Tking is bad, but so funny.


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score

Hm you do realise you may have pissed off a few people and spoiled their fun?

BTW: Was that ranked?
Yes, he pissed off a few people, yes he spoiled their fun, yes it was ranked and yes, it was funny as hell.
No wonder when I played with you Q, you were always getting yelled at....
Heh, good thing you didn't have as part of your names when you did that.
ahh ranked that makes it even better, i get pissed when im like -6 on accident
I usually don't go off and TK like mad but this was a special occasion.

The round started and we were all running for the Attack Chopper. So here I am sprinting. One guy is already in and starting the blades up. He sees that I'm about to reach the chopper and switches to the gunner seat and TK's me. Then I see a guy hop in. I looked in the squad menu and them two were in a locked squad. Things like that piss me off: it's just retarded. So I respawn and by then they have crashed. I fake it and stand around like I'm waiting for a jet. The chopper spawns and they hop in. I sprint to the Stingers and fire two point blank into the side of the chopper follow by a big bang. I type, "****ing owned."

Now, of course they're mad are they're going to retaliate. So, I hop in a car and speed off down the runway, hop out and plant 5 C4's on the hood and wait. I see the chopper spawn, see it turn blue and speed off. I hit the chopper, hopped out and boom (by the way, never try to save yourself when suicide bombing -- it negates the cool factor).

So this continued on and on... and that's how I got to -109.

It was worth it.
:laugh: Don't forget carpet bombing them over and over and over again.

Post the rest of the screenshots you took. (Unless they're all just the progression of your downward spiral into the TK hall of shame.)
Oh yeah. Haha.

Then I went all out... I was -50 or so. So I grab the two seater jet (5 bombs) and start carpet bombing groups of teammates. Haha, that was the funniest part of it all. I'd rack up 8 team kills in one bombing. I'm laughing as I type this.
I remember back when I was in a clan, a few of us were on our demo clan server (this was back in the first week of the demo), and we got a little bored. So we tked everyone on the server to try and see who could get the lowest score. I think one of us got -500.
Usually TK'ing is bad, but in that case it was ok... But not to -109 ><'
how the hell werent you autokicked? server not run it, i was just playing now and was tking coz this guy kept killin me for the mec choppa on sharqi even though i didnt really want it, i got 3 tks and was kicked..
Hm... not nice if it becomes your hobby. I understand why you made a new account.
Meh, I never do it unless Viper MSN's or Xfire's me: "wanna tk?"