Toby dies tomorrow

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I bet the guy "killing" Toby is going to push the date ahead and/or not kill the wabbit...
Edit function is shot. So I'm just gonna say, 'w00t!'.
...was a meatcutter from the old school for 12 years. Rabbit makes a good sausage, if you spice it right. (Can't speak for a house-raised "bunny" though). How wonderfully entrepreneurial of this guy to have managed to attach a monetary reward to people's buttons.
I don't think house raised bunnies would be very good. High fat content, just.. the food it's fed. Not good.

I've never had house raised rabbit but I doubt it's as good as wild
He's going to post a video where he actually kills the rabbit!

No... just kidding. That'd be inhuman. But... oh no, it wouldnt. Rabbits have no rights.
Mmmm. I could totally go for a rabbit right now. So tender...
It was all a prank by the way, his paypal account never worked.
JellyWorld said:
He postponed it to November 2006 :)

It will die of natural causes before it dies of any maliciousness. lol
It's a rabbit. Hundreds of thousands of cows, pigs and sheep get slaughtered every day, but people are up in arms about one rabbit.

Humans are so, so stupid.
Jintor said:
It's a rabbit. Hundreds of thousands of cows, pigs and sheep get slaughtered every day, but people are up in arms about one rabbit.

Humans are so, so stupid.

Especially me!

Did he really postpone it to november 06? :p
why do virtually all flashes have some really bad rap beat funk thing for music? :p

Toby is the cutest little bunny on the planet. Unfortunately, he will DIE on November 6th, 2006 if you don't help.
What a surprise. :rolleyes:
So his paypal account doesn't work eh? There is probably a real reason but I would guess that he was reported for using his account for scam operations. Just a guess.

This guy makes me mad that he made any money at all though. I wish I could meet him in real life just to punch him in the gut. And take his rabbit. Which is probably dead or not with him right now anyway!
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