To the British people....

Originally posted by MrD
Fife Scotland

I don't have any problem with the English. Though it can be annoying when the commentators on TV introduce English competitors as "English" and Scotish ones as "British"!

This works both ways mate, as every bloody thing that the scots can put "scottish" infront of they do. 'RSPCA', becomes 'SSPCA', 'NHS' becomes 'NHS Scotland', 'British gas' becomes 'Scottish Gas'... and thousands of other examples. And don't get me started on the scottish parliment... oh wait where is the english parliment?... THERE ISN'T ONE!!!!! PAH PAH.....

By the way I'm from edinburgh, scotland :)

(originally from long eaton [Breaston really. but long eaton is my nearest town], nottingham - so that guy from chilwell will know where i'm from)
Originally posted by pHATE1982
This works both ways mate, as every bloody thing that the scots can put "scottish" infront of they do. 'RSPCA', becomes 'SSPCA', 'NHS' becomes 'NHS Scotland', 'British gas' becomes 'Scottish Gas'... and thousands of other examples. And don't get me started on the scottish parliment... oh wait where is the english parliment?... THERE ISN'T ONE!!!!! PAH PAH....

I think thats because we dont want to be associated with the english ;)

Also, i dont think ive met an Irish or welsh person that hates the scots....

Originally posted by MrD
Fife Scotland

Where in Fife dude?
I don't know any english people who hate the scots... it's all a one way thing...

Maybe an inferiority complex? :-P
we do have an english parliment.... its called the houses of parliment and it has power over the scots parliment... :E :p
I live in the Good old Country Of Wales.. (YAY)

I live in the ickle town of Connah's Quay on the border of north wales...ANyoen who goes to north wales from England, has to come through Connah's Quay but still no-one knows it exists....Even though it is the biggest town in Flintshire...

anywhom, Long Live Wales (YAY)
I was born in oxford, and i live in a town called bicester, nobody knows it even exists....but its between oxford and milton keynes i believe....bicester is rubbish tho, i always go into oxford to watch movies :D

I dont hate the scots or irish or any country really, but some of there goverments.....dont get me started
I'm not British, so pardon for intruding.

About the Scotish/English animosity:

Didn't the English invade Scotland? I seem to remember that the English gave parts of Scotland to members of the English Aristocracy. If I was a Scot, I'd be a bit upset about it (even today) that's just natural. If I were Tony Blair, I'd give Scotland back to the Scots (if thats what a majority of the Scots want)

I may be wrong though, somebody set me straight :)
Live in Portsmouth, Hampshire. But I`m from the county of Northumberland - no one`s heard of it.
They can have it back if they want it Mr Methane lol
Originally posted by AH_Viper
Where in Fife dude?

I ain't giving out my location on the net man i ain't crazy!!

Originally posted by Doppelgofer
no you don' smells of horsey poop

ps. where i live does not smell of "horsey poop"... just exhaust fumes from the smegging motorway i live right next to! (thats a "freeway" for all you americans). Seriously though, the air around here is very clean.
Around my way it smells of Beer! Theres a Brewery in my town :D

And they wonder why my town has an underage drinking problem.....
Originally posted by Tchoky
But I`m from the county of Northumberland - no one`s heard of it.

I have relatives in Alnwick.

I'm from Kent. About 30 minutes away from mrBadger by train.

And yes, he owes me a pint. In fact, most of the mods do ;)
Hmm, everything I know about the english and scots and all you buggers I've learned from watching highlander.. so not much at all really. Strangly I've never been to Europe, I live on the east coast of the states, been to every state on the east coast, California, Alaska, Hawaii.. outside of the states I've been to or lived in Okinawa, Japan.. Hong Kong.. South Korea... those kind of weird asian places, never europe though.. I'm considering whether I might want to move their after I graduate from highschool over here. People over their just seem less stupid then people in america, if you see the news from america you know bunch of numbnuts running around sueing food places for makin' em fat and whatnot It irks me... plus the RIAA can't get ya in europe :cool:.. hee
Originally posted by Zerimski
I have relatives in Alnwick.

I'm from Kent. About 30 minutes away from mrBadger by train.

And yes, he owes me a pint. In fact, most of the mods do ;)

Aahh yes Alnwick, my brother lives there. I lived very close to it. Last time I was in Alnwick it was around Christmas and I nearly got arrested for riding my back into the back of a police car :( I had no lights on, no helmet, it was about 1am, I was drunk and stoned. They let me go in the end after a right bollocking but they only let me go cos they knew my brother :) <-- Musings of an Alnwick man.
Originally posted by MrMethane
I'm not British, so pardon for intruding.

About the Scotish/English animosity:

Didn't the English invade Scotland? I seem to remember that the English gave parts of Scotland to members of the English Aristocracy. If I was a Scot, I'd be a bit upset about it (even today) that's just natural. If I were Tony Blair, I'd give Scotland back to the Scots (if thats what a majority of the Scots want)

I may be wrong though, somebody set me straight :)

The rivalry started between England and all the contries around it when England and all the countries around it became countries.