I have a personal blog site, www.dirtysolicitor.com. It has recently come to my attention that a person I gave some ftp space for image hosting as a favor for uploaded screen shots of the leaked HL2 source code, and posted the links all over. (the url was something like www.dirtysolicitor.com/t0y/something.jpg)
I would like to tell you guys that this "t0y" person is not me. He is only someone who emailed me asking for a couple of megs of image hosting, which I said he could have if he didn't abuse it, which he did.
The news of the leaked hl2 source is as distressing to me as any one of you. I was looking forward to this game, and I still am. I have bought the original half life and later retail cs when I lost my hl cd, and I have also bought many other games from Sierra in the past, and I'm a fan to say the least.
Please understand that I have no idea how the source was leaked, and more importantly have no information on who did it. I have registered on this board with my home connection, and I'm not trying to hide anything for I have nothing to hide. I didn't upload those pictures, and have nothing to do with them. I don't even know where this t0y kid got them.
People have been emailing me and commenting on my site about how I've done something wrong to the hl2 community, which I consider my self a part of in certain respects. I didn't do it, and I dont know how much more I can stress this. My host has gotten emails asking for my personal information, which of course they won't give to random people asking for it.
I deleted the pics as soon as I noticed a huge increase in bandwidth usage, and when I saw what the pics were I was truly aggravated. I thought, me of all people? I had nothing to do with this.
So please, out of respect for the innocent, please stop hammering me with mail and such. The person who uploaded the pictures wasn't even the one who leaked it. He said someone dcc'd them to him on irc on gamesnet or something.
Kindest Regards
I have a personal blog site, www.dirtysolicitor.com. It has recently come to my attention that a person I gave some ftp space for image hosting as a favor for uploaded screen shots of the leaked HL2 source code, and posted the links all over. (the url was something like www.dirtysolicitor.com/t0y/something.jpg)
I would like to tell you guys that this "t0y" person is not me. He is only someone who emailed me asking for a couple of megs of image hosting, which I said he could have if he didn't abuse it, which he did.
The news of the leaked hl2 source is as distressing to me as any one of you. I was looking forward to this game, and I still am. I have bought the original half life and later retail cs when I lost my hl cd, and I have also bought many other games from Sierra in the past, and I'm a fan to say the least.
Please understand that I have no idea how the source was leaked, and more importantly have no information on who did it. I have registered on this board with my home connection, and I'm not trying to hide anything for I have nothing to hide. I didn't upload those pictures, and have nothing to do with them. I don't even know where this t0y kid got them.
People have been emailing me and commenting on my site about how I've done something wrong to the hl2 community, which I consider my self a part of in certain respects. I didn't do it, and I dont know how much more I can stress this. My host has gotten emails asking for my personal information, which of course they won't give to random people asking for it.
I deleted the pics as soon as I noticed a huge increase in bandwidth usage, and when I saw what the pics were I was truly aggravated. I thought, me of all people? I had nothing to do with this.
So please, out of respect for the innocent, please stop hammering me with mail and such. The person who uploaded the pictures wasn't even the one who leaked it. He said someone dcc'd them to him on irc on gamesnet or something.
Kindest Regards