To buy or not to buy; far cry

should i buy far cry

  • yes

    Votes: 42 53.2%
  • no

    Votes: 37 46.8%

  • Total voters
Trigen (I'm assuming you've played the second demo), become more predominant throughout the game, which adds a survival ("Damn, what just moved behind me" and "Is that a Trigen shadow, or a human one ..... oh crap, it's getting closer ...... RUN !!!!!!") trait to the game. The merceneries would become boring (IMO), because you'd just run and gun most of the time.

Kohman77, yes, the appearance of the monkey trigen are quite annoying, but keep playing the Treehouse level (I'm assuming you're up to there), and go through the treehouse facility (Also infested with Trigen), and by then you'll have a pretty good idea of how to beat Trigen quickly. A few tips if you want them though :

!) NEVER, I repeat, NEVER reload when facing Trigen ! The few seconds that it takes for Jack to change the clip will be the death of you. Switch to another weapon, and use sprays of ammo in the general direction of them. The only time you should reload is when you've only got a long range weapon (Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle ... etc) in the remaining slot, and even then, you should try and get a long distance between you and the Trigen before you start.

2) Trigen-Killers. If you can, try and lure Trigen into merceneries, and they'll start fighting ! This is a good chance to reload, or run, and even if the Trigen kills the mercenery (VERY likely) it'll be a bit weaker, and take fewer shots to kill. Trigen CAN'T SWIM !! Try luring them into deep water, and they'll drown very quickly, saving you ammo and hassle !

3) Weapons. I always keep the P90 handy throughout the game, as it shoots fast, kills quickly, and reloads quickly. This is the ideal Monkey Trigen killer !! Later on, you'll stumble across a Jackhammer Shotgun. Save this for close-quarters combat with Trigen, but be aware it pauses for half a second between shots, so be on the move !

4) MOVE ! The most important thing is to move against Trigen, so continually backpedal away from them. Watching n00bs play the Treetops level, they just stand there until the Trigen is in striking range !!! Use the sprint key to quickly spring out of a Trigan's leaping range, and then fill them with lead. Don't get backed into a corner though ......

5) Treetops is quite a hard level to know when to move to the abandoned lab, so a general rule is to wait until the firing stops, and then cautiously move towards the fallen walkway leading to it. If anything growls, be very careful !. As soon as you reach the caged area in the lab, you're pretty much safe, so relax.

Hope those tips help ! :)
Soundwave said:
No for you perhaps. But I found Half-Life's actual combat to be pretty mediocre.
Thats ok, we all have our opinions. :D
if you like fps's in general, this is a must have.
I grew up with doom, so anything thats better than run and shoot satisfies me, and boy was FarCry alot more than that, so i was very pleased.
I think alot of people's opinions about games really just stems from how they set their standards. For instance some people are turned off unless the game is oustanding in every aspect (story etc, dialogue.)

But I dont blame them, games these days are becoming very advanced and we should probably higher our standards a bit. But I can't help but feel that some people set them wayy too high and in the end are just setting themselves up to be disappointed. to each his own I guess.
Neo_Kuja said:
Okay, why the hell do people hate this game ?

There are alot of people who see FC as a threat to both HL2 and D3, I think. I'm not sure what type of threat could be involved here, but you know, it's there, in their minds ;)

plus, alot of people are devout fans to VALVe, and, if they play another game and enjoy it.. bad things could happen! :x
Imagine these guys running through a hallway at you, a hallway that shimmers from the gas that's escaping. Also imagine the shadows playing across their skin and they jump. Imagine me puming my shotgun. Also notice the lever in the left hand corner. I'm about to pull it and those cases, well, use your imagination.
Yeah, just when you start seeing them. By the way, the get bigger and learn how to use guns :).
Yeah, I've had the displeasure to meet all the types in the volcano crater, used the SAW most of all, I dunno why .....
I hate the way the human ones look though, with the gun and slap, they're a right bugger to beat. Don't even get me started on the rocket ones ........
should u buy it?
depends.. how is ur cash situation?
because if its limited.. than i'd say.. u have waited this long.. so u might as well stick it out and wait for Doom3/HL2/Bloodlines and choose from one of those titles.

if ur cash situation is nothing to worry about.. go ahead.. knock urself out..
yea, what the hell, i'll try going to some place today and buy it, i've heard both sides of the story, and what surprises me most is that people who dislike it complain about its difficulty, which is just not a very big issue for me. and some people who reccomend it say that if you have the computer to run it it'll be worth while, but i just don't at all find that true; you see i played the game at 600x480 with everything on medium except water and lighting which i put on low, i played the game with a 5200 and i still had an absolutely awsome time beating the demos, people keep stating and stating that the graphics are the only good thing about the game, take it from me; a guy with an outdated graphics card; graphics are not at all the reason why i am allured to the game.
I bought the game and really enjoyed it, although it did trip up and became kind of a burden towards the last levels. The ending however was one of the more satisfying and challenging levels I've played in awhile.

If your skeptical I'd wait though for two reasons.

1) See if any good mods come out once they release the SDK. If so it will be worth your money.

2) If you wait and no good mods come out it will still be worth the wait as the game should be cheaper then. Especially once games like Doom3 and HL2 start coming out.

Personally though, I have no regrets buying it when I did. Yes the story is weak, but it was still worth playing through as there were some very enjoyable experiences and some very fun levels to play through.


Sai said:
yea, what the hell, i'll try going to some place today and buy it, i've heard both sides of the story, and what surprises me most is that people who dislike it complain about its difficulty, which is just not a very big issue for me. and some people who reccomend it say that if you have the computer to run it it'll be worth while, but i just don't at all find that true; you see i played the game at 600x480 with everything on medium except water and lighting which i put on low, i played the game with a 5200 and i still had an absolutely awsome time beating the demos, people keep stating and stating that the graphics are the only good thing about the game, take it from me; a guy with an outdated graphics card; graphics are not at all the reason why i am allured to the game.

Yes it is indeed playable on low settings and you'll still have fun, however, once you experience the game on a higher end rig and realize how beautiful the scenery and effects are you'll never want to go back.
A game with bad multiplayer is a non-buy for me... except if the singleplayer is VERY good..but far cry lacks enduring gameplay..
If you don't like the demo, don't bother. My friend liked it, but his comp can't run it (he played it here).
I didn't like the game much. Ive voiced that a few times, but one of the reason's is because of the bloody crap mutants, man they suck big time. Especially those monkeys that kill you in two hits. I also loathe the general design of the game. I mean you canput as many specular highlights on a character, but that ain't gonna stop it from looking crap if the design is crap imo.