To Put Holes Into Corpses

Sulkdodds said:
For me, it's not that it's sickening or anything. It's just, what's the point? It doesn't add anything to gameplay. It doesn't help the pace, the storyline, it wouldn't make me look better upon the game. It's just not the kind of feature it seems worth bothering about.

It's interesting to inspect a fallen enemy in far cry to see where you shot them. When a mercenary surprises me and I triple-tap them as a reflex, it's often interesting to see exactly where I hit, entrance as well as exit wounds.
Minerel said:
That is just me being me...for god sake dude don't take it so personal. Lighten up....

My opinon is I could care less about the bullet holes, as to me they add nothing.

Lets point out where I stated my opinon in my post:
"You can share your opinon, but other people can share there opinon about you sharing your opinon.

Omg HL2 dosn't have Bullet holes omg!!!. Ok voiced your opinon...we know.....thats nice now let us voice ours."

Ohh wait... I DIDN'T.

When I post a simplified version of your post thats nothing to take personally, infact you are the first person I have met to ever taken something like that so personal. Seriously LIGHTEN UP.

You said this:
"I have my own opinions too, why am I not allowed to share them on these forums?"
Well guess what, you can share them but we can share ours. We can share our opinon about your opinon. I can say, I think your opinon sucks. It's my opinon and I am allowed to share it.
I can also say, "Bullet holes add nothing". Thats my opinon. Deal with it.

The fact is that I simply stated, you can state your opinon
"You can share your opinon,"

Other people can state there opinon about your opinon
"but other people can share there opinon about you sharing your opinon."

A simplified version of what you posted could be this, no matter how it looks it is what it means. If you had written that i wouldn't have thought of you any less or any more. It would of just been a simplified version to me.
"Omg HL2 dosn't have Bullet holes omg!!!"

You voiced your opinon..
"Ok voiced your opinon...we know."

We can voice ours to about HL2 and bullet holes and whatever you wrote.
"thats nice now let us voice ours."

You know what I have to say about that? You spelled opinion wrong 21 times. It's not 'opinon'.
i agree with the original poster.

although hl2 featured lots of those little extra details that make games fun, they overlooked quite a few.

-having blood decals show up post mortem
-the speedloader for the magnum
-the fact that your pulse rifle reloads itself but for some reason everyone else does a manual reloading animation
-grenades, flying objects, or rockets against humans seems to kill them via heart attack because they don't seem to leave any marks at all
-ai a little slow

there's lots of things that could have made hl2 better. And saying "neaahhh that feature is pointless and dumb, neeeahhh," is very ignorant. Need i remind how some people said "pssh detailed face animations, thats pointless and dumb, that doesn't add anything"
Minerel said:

Go play the first chapter again and tell me that Lamarr didn't have shit to due with the story. H es the whole reason the teleported ****ed up
Did you read my spoiler? No. Go read it.
Minerel said:
That is just me being me...for god sake dude don't take it so personal. Lighten up....

My opinon is I could care less about the bullet holes, as to me they add nothing.

Lets point out where I stated my opinon in my post:
"You can share your opinon, but other people can share there opinon about you sharing your opinon.

Omg HL2 dosn't have Bullet holes omg!!!. Ok voiced your opinon...we know.....thats nice now let us voice ours."

Ohh wait... I DIDN'T.

When I post a simplified version of your post thats nothing to take personally, infact you are the first person I have met to ever taken something like that so personal. Seriously LIGHTEN UP.

You said this:
"I have my own opinions too, why am I not allowed to share them on these forums?"
Well guess what, you can share them but we can share ours. We can share our opinon about your opinon. I can say, I think your opinon sucks. It's my opinon and I am allowed to share it.
I can also say, "Bullet holes add nothing". Thats my opinon. Deal with it.

The fact is that I simply stated, you can state your opinon
"You can share your opinon,"

Other people can state there opinon about your opinon
"but other people can share there opinon about you sharing your opinon."

A simplified version of what you posted could be this, no matter how it looks it is what it means. If you had written that i wouldn't have thought of you any less or any more. It would of just been a simplified version to me.
"Omg HL2 dosn't have Bullet holes omg!!!"

You voiced your opinon..
"Ok voiced your opinon...we know."

We can voice ours to about HL2 and bullet holes and whatever you wrote.
"thats nice now let us voice ours."

First of all, why are you even posting here if you don't care? If you didn't care you'd see his post, chuckle, and leave.
Second of all, he's taking it personally? Well whatever is his deal, you're adding salt to the wound and contuing this pointless argument. Face it- proving someone stupid is like trying to prove an opinion only you will agree with it.
Third of all- whose the idiot, the one who follows the idiot or the idiot himself? You followed him into the argument, answer the question yourself.

If you want to look smart- act smart, all you're doing is stooping to the level of the person you oppose, and even lower.
Well , I like to "play" with the bodies and fool around with them and with the rag doll , so that kind of a detail would add to the experience. Though , i can live prefectly well without it , it's just another little touch that adds to the game.

I don't see what the problem with shooting corpses. It's a game and it's a Shooter , have fun with it.
CookieCuttah said:
First of all, why are you even posting here if you don't care? If you didn't care you'd see his post, chuckle, and leave.
Second of all, he's taking it personally? Well whatever is his deal, you're adding salt to the wound and contuing this pointless argument. Face it- proving someone stupid is like trying to prove an opinion only you will agree with it.
Third of all- whose the idiot, the one who follows the idiot or the idiot himself? You followed him into the argument, answer the question yourself.

If you want to look smart- act smart, all you're doing is stooping to the level of the person you oppose, and even lower.

Okay you two...conflict resolution time! It's only a forum, stop arguing!
I once spent ten minutes making a wild boar in farcry a bloody mass of holes.... not that im sick or anything i just like killing virtual things.
lol i was hoping someone would say that. I think theres a way to make gaping holes in people if that will feed your sadistic hungers. you need to amp up the pellets in the shotgun rounds to about 5000 amp all the blood affects massivly and put up the gore. (using the console... >.>)
I have my own opinions too, why am I not allowed to share them on these forums?

Hey, I'm sorry I came off like I was flaming you. I wasn't. You're quite entitled to ask about it and if it actually adds to the game for you, then fair enough. Nobody's saying you're not allowed to share your opinion (or at least, I'm not). I'm just saying I think it's a pointless thing to ask for and that it's not a feature that would set my world alight, personally.
BTw, are you sure you can put holes into corpses in Farc Cry? I'm playiong the demo on 'high' visual settings and see no bullet holes.
I hated the way bullet holes disappear in corpses in hitman 1.
the problem with farcry as well as half life 2 is that if you are a certain distance away from your target and riddle them with bullets, when you get up close, you will not see any bulletholes. You have to be close enough to see the hit decals appear when you are shooting them up to see them on the body
Dude if your playing the demo go into the forest, stab yourself a boar and shoot it. and there you go BULLET HOLES..
I gotta say, there are some fantastic nerds in this thread.

Half-life 2 already has bullet holes, whats the problem?
First of all, why are you even posting here if you don't care? If you didn't care you'd see his post, chuckle, and leave.
Where did I say I don't care.
The fact is that for some reason he didn't seem to understand that we all have opinions to and they can disagree with his.

You know what I have to say about that? You spelled opinion wrong 21 times. It's not 'opinon'.
Never really was good at grammer.

Second of all, he's taking it personally? Well whatever is his deal, you're adding salt to the wound and contuing this pointless argument. Face it- proving someone stupid is like trying to prove an opinion only you will agree with it.
He he did take it personally, he acted like I was really trying to take him for a noob when I wasn't. There was never any wound, he simply thought I had called him a noob. It was a mistake. A simple mistake.

Third of all- whose the idiot, the one who follows the idiot or the idiot himself? You followed him into the argument, answer the question yourself.
If the guy is foolish enough to follow an idiot, he is an idiot himself. There both idiots. Of course you just added yourself into the argument, which makes you no better than either of them.

If you want to look smart- act smart, all you're doing is stooping to the level of the person you oppose, and even lower.
Im not trying to look smart or anything. What I am trying to do is prove a point, the point is that I was not calling him a noob, we have opinons, and he can have an opinon, and in my first post I never voiced my opinon in which he thought I did.

So I don't get what your problem is, all I did was prove a point. He took what I said to personally and thought I was calling him a noob.
My opinon is I could care less about the bullet holes, as to me they add nothing.
There's your proof, by the way.
Your whole argument from the start is flawed, you're replying in large posts trying to prove yourself righteous, when you don't even have a subject to fight for.
That's sad.
As for me- you shouldn't bother to tell me who I am, if you can't take critique, don't say anything at all. If you had been silent I would have been painted the idiot- but you proved everything I said.
On subject- I think that the more important thing to me (What would be most amusing) is bodies getting like that after explosion burn on them, it would add a lot to counter-strike, cuse I always just wanted to throw my extra nade to see the effect made.
Things like bullet holes do matter, especialy in fps's. things like bullet holes and physics are the overlay of quality everyone looks for in a game.
panda_rage said:
Things like bullet holes do matter, especialy in fps's. things like bullet holes and physics are the overlay of quality everyone looks for in a game.

My sentiments excactly. It's a game about shooting things, I expect things to react realistically when shot.
like bannanas not to many bannanas in hl2... i think ill write a letter.
I just could do it in Garry's Mod. So maybe he knows how it's done.