To Sell Or Not To Sell My Gaming Desktop


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
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Now before you report me for a WTS thread, this isnt a sale, its an enquiry and frankly I cant think of anywhere else to post, and cant be arsed to signup to some random PC forum.

I cant decide if I want to keep my desktop PC or not now. Its back home in the UK, so forgive the slightly limited specs as its not infront of me, and the fact that I havent looked at PC specs in quite a while;

Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8ghz (I think)
BFG 8800GT 512mb (DDR2) OC
4gb Kingston DDR2 (800 and something hz)
Seagate Barracuda 250GB HD 7200rpm
Cant remember what the Mobo is, Asus something, has blue ports, if that narrows it down! Was about £120 bought new 2 years ago.
No monitor as I use my HD TV instead.

Any idea what the prices are for these kind of spec these days? I feel its a pretty respectable machine, and cant remember any game that punished it at max settings.

An educated guess would be around the £200 mark? Or have second-hand prices plummeted these days? If memory serves, I will probably get more if I sell the parts separately.

I need to get rid of it either way. Im moving around alot these days as Ive left Uni and have a job (woot) so will be going overseas fairly frequently, and simply dont need a desktop PC anymore. And I have my PS3.

Just bought a Macbook Pro 15 anyway, and before you roll around pointing and laughing, its all I need to play games on the move with Windows 7 and get into photo editing etc with my new DSLR camera, so its justified. Not a kid anymore, so gaming isnt as important these days...*cry*

This just adds to my reasoning for not needing my desktop these days, its sat at home feeling all neglected.

I go home in a few months, and have alot of installing of new software etc to do on my Mac as its sat in its box still, and my PS3 will fill the gaps of boredom while the Mac sits on the bed installing.

Need to make a decision. Sell it?
A lot of that stuff is getting pretty old. Not many gamers would be interested. You could could probably sell it locally for a bit more than £200 though. Thats about $275 USD right? You could probably aim for around $400 if you market it to older people as a "Media PC" and say it can do things like "Watch HD video with no lag!" and such.

And lol @ getting a mac because you're "not a kid anymore" and you want to do photo editing.
you cant do photo editing on a pc

<stares at my 3 pcs in graphic design department>
I'll give you twenty bucks for the HDD.
i'll show you my naughty places for a 20 percent discount on your final price.
you cant do photo editing on a pc
Too bad CRT's are too bulky for macfags' tastes.

$300 would be a reasonable American price. Honestly, depends on who you're selling to and how old the parts are.
This is a lot like my PC which I am trying to sell for $400 *or $350 if I really like the guy :p*

Except I got an E8400 so it's 3.0 GHZ and you would have to produce your own HDD's, since most people already have em.
Why/How did I do that? I'm being serious when I say "If I really like the guy"

If you feel like selling that, sell it. YOU DON'T DESERVE IT.
But...but...I care about people's opinions! Control meeeee!

*struts out chest and beats it a few times* Yeah I got a Mac to use instead of my desktop PC. Bring on ze flaming.

And Macs are generally accepted unanimously as being the better machine for editing.

And no Im not being fanboy-ish, I havent even taken it out of the box yet as Im away from home and Ive never spent more than a minute on one (like bypassing the store).
I'm a big fan of Macbooks. Not so much the desktop models and the 24" iPod.