is that law only specific to some countries?

Actually, i'll google this! Sounds interesting :)
That's what I wonder as well. And if there is over here it is stil doubtful to be valid in the Czech Republic. And again, if there was, it would be hella hard to enforce from over here.
Tiscali are silly, I got a full game of Tomb Raider just for signing up and not even using the service

never heard of em but woah...

I have not seen those DOOM III screenies before, and they're not even from the beta.. ho ho ho! wow.. how? what?
Interesting link, I wish I spoke Italian so I could tell what the hell they're talking about.
agreed the Half-Life 2 shots are illegal alpha screens however i've seen all the doom 3 ones at official sources and these are not illegal screens. some of them are from the recently release trailer however.
Joeyslucky22 said:
I have not seen those DOOM III screenies before, and they're not even from the beta.. ho ho ho! wow.. how? what?

......and looks good too
I don't think Valve can do anything about it, Xbit labs get away with this kind of thing all the time.
my god! they are ruining all... I wish that leak never happend :( Poor valve...
well tbh, its been hacked, those screens arent going to change anything about it...
Bitchslapper said:
my god! they are ruining all... I wish that leak never happend :( Poor valve...

Somehow it's not really something special anymore. It seems that every new major release gets leaked before the game is out.... Valve are not the only ones that got hacked.
bassport said:
Somehow it's not really something special anymore. It seems that every new major release gets leaked before the game is out.... Valve are not the only ones that got hacked.
VALVe are the only ones who got hacked.

The rest of the games have been leaked, there's a difference.
mrchimp said:
I don't think Valve can do anything about it, Xbit labs get away with this kind of thing all the time.

A week ago they benchmarked the STALKER pre-alpha leak.
Bitchslapper said:
my god! they are ruining all... I wish that leak never happend :( Poor valve...
You're absolutely right. I wish I hadn't looked at the shots - I saw something I'd rather not have seen. Although it's oddly compelling. Stupid leak... Comig here taking our jobs and our women... <Grumbles>
The stalker alpha was retarded.

like 2 levels and only 1 had NPC's who wasted you in 3 seconds.....

or so ive been told......... :E
You know my wishing to speak Italian has nothing to do with the link

As for the site the pictures don't seem to show a whole lot, and most have been released already so is it really that big of a deal? I wish Valve would start releasing some new content or information here soon so we could have some actual content to talk about rather than fawning over some pictures from the alpha .
Links to the illegal alpha screens are STILL not permitted. We may have relaxed the rules a bit on the discussion of it, but we don't want any links towards screenshots. And to be honest, it's more the fact that most people don't want things to be spoiled than anything.

I'm leaving this open - discussing the situation is not a problem. But no links please.
Christopher those were not directly linked to the beta screens. It took me an hour to find them. Please put the link back. Ease up dude.
ray_MAN, no offense but forgive me if I sound incredulous at the fact it took you an hour... Either way, Chris is right - these kinds of shots DO contain spoilers (I was a victim ;( ) so I can totally dig where they're coming from. The game was hidden intentionally for ages so that we would have some surprises in store when we saw the finished game. Due to the hacked alpha/beta/whatever, that's going down the pan which is a shame.
How the hell did those screenshots contain spoilers? Chris your avatar rocks. :laugh:
So you are saying you want the link removed because people like yourself will follow the link, search for the leaked screenshots and spoil it for themselves?
ray_MAN: Yes there was one specific spoiler I was thinking of (all the others were different angles of the demo vids) but I don't know if I'm allowed to mention it?

TeeJay: Yes it's my own damn fault, yes I'm a moron, but to help stop people like me runing things for themselves, it's a good idea to remove the links.
I think I just saw the "spoiler". I have no damn idea what the hell it is though.
i feel sorry for you guys, I still have no clue what HL2 is going to be like atall,, :).

'curiosity killed the cat'