To the British people....

May 24, 2003
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Just wondering where in the UK you are all living right now. I wanted to know if anyone was near me. (Dont worry, we dont have to meet up, it would just be nice to know of someone living near me)

I live in a town called Stalybridge, its in the hills pretty much directly east from Manchester. Its in an area called Tameside, which also includes towns such as Hyde (Where my collage is :)) and Ashton - Under - Lyne (Where are the annoying scallys live/vanish to on Friday nights....Which is nice)
Scotland, Largs (West Coast)

I dont consider myself British.
Originally posted by -AnthraX-
Scotland, Largs (West Coast)

I dont consider myself British.

That doesnt surprise me. In fact ive met lots of Scotish/Welsh people who would consider themselves European before British. Its sad this animosity really. I remember during the world cup where Scotish people were fully supporting any team that was going against England.


What is it that you dont like about the English?
I live in a place called Chilwell which is treated as a part of Beeston which is a town/suberb releated to the Nottingham area.
Well personally i dont have anything against the English, but i know a lot of people who do and i would say 85% of Scots dont and would rather not associate with the English. I think its all got to do with history and also from being brought up you are told that the English are bad and dont have any morals. Its also got to do with rivalry.
I know times have changed and life in the modern day is different but people still have there own views and i respect them.
To be honest....the English are reverting to how they were before Victorian times.

For a brief moment in History the English were the Stereotype "upstanding never have an emotion" people. But now we are becoming much more....relaxed. In some ways thats good but it looks a lot like it could swing way past what it used to be and become a very amoralistic(I'm not even sure if thats a word :) But basically i mean opposite to having morals) society.

The English used to be a fun loving people, and many foreigners commented on the "Organised Anarchy" that took place on the streets. People all going around all over the place laughing, joking and generally getting along while still managing to get things done.

(I'm talking about Medieval times there mainly. When i say Victorian era i also include about 50 years either side of fact probably even a couple of hundred years before)
Heh, I live in Kent, it rocks... and I owe Zerimski a drink ;(

Anyway... Kent doesn't rock becuase of the Chavs... :(

Kinda like Scallys and Boy Racers but without the cars, and with more alcopops :p
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Just wondering where in the UK you are all living right now. I wanted to know if anyone was near me. (Dont worry, we dont have to meet up, it would just be nice to know of someone living near me)

I live in a town called Stalybridge, its in the hills pretty much directly east from Manchester. Its in an area called Tameside, which also includes towns such as Hyde (Where my collage is :)) and Ashton - Under - Lyne (Where are the annoying scallys live/vanish to on Friday nights....Which is nice)

Currently in Leeds and hating it (I prefered living in the US) its not like its even been nice and cold here recently either.. I should have gone to Saskatchewan instead :)
Leeds eh. Why are you living here? I mean, do you come from the US or did you live there for a while...?

So many people live in the south :(

Shame on you Badger for drinking at your age :p
I live in Birmingham and its a kool city, If I had a choice to live anywhere in the uk, here would prob be the place ;)

Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Leeds eh. Why are you living here? I mean, do you come from the US or did you live there for a while...?

So many people live in the south :(

Shame on you Badger for drinking at your age :p

Born here in Leeds, but since become so americanized I'll forget im still a british citizen *grins* Lived in Indiana for a few years, briefly in AZ (I didn't mind the heat there, weird) and briefly in LA then came back for business reasons. Was either Leeds or London, and I'm not keen on London so Leeds it was.. Originally only planned for a few months, but somehow I'm still here *grumbles*
My mum's from Watford, Hertsfordshire, does that count? (I visited a few times...)
I'm living in Leeds too, born in London but moved up here more recently. Technically I'm a cockney, but without the accent!
Scotland, Fife, Wormit.

P.S. English annoy me because of thier accent, there is something really wrong about it no matter what one it is. Oh yeah, and theres the fact that we get called English all the time when your abroad, there is nothing more annoying than that ;)
Hyde college...I take it you're in upper sixth? What are you studying? I'm working on English language, literature, history and media studies A-Levels at the moment.
Im doing Computing, Art and History A levels. I did Physics last year but didn't carry it on.
What collage do you go to Tommmo?

Originally posted by AH_Viper
Scotland, Fife, Wormit.

P.S. English annoy me because of thier accent, there is something really wrong about it no matter what one it is. Oh yeah, and theres the fact that we get called English all the time when your abroad, there is nothing more annoying than that ;)

You get called English when we go abroad? Huh? And whats up with our spiffy accents, eh what pip pip and so forth?
Originally posted by RichGuk
I live in Birmingham and its a kool city, If I had a choice to live anywhere in the uk, here would prob be the place ;)


Lichfield! Im coming into brum tomoz to watch kill bill @ odeon.
I'm currently at Prince Henry's Grammar. I was doing physics last year too, but I'm not really mathematically inclined, if you get my drift, so that had to go.

As for english accents, I have a true british one and proud of it! Toodle pip old chap, cucumber sandwiches on the lawn at five? Right you are.
Originally posted by AH_Viper
Scotland, Fife, Wormit.

P.S. English annoy me because of thier accent, there is something really wrong about it no matter what one it is. Oh yeah, and theres the fact that we get called English all the time when your abroad, there is nothing more annoying than that ;)

My faveriot episode of Clarkinson is where he apoligises for putting a model of wales in a microwave, then says the only reason he didn't put Scotland in was because it didn't fit.
I live in Lincoln, its well exciting (!)

My dad lives near you Mr Sparrow (Dukinfield)

I wish i had taken physics at A-level instead of geography :(, its boring now
I'm in Leeds too at the moment doing a course at the uni. I go through Stalybridge on the way home to Shropshire. Tis a nice area.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Just wondering where in the UK you are all living right now. I wanted to know if anyone was near me. (Dont worry, we dont have to meet up, it would just be nice to know of someone living near me)

I live in a town called Stalybridge, its in the hills pretty much directly east from Manchester. Its in an area called Tameside, which also includes towns such as Hyde (Where my collage is :)) and Ashton - Under - Lyne (Where are the annoying scallys live/vanish to on Friday nights....Which is nice)

I live in sheffield so im non too far from you :)
Nice to see a large english gathering...I was under the impression there weren't many from the uk on these boards. :)

*Edit: w00t! I have evolved into a zombie!
Camden....I was born there. Not that I remember much of it, but I originated in camden.
I live around the chelmsford area (thats all im saying :p) Oh btw, chelmsford is in essex, anyone else near me? :cheers:
Sheffield eh...I don't often venture over that way really.

I should go and find your dad murray and tell him about all the pr0n you post on this forum. :p

Just out of interest actually...why does your dad live in Dukinfield? Its not a nice pl....:) Seriously though, how come he lives there and you live in Lincoln?
....although I am not affiliated with the UK or anything close to it, I'm assuming the Irish/English rift started over religion.

After Henry VIII made his own church, and tried to force Irish people to swallow it, there has always been rivalry. Even though most people don't care about that now (well maybe they do, I don't really know), there still exists a rivalry, like between schools or something. But during hard times I'm sure evryone around the area would get along.

To me, both countries are Krazy. Although I prefer the Irish accent.
accents wise for the uk is prob,
1 - Irish
2 - English
3 - Scot/Wales

I thought the Irish/English thing was because at one point....I think the potato fammine....but at the time the the Irish asked for help and the English just kind of said....." ok" And that really pissed them off.

I Might Be Wrong
Fife Scotland

I don't have any problem with the English. Though it can be annoying when the commentators on TV introduce English competitors as "English" and Scotish ones as "British"!
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
I live around the chelmsford area (thats all im saying :p) Oh btw, chelmsford is in essex, anyone else near me? :cheers:

I live in Kent, thats kinda near :)

I was born in Lewisham... a horrid area at the best of times :p

Oh, and Tommo, most of this board are brits... most of the mods too :D
South Wales / Port Talbot

Dont even think of visiting its crap:dozey:
