To staff: weapons/enemies/character pages

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Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
I just noticed that a few possible entries in the weapons and enemies pages were missing (all important characters we have seen do seem to be on the characters page, so I lied in the title of this post :p )

However, you could include on the Weapons page:

- Plasma cannon from the hovercraft
- The 'secret' handgun you see after the Ravenholm clip
- Grigorie's shotgun (sure it's only speculation that you could pick it up, but that didn't stop you putting the stun baton on that page ;) )
- Maybe that weird rocket launcher thing the guy on the strider clip is holding...

As for the enemies
- You have not got an entry for that mine-dropping helicopter from the hovercraft clip
- Also the barnacle is missing. There are no (legal) pictures of this enemy but I'm sure Valve have mentioned it being in the game.

Why am I bothering to post this? Well seems to be the one place for up to date info on the game, so it makes sense to keep these lists as up to date as possible unlike similar lists on other sites which have not been updates since last year.

Hope you don't laugh too much at my suggestions ;)
I think that this guy is Mark, if you take a close look at his writing, he is giving you tips.
Hmm Adrien, I see what you're saying. BTW, nice post...Mark...
No guys, seriously. take a look at his previous posts, you will see what I mean.
Spies all about us! Trying to confuse us with dis-information tactics!
Hi Mark! E-mail me the Bible!
Now, look, first this guy is a rook, right? but he joined in February 2004 and he has only 28 posts, kind of weird if you ask me, then take a look at his writing, he takes good care to point you tips like
Maybe that weird rocket launcher thing the guy on the strider clip is holding...

The 'secret' handgun you see after the Ravenholm clip
Then take a look at the title, adressed to the "staff".
You can also notice

Hope you don't laugh too much at my suggestions

This can only point that this is Mark, or somebady from Valve.

If any of you has some knowledge on how to study documents, you may see it more clearly.
Wow, you are the ultimate speculator Adrien.
Adrien C said:
This can only point that this is Mark, or somebady from Valve.

Just because he doesn't have 5,000 posts doesn't mean he can't be knowledgable about HL2. I think y'all are paranoid. :)
Adrien C said:
Now, look, first this guy is a rook, right? but he joined in February 2004 and he has only 28 posts, kind of weird if you ask me, then take a look at his writing, he takes good care to point you tips like

Then take a look at the title, adressed to the "staff".
You can also notice

This can only point that this is Mark, or somebady from Valve.

If any of you has some knowledge on how to study documents, you may see it more clearly.
I gotcha.........

What's a rook?
^ a in he's new to the forums. If he doesn't reply it's definitely him lol.
Also checking in on the cool weapons page:

-wouldn't it be safe to assume the crossbow is the returning sniper rifle variant (guranteed there are larger levels now, and with the addition of proper physics the bolts are probably a bit harder to aim). You could also, feasibly, add a picture of the crossbow (the one picture, with the crossbow in the HUD).

-I too would think that all (or at least, a vast majority) of the Xen aliens would return if, indeed, there is an alien invasion going on [maybe not controllers, since the slaves seem to be free now]. I hope they have the bee shooting guys or the gargantua at least...Gargantuas were one of thoe only enemies that make you "I don't want to leave the tunnel, that thing will toast me!" The Itchysaur would make you feel similarily about water, but, pffft, you don't need to go in the water to kill him. That'd be my own speculation of course...

I still think you should have the HUD picture of the crossbow though (nice stuff otherwise though).

...I thought it was Marc...or maybe we're talking about different Marks here :p .
Maybe I'm wrong but, if he dosen't have 5000 post it and he has perfect english and if you took time to look at his previous post, you will see, he uses a lot of "us" and "we" while speaking about part of HL2.
I could be wrong yes.
riTuaL said:
^ a in he's new to the forums. If he doesn't reply it's definitely him lol.

Well, now we know that if it's him he has to post, which means the real Marc would post. Which means we know that he knows what we think he'll post. That way he'll have to not reply - knowing this we know he'll have to reply to prove he's not himself. Thus proving that he would have to be himself.

And since we know that he knows that we know that he knows how he thinks we think he would post, we need to take the opposite side and assume he wont post, meaning he will. So that means he has to not post in order to make sure we don't know it's him. But then we know it's him so we have generalize about what the entire community would want, and then use the opposite result as to what he would do, because he would clearly be following the poll/question.

So he would actually choose the forum's result, but we would know this, so he'd have to switch it around...eventually fooling us into believing he's not really himself.

...or something.
How many times did you re-read your post before actually posting it to make sure that it made enough sense in the beginning but then got way too confusing for anyone to read?

UltimaGecko said:
Well, now we know that if it's him he has to post, which means the real Marc would post. Which means we know that he knows what we think he'll post. That way he'll have to not reply - knowing this we know he'll have to reply to prove he's not himself. Thus proving that he would have to be himself.

And since we know that he knows that we know that he knows how he thinks we think he would post, we need to take the opposite side and assume he will post. So that means he has to not post in order to make sure we don't know it's him. But then we know it's him so we have generalize about what the entire community would want, and then use the opposite result as to what he would do, because he would clearly be following the poll/question.

So he would actually choose the forum's result, but we would know this, so he'd have to switch it around...eventually fooling us into believing he's not really himself.

...or something.


:Slow Clap:


I like your style :cheers:
UltimateGecko, we all know that YOU are Marc! You are the only person to spell his name correctly!
Actually I tried to post it once, but my internet sucks, so I had to do it again.

...I think it was actually better the first time but I was too late to copy it after I pressed it's gone to that corrupted forum post place in the sky. does make sense though, doesn't it?
[edit, actually there was a mistake, it's all fluid now - now we know what Marc would do.]
Weird, now I'm confused, all we know is that he is here, he does post in , all we need to do is to find a little mistake.
thund said:
Hi! My name is Troy McLure and you may remember me from such memorable forum posters like Gabe Newell and Mark Laidlaw.

I made that up, in case you couldn't tell. :LOL: You guys are so paranoid. Even if it is Mark Laidlaw, let him surf Anonymously.
Adrien C said:
Weird, now I'm confused, all we know is that he is here, he does post in , all we need to do is to find a little mistake.

Or we could leave him alone, like mature + responsible citizens of If He wants to say something, he will.
Adrien C said:
If any of you has some knowledge on how to study documents, you may see it more clearly.

Well, unfortunately I skipped my "Docutment" studying lectures this term. If you actually look closely at his previous posts you'll find that he refers to something costing "Hmm, $79, that's like £45,".

I don't know many non-British people that use £s as a way of referring to price.
You are write, but is just fun to see who is the intruder, conseidering that Marc is the reponsable of the HL story, maybe he is just stealing our work!
Everry time that some one post something like " I think that the G-man this, o It think that" Maybe he says, Whoa!!! great idea, then puts it in the game.

Well, he dosen't do that, but to who ever finds him: Special Price (And I'm not kiding)
Adrien C said:
You are write, but is just fun to see who is the intruder, conseidering that Marc is the reponsable of the HL story, maybe he is just stealing our work!
Everry time that some one post something like " I think that the G-man this, o It think that" Maybe he says, Whoa!!! great idea, then puts it in the game.

Well, he dosen't do that, but to who ever finds him: Special Price (And I'm not kiding)

lol, Spellcheck mate :)
I use a lot of "us" and "we" when talking about HL2 and the community at large. I ain't nobody, I just crazy. Don't mean nothing.

Marc's a bright guy, he's not going to let on who he is so easily if he doesn't want to.
Apos said:
Marc's a bright guy, he's not going to let on who he is so easily if he doesn't want to.

Oh yeah? Well I can kiss Marc's ass too!

Marc is soooo smart that when he goes into a bookstore, stupid people..err...die.
Whoever he is, which shouldn't matter, he's from the UK. Not Washington State.
Lol! This has to be the funniest past-time thread on this forum yet..
Yay, my first post :D Been brainwashed here a while though :rolling:
Oh no! brisck1 is Marc Laidlaw!

I almost forgot that the original topic was about weapons or something. :p
Well, he really does have very intresting posts, if you ask me:

Most of them are actually revealing some stuff - ya know, in a twisted manner. If Munro updates the site with his suggestions - I'm telling you that they know from the IP it's mark laidlaw but they won't reveal it to other members. :p
Actually if you read his previous posts it's pretty clear he's not a Valve employee.

PS: I think he works for the NSA...
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