To much Hype !


Jun 22, 2004
Reaction score
well seeing how doom 3 was hyped to hell and, well you know how that game is doing. :)

And halo 2 just arrived and lots of halo fan boys are angry, some are not.

I'm just saying that when im not hyped about a game I seemed to actually like it more than a game i've been waiting for for a long time

Its kinda like I was hoping for more than what ive read and seen, but it always ends up being nothing more at all. The screens we see like halo 2 and doom 3 looked sooo crazy fun, once we got it it was kinda like ..WTF!?@!

And the sceenies for hl2 look good, but what will happen once we get our hands on it ?

All im saying is hype is not always a good thing. ;(
I recently got a bit busy with other things, didn't visit for a few days, and low and behold, the hype went away!! :p

Hype is self-inflicted. It's generally never good, and usually results in disapointment, but it's easily avoided - just get involved in other things other than HL2 or HL2 related websites.. work on something creative.. read a book.. go out with some friends.. distract yourself, basically. Pretend HL2 doesn't exist, and then when you finally have it, it'll be all the better for it.
The hype seems to be very well founded, considering tons of reviewers are already giving it rave reviews.
the reason why doom 3 isn't doing so wel is because the game stinks and is only "fun" for the first couple of hours! you cannot compare doom 3 with hl2 as far as I know. And about the hype, almost every review magazine says that hl2 exceeded their expectations in every way. And I'm sure at least half of the reviewers was as hyped as most of us are. So I wouldn't worry too much about the HL2 hype, I think for once it might even be a good thing.
Pffft you should've been back in the glory days.

BEFORE the original delay, where HL2 was GODLIKE in every gamers eyes......yes.....those were the days
I've been in hype for more than 14 months, but now i couldn't give a flying f u ck about the game.

I have no excitment towards it. I'm not even looking forward to In fact i think it's not even going to impress me in the slightest. I can't quite figure out at which point i started not looking forward half-life's really weird.

Just casting my mind back to the big games of the year that turned out to be duds imo, all of which had great pre-release reviews. I've suddenly lost all confidence in half-life 2 to give me what i want.

I know when i'm driving home with the box from EB games, it'll be sitting in the passenger chair and i'll be staring at it at red lights. Looking at that shiny box and thinking "i've been through so much waiting for i the car with half-life 2...yes you..sitting there looking so shiny. IF you're not worth all this effort i'm going to place you onto the dusty shelf for a worthy position next to doom 3. There you can gather dust for eternity. At times i will glance at your position on that shelf with scorn and a feeling of regret...."

Hype drawn out over such a long period of time is the worst thing a game developer can do to their customers. Well actually no..the worst thing would be to place a mutagenic virus in every box and when you open it you transform into a man-sized ant. :hmph: :hmph: :hmph:

Hype or no hype, I'd love to know what the total amount of pre-orders in both retail and on Steam are. My guess is that they would much higher than we'd like to think.