to continue sprafas "Are americans crazy" poll

ray_MAN said:
Ya the guns at Walmart are hunting rifles and paintball guns. I really hate it when people base their views of America on movies and books that aren't even real.

damn skippy! .... you know, i hate the ten character post thing cause now everytime i wanna do a blank quote i have to think of something like "damn skippy" or "hell yes!"
Brian Damage said:
That's 90 KpH.

I can live with that.

Well... not if one hits me.
That seems much more reasonably, of course, I'm talking projection speed, not final velocity (it's velocity becuase it's direction changes)
dude, americans are nto crazy, americans are just dumbasses who have a lot of money and power, its like one of those presidents u wanna see assasinated but just never done.
hyenolie said:
dude, americans are nto crazy, americans are just dumbasses who have a lot of money and power, its like one of those presidents u wanna see assasinated but just never done.
I can tell you have never actually met any Americans before. Perhaps you shouldn't brandish people as "dumbasses" until you have actually met and talked to a few of them.
Everything I wanted to point out in my thread was that in the U.S.A. you can actually buy ammo in some store without showing a license or anything (by «supermarkets» I meant «department store» like K-mart or Walmart-honest translation error) which is impossible in good ol' Europe where laws are way more restrict on guns.
And that's why I think your 2nd Emend of your Constituon was a mistake (causing more crime than preventing as it was intended)
The one fact Michael Moore didn't made up for sure was that your country has a way higher people shoot statistcs than any other 1st world country in the planet.
I'm not gonna get too deep into this debate, but I'd just like to point out a very strange error here...

If crossbow bolts go at 25 miles per second, then that equates to about 1500 miles a minute, which is 90000 miles an hour, which is a bit more than mach one-hundred and thirty-six...

Wouldn't they burn up at that speed?

And wouldn't the crossbow's user be knocked backward at incredible speed?
I mis-typed, I meant metres (learned it from a british show on weapons, on discovery channel) per second (I was tired when I wrote that). Sorry for the error, heh.

Just is soemthing less lethal? It only kills you a little? I mean, it can have less chance of kiling you....but, less lethal
It is lethal, but it is a lot less likely to kill. You're right though, it isn't really an accurate way of putting it, but I think you got the point ;)

Here's the report from the Center for Disease control, here in the U.S., ages 1-85+, 1999-2001, sorted rank-deaths-cause of death:
1 50,038 Suicide Firearm
2 32,908 Homicide Firearm
3 17,309 Suicide Suffocation
4 14,939 Suicide Poisoning
5 5,632 Homicide Cut/pierce
6 4,008 Homicide Unspecified
7 3,217 Homicide TransportationRelated
8 2,619 Homicide Other Spec., NECN
9 1,948 Suicide Fall
10 1,942 Homicide Suffocation

Same stuff, only 2000-2001:
1 33,444 Suicide Firearm
2 22,103 Homicide Firearm
3 11,886 Suicide Suffocation
4 10,047 Suicide Poisoning
5 3,760 Homicide Cut/pierce
6 3,111 Homicide TransportationRelated
7 2,717 Homicide Unspecified
8 1,755 Homicide Other Spec., NECN
9 1,275 Homicide Suffocation
10 1,257 Suicide Fall

Can you post some statistics from whereever? I got this from:
Sprafa, all I can say is don't believe Moore, you CAN'T but ammo without showing a license, maybe the few places he went to prove this, the people were paid to show it, or the people selling the ammo were stupid. Also, I'm sorry and I didn't mean to make you look like an idiot. Also, we probably have the highest shooting rate because our country has 240,000,000 people in it, that's a lot compared to any European country.
Brian Damage said:
I'm not gonna get too deep into this debate, but I'd just like to point out a very strange error here...

If crossbow bolts go at 25 miles per second, then that equates to about 1500 miles a minute, which is 90000 miles an hour, which is a bit more than mach one-hundred and thirty-six...

Wouldn't they burn up at that speed?

And wouldn't the crossbow's user be knocked backward at incredible speed?

ok yeah yur right with that. That couldn't even be projection speed. Theres no way. The modern rifles like the m16 fire at about 990m/s (around a km/s) so i cant see a crossbow coming anywhere near that.

EDIT: sorry, didn't see the reply above as this was already corrected, my apologies for a pointless post.
babywax said:
Yeah, with just a little bit of help from God ;)

Yep, God loves guns! :)

Homer: It gave me a feeling of power, like what God must feel when he's holding a gun.
Response to Spafra
Last I checked you needed to show identification to buy ammunition.

You’re wrong about the constitution. [1] Why should you be the judge on whether or not it was a mistake. [2] Who says it causes more crime than it prevents [3] The law allowing the ownership of weapons is there to prevent a tyrannical government, not to prevent crime.

The one fact Michael Moore didn't made up for sure was that your country has a way higher people shoot statistics than any other 1st world country in the planet.
And you didn’t look at the link that was posted did you? You didn’t look up the statistics did you? I assure you there are plenty of other countries that have a higher percentage of gunshot deaths/population size. You must live in a cave or something and use and ridiculous emotional documentaries for your news.
You need to show ID to get beer, but some places don't ask.
You need to show ID to get cigarettes, but some places don't ask.
You need to show ID to get pornography, but some places don't ask.
Logically, it is not suprising that some places don't ask for ID when buying ammunition.

If you think even 1% of the guns in the US are kept to prevent a tyrannical government then you are mistaken. Guns are owned by three main types of people:
* Hunters
* Collectors
* People afraid of being the victim of violent crimes

Also, guns don't prevent much crime at all (the criminals often have better weapons than the police)... and they certainly make more crimes possible because they give people a sense of power. Now, let's think logically for a second.
Guns make crime easier + people have easy access to guns and ammo = more crime.

"Why should you be the judge on whether or not it was a mistake."
If no one judged anyone's decisions there would be no government... and, more importantly, what's wrong with having an opinion?

Lastly, since he said the statistics were higher than any other "1st world country" it is entirely up to his opinion of what countries are considered "1st world countries".